Marvel: I am The Gamer

24: Avengers Tower

Austin didn't care too much that Nick Fury was only able to get him a meeting with Tony Stark.

Becoming Friends with Tony Stark was beneficial, Tony could create a superhero suit for him that would greatly boost his defense and strength, and it was well worth it to associate with Tony Stark.

"or I could just Teleport to Africa, find Wakanda, and get Shuri to make some vibranium weapons for me" Austin joked while he continued to play the game.

After 30 or so minutes, Austin stood up and got dressed, he didn't plan to hide his identity this time, after all in this world he had no family, and no one could use his identity against him.

Plus he greatly doubted that S.H.I.E.L.D. And Tony stark would do anything to disturb his daily life as a student in college.

There was nothing to worry about.


It was around 4:50 pm when Austin left campus, He was dressed in a black suit with a white undershirt and a black tie.

he looked tall and handsome as he walked out of campus, causing him to get many looks from the girls around.

"Who is that?, how come I've never seen him before," one girl said as she lifted her head from her phone.

"c'mon there are so many people at this school, do you expect to recognize every handsome man? you're not even pretty" the other girl beside her said teasingly.

"girl bye, I hate you" the other girl pouted before rolling her eyes and looking back at her phone. 

With Austin's improved senses, he could hear almost everything going around him, even if he didn't want to. 

Austin found a secret place and used his StarGate to teleport to the place where Phil Coulson had picked him up last time to meet Nick Fury.

"Phil, I'm at the same spot" 

Austin said through the phone while he sat on the bench near the sidewalk, waiting for Phil.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes tops" Phil replied calmly before the line was cut. 

As expected, after 5 minutes a black luxury car pulled up beside Austin.

Phil stuck his head out the window and said to the person seated on the bench.

"hey man, have you seen some shady guy in a cloak with a mask around here?" Phil said to the young man, he couldn't see Mr. Malik anywhere.

"The fuck do u mean shady guy, I'm right here," Austin said with a smirk before entering Phil's car.

"Wait... What" it took a while for Phil to react to the current situation, until he realized, this was the shady guy, that voice, that same figure.

Phil just wasn't expecting him to be so handsome, this guy even wore a suit to meet Tony Stark but was dressed up as a villain when he went to S.H.I.E.L.D. 

"I know it's your first time seeing my face but, it's not that serious, just drive," Austin said while palming his face.

Phil Coulson calmed down after a second and started driving towards Stark Tower. 

Tony Stark had sold his previous Stark Tower which was in Manhattan to a Chinese company called "Qeng Enterprises", Along with the other avengers he then moved to the avengers' tower which was built in Upstate New York near times square.

The New York Roads were as crowded as always, but after 35 or so minutes they reached Upstate New York and Phil Coulson headed towards the Avengers tower in the distance.


Austin looked at the Towering Avengers tower in the distance the moment they got closer, it was very well built and looked futuristic compared to all the surrounding buildings, almost as if it was well ahead of its time.

Phil Coulson parked the car in one of the parking spaces around the avengers' tower before he and Austin entered together.

The moment they entered they were greeted by a pretty woman in a business suit wearing heels. 

"hello, welcome, how may I help you," she said with a bright smile.

Phil Coulson pulled out his wallet, showcasing his identity as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D., we have a meeting with Mr. Stark," Phil said.

the lady was surprised for a second before looking at the card in Phil's wallet.

"ok Mr. Coulson, come with me," the lady said and escorted them through The avenger tower.

Austin looked around as much as he could, the whole area was very well maintained and professional, and he could only thoughtfully express his astonishment at Stark's work.

"You're lucky, usually Mr. Stark doesn't care about anyone else, but since you have powers he decided to see if he could pull you onto his side," Phil Coulson said with a sigh.

"Haha, surely you aren't jealous right," Austin said while he patted Phil's shoulder.

"yea right" Phil rolled his eyes and ignored him, he didn't wanna get into it with this shady superhuman. 

The lady led them to a fancy waiting area a few stories into the building and had them sit down before offering snacks.

"Mr. Stark is finishing up a meeting right now, he will be down in a dozen minutes, I have already gotten someone to inform him of your appearance," The lady said before she departed and left them alone.

15 minutes went by in a flash as Austin and Phil sat down in the waiting area, they lifted their heads as the elevator door opened and they saw two figures in the elevator.

one was the lady in a business suit, and the other was a man with a well-trimmed beard wearing glasses.

this man was Tony stark, the genius himself. 

Phil and Austin sat up the moment Tony walked out of the door and walked towards them.

"Hey Phil, glad you could make it," Tony Stark said as he shook Phil's hand.

"no problem" Phil replied before turning to Austin.

"Hello Mr. Stark, the name is Austin Smith," Austin said and brought out his hand for a formal handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, young man, I have heard a lot about you" Tony replied with a smile as he shook Austin's hands.

'Austin? I thought his name was Malik???' Phil said in his mind, although he felt cheated he didn't bother to express his thoughts out loud.

Tony stark fixed his collar before looking at the businesswoman who was at the side.

"Take Mr. Smith here to my office, I'll be there in a minute" he then looked at his watch and walked out of the room with Phil Coulson.

"Please follow me, Mr. Smith," The business lady said respectfully as she pressed the elevator door.

Austin nodded and entered the elevator along with her. 


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