Maniac’s Mayhem: A guide to being a corporate slave

Chapter Forty-Five: PsyCo

With the arrival of literal aliens, the investment in space travel went up by a lot. Sadly not because we want to get closer to our new neighbours. No, because we wanted to sell them stuff. Why else would we invest in special UV-resistant coating that makes sure that the advertisement we stuck in the ships would hold up in space?

— Rise of new products because of aliens part 43, by the Purple Truth.


So I was convinced the world was going to end by aliens or some corporation going haywire and launching nukes in the next corpo war. I really did not expect the world would end by four Samurai not agreeing on a name. I lean in closer to Yun Min.

“What do you make of all this?” I whisper to her.

“That all of you have a strong opinion about a lot of things.” Yun Min whispers back. “Why don’t you suggest a name as well?”

“Because I don’t want to be part of that particular argument.”

“Yeah, but things will probably calm down once they hear your stupid idea.”

“Wait, how are my ideas stupid, and why would it calm down?”

“Because once they see the crazy person doing it, they don’t want to be like that and calm down.”

I shrug and then stand up, gaining access to the speakers so that everyone can hear me. “How about PsyCo?” I ask while displaying the name on the screens littered around the room.

“You want our name to be a pun?” Glowstick says, while snapping a look at me.

“I kind of like it.” Bubbles says.

“You are not really impartial.” Silver says.

“I mean, I fucking hate the name, the Chemical Crystal Company, so what does that make me?” I ask.

“Sensible.” Glowstick says.

“You don’t like my name?” Bubbles asks, a bit disappointed.

“Okay, we are getting nowhere. Who votes for PsyCo?” Jason says, in a tired tone of voice.

Me, Yun Min, Bubbles and Silver all raise our hands.

“Well, it is decided then.” Jason says while shaking his head.

“You really okay with this?” Glowstick asks, baffled by it all.

“There is a benefit to be seen as crazy.” Yun Min says.

“And what benefit is that?” Glowstick asks.

“People only want to deal with us if it is necessary, and they have no other choice.” Yun Min explains.

“Fuck, fine! Can’t believe we are listening to Maniac’s idea.” Glowstick says.

I, for my part, have my arms in the air in victory.

“Well, if we are listening to me anyway, how about rolling out a mask similar to mine to the PMC?”

“Okay, you lost me. Why?” Jason asks.

“They are small, easy to carry with you, and when you put them on, not only would you have the correct colours, you would also have armour in an instance.”

‘Lyssa, did I miss anything?’

Because of your tier 2 stone heart technology, you can also put a small dimensional storage into the mask, enough to hold two guns or knives while keeping the cost below 300 points a mask.

“Then we are not even talking about the storage capabilities. It can fold space holding two guns,” I continue.

“Guys, I don’t like this.” Silver says. “Why is the crazy one making sense all of a sudden? Am I having a stroke?”

“Do you smell burned toast?” I ask, a bit concerned.

“You're fine, Jasper. Calm down.” Magenta says, “I hate that I am asking this, but how many points?”

“Below 300,” I say, with a big smile on my face.

The room goes quiet. Everyone is calculating the cost in their head.

“Is that a lot?” Yun Min finally asks.

“Not really.” Jason says. “Sure, it is more expensive than just getting you armour, but it has tech protection, mobility and storage, is easy to take with you, and since it is a device, it can be locked when stolen, and I assume Maniac can load more than a few programs on it that would be considered less than legal.”

“Yeah, I have some premade daemons I can upload.” I say, while looking at my list of problems. Problems for others, not me.

“Yun Min, do you mind having to wear the mask while acting in your PMC fashion?” Jason asks her.

“No, armour is good. It looking strange just adds to the Samurai vibes.” she says.

“Wait, hold up, I look strange?” I ask with concern.

“Well, wearing jeans and an oversized hoody is not that offensive.” Magenta says. “You would have a lot more fans if you weren’t wearing the mask.” There is some kind of implication in her words

I pick up my mask and look at it. “Lyssa, next mask, we got to make it uglier.”

I hear Glowstick growl in the back. ”Why are you like this? You are pretty, and we can make so much money by putting your face on stuff.”

“We are not putting my face on stuff. I don’t like to be watched by people. Putting me on a billboard sounds like hell.” I say, shivering at the thought.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Daisy runs in and lays her massive head on my lap. “And what are you doing here then?” I say, while petting her head and scratching her behind the ear

Daisy is a therapy animal, which means that she will come to you when your emotions are unstable.

“Huh, that is kind of cool. Who is a good girl?” I say.

“Did that beast just open a closed door?” Silver asks, with a bit more concern than is reasonable. Daisy is a sweetheart.

“Now that I think of it, that seems to be the case, yes.” I say, ”Oh, right before I forget, Yun Min, does your PMC need a drug hound that can chew through bones?”

“That is a dog?” Yun Min asks.

“I think it’s a cat, actually, but does that matter? It listens to commands.” I say.

“Well, beats having to train a K9 unit, so if you are willing to lend her to us for an operation, that should be good.” Yun Min says.

“Well, she be living in the hotel anyway, so take her out whenever you need to.”

‘Lyssa put some points aside for gear for Daisy.’

Lyssa will recommend subdermal armour plating.

‘Sure, just make sure she is safe.’

“So what is next?” Bubbles asks, “Do we need to come to any more decisions?”

“Weapons,” Glowstick says. “I mean, we can purchase normal weapons for…ugh, PsyCo, but since they are samurai-funded, should we not give them something a bit more special?”

We talk about their gear for most of the morning, from guns to med-pack to coms. All stuff I don’t have catalogues for. I mean, I can provide knives, but for the average person, if they have to use a knife, it is already too late. Also, special knives are a bit too expensive to roll out to every troop. How disappointing.

After we finish the meeting, I upload a blueprint for an upgraded version of my mask to the printer. Apparently, that is better than having to continuously buy new masks. Honestly, it is only a one-time purchase, which is better for me than a constant drain on my points.

I take Daisy to get some food and play with her for a bit; I have never had a pet before, and it is kind of nice. It's still a relationship, but one that is less emotionally draining. After some fooling around I take her to the surgery room. As soon as we get into the room, her hackles are raised, and all her hairs stand up as she growls.

“I know, girl, I don’t like the doctor either. Last time I went, I came back with a different face and blond hair,” I say, in a soothing voice, trying to calm her down.

“But this is for your own good. You will be stronger, and you will be more durable.”

Daisy finally calms down, and I help her get onto the bench. I help her breathe through the mask, and she loses consciousness quickly.

'Okay, Lyssa, I am ready too. Please make my little girl strong, and don’t fuck her up.'

The amount of time it took you to get attached is astonishing.

'I mean, intentional or not, I bought her, so I might as well take care of her, right?'

That is logical.

“Right, so is there anything I need to do? I know my sensors are still fucking with my head, but at least I can walk straight.”

You should prepare to leave. Vanguard Liquid Catalyst is waiting for you.

“Fuck, right, date, let’s do this.”

I quickly walk out and head to my room and get changed into some normal clothes, makeup, and the rest is a lost cause at this point. I don’t have time for it. I make it to the lobby, where Claire is already waiting.

“We are not going by car?” I ask, while trying to open my eyes.

“No, it is not far, and my car would stand out too much.”

“Okay, that is fair. Well, lead the way.” I say while grabbing onto her arm. Because it is nice and not because I am struggling to walk straight.

She smiles, then takes something out of her pocket. “Here, these are for you.”


“Yeah, so you can keep your eyes closed.”

“I was planning to just turn the sensors off, you know.”

“You can do that, too.” she says, while putting the sunglasses on my head, “But now we match.” She gets out a second pair and puts those on herself.

“Okay, you win, so what are we doing?”

“Something fun.”

Dates are a great thing; it's some special time both people set aside to just pay attention to each other. The activity hardly matters as long as you do it together. At least, that is what I think, while standing in a cage sizing up the machine. My eyes fixated on the barrel; my nausea pushed away to the side by sheer annoyance. The barrel rumbles as another projectile gets fired out. Even though my eyes can’t follow it properly, the sensors inside my body can follow the ball. Once it gets in range, I snap forward the bat in my hand, raised and aimed at the ball.

My reaction is better than it has ever been, and my entire nerves have been upgraded. Making my muscles snap out at a speed that I, before, only reach with the strength enhancement serum. Sadly, I am not used to the speed of it, yet my bat hits the ball on the side, making it spin-off into the ceiling of the cage. It almost hits me on the way down. Luckily, my new skeleton warns me of the approaching danger, and I jump out of the way.

“Foul ball!” the computer shouts at me. At the same time, I am still reeling from the nauseating episode the movement brought on.

Behind me, I can see Claire giggling. “Come on, Evelin, you can do better than that. You're like 20 points behind me already.”

“I mean, this is the first time I have tried doing baseball; I am hardly going to be good at it.” I… okay, fuck it, I whine at her.

“Neither have I, but I am still kicking your ass.” She says with a bright smile, “We can always go to the axe-throwing range. It is just a couple of cages to the side.”

I turn to face her, eyes closed, as I try my best not to throw up my spartan lunch. “You do realise that when I fuck up here, a ball goes in the wrong direction. If I fuck up with an axe, someone's health insurance policy increases.”

“Well, that is dark.”

“I mean, axes are made of metal, and you have seen what happens when I throw metal.” I say ,while preparing myself for the next ball. Opening my eyes again, hoping to hit it properly.

This time, I hit the ball, not as correctly as possible, but it goes into the backboard this time, scoring me 1 point. I turn around to a clapping Claire.

“Good job, you are improving.” she says.

“I am unsure if you are actually happy for me or just making fun of me.” I say, as I get out of the cage, handing the bat to Claire.

“Can’t it be both?” she says, before sticking her tongue out at me. “Now, watch how the master does it.”

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