Marvel: I am The Gamer

25: Tony Stark

The beautiful middle-aged lady led Austin to the topmost floor.

this floor was filled with many high-tech decorations and other technologies which Austin couldn't quite understand.

"Mr. Smith, you can wait in this room for now, Mr. Stark will be here with you shortly," the lady said as she led Austin into a small office-looking room with a table and two chairs.

"mhm," Austin nodded and took a seat while waiting for Tony.

it wasn't long before Tony Stark made his appearance in the room, he put off his calm and professional look before becoming more relaxed as he sat down.

"so, I heard from Nick that you wanted to meet me? or wanted to join the avengers at least?" Tony Stark said while he had a few maids enter the room and give him some drinks.

"I never said anything about that," Austin said with a grin.

Tony stark was confused for a second and put down his cup, unsure if he had heard correctly.

"you didn't say anything about that?" he asked.

"no, Nick Fury just assumed that since I said I didn't want to join shield and that I needed something better, so he sent me here" Austin shrugged his shoulders while looking at tony with a smile.

"wait, so then what do you want?" Tony Stark said, Although it would be good to have more supers on their side, he wouldn't just recruit anyone.

"I want to make a deal with you, I'm sure you will want to hear this," Austin said in a serious tone before looking outside of the room.

Tony widened his eyes after hearing that and made the people standing outside the door depart.

" so what is this "deal" you have for me," Tony asked with a frown, he wasn't very fond of doing deals with people he had just met.

"Well," Austin leaned back in his chair and looked at Tony.

"I have a way for you to make your Iron Man suit even stronger, far stronger than the one you currently have," Austin said with an expressionless face, trying to seem as serious as he could be.

Tony Stark was put in shock for a second, but he was knocked out of it and replied with his questions.

"Sounds like shady business If you ask me," he said and picked up a glass of juice before continuing his words. 

"But, how could someone like you possibly increase the strength of my Iron Man suit" Tony stark asked, although he knew this was shady, he was still curious about what the young man would say.

"calm down, I'm not asking you to help me commit a mass genocide or something, to make your suit stronger is simple, we just need a very strong and nearly indestructible metal, one that can absorb store, and release large amounts of Kinetic energy, luckily I know just how to get my hands on this metal," Austin said while folding his fingers over the table, kind of like a shady businessman.

Tony Stark's eyes widened as he listened to Austin's words, a spark seemed to let off in his mind as he became excited, but he held back and asked.

"I'm sure you're not giving me this metal for free, what do you want from me?" Tony stark asked, as long as it was something he could do, then he would do it for the sake of improving his armor.

Plus he had no reason not to go out with this deal, Austin was the one that had to bring him the metal first before anything else could be said and done.

"of course not, but I won't ask you too much, when I bring you this metal you have to make me a suit as well as some weapons and it will be a deal, not only that you get to keep the rest of the metal that I bring back," Austin said with a smile, he was certain that Tony Stark would take this deal just to be able to improve his Iron-Man suit.

"hmm, that sounds doable then, but just so you know I don't trust you just yet, I will have to see if this metal is really as you say when you bring it to me," Tony said after contemplating for a while, he didn't know why but the excitement had sparked in his heart to experiment with this new metal.

'why do I even trust this kid, if he is bullshitting it'll feel like I just ate shit' Tony said in his mind, but even if it was fake it's not like he would lose anything.

"It's a deal then, don't give me a deadline since it'll take me a while to get the metal, but I'll bring it," Austin said with a smile and stretched out his hand.

" that's a deal," Tony Stark said and shook Austin's hand, although he was looking forward to the deal, he knew not to put too much trust in it.

"if you don't mind me asking, where exactly will you acquire this extraordinary metal," Tony Asked while taking a sip of his drink.

"Why would I tell u, what's the point of the deal if I tell you" Austin rolled his eyes and got up before preparing to leave.

"I guess you're right," Tony said with a smile before he also stood up.

"it was nice meeting you Mr. Smith" After shaking hands one more time Austin and Tony walked out of the room together.

but they were greeted by a person in some casual clothes standing near the elevator with a guard.

"Ah, it's you Spider-boy, what's up" Tony stark said after noticing Peter Parker near the elevator.

"Hi, Mr. Stark," Peter Parker said while walking up to them, he seemed to be in a hurry.

Austin purposely made eye contact with Peter Parker while he walked into the elevator, causing Peter's Spidey senses to tingle as he remembered what took place on the rooftop with that mysterious man.

"wait- you," Peter Parker said after he was knocked out of his trance, but Austin was already gone as the elevator had closed. 

"calm down there boy, what's wrong" Tony stark asked after seeing Peter's uncomfortable expression.

"do you know him?" he proceeded.

"no, but I feel like I met him before, that's actually what I came to talk to you about, I met a strange man while I was outside doing superhero things," Peter Parker said before he informed Tony Stark about his encounter with the masked man with the robe.

'wait, isn't that how Nick Described Malik, or well "Austin" when he was talking about him' Tony stark thought for a while and smiled in the end, he seemed to understand now.

"haha so you met him, and he even scared you," Tony said with a laugh while patting Peter's shoulders.

"Mr. Stark you know him?" Peter Asked in confusion, was that shady man on their side or something?

"I can't say I know him, but he is an interesting guy," Tony stark said before asking Peter how his day had been going so far. 


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