Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 27. A New Home and Shard Synthesis

"Money's in hand, now it's time to spend," Noah thought as he received the funds from the sale of vibranium. He began planning how to spend the money. First and foremost, he needed to find a new home—large enough to house a laboratory. A seaside house, like Tony Stark's, seemed like an excellent choice. He discussed the idea with Lissandra, and she began searching for suitable properties online.

"Noah, how about this place?" Lissandra asked, showing him a potential option.

It was a small mansion located in a coastal area of New York, featuring a large garden, private beach, swimming pool, and an outdoor terrace offering a stunning view of the sea. The total area was about 1,400 square meters.

"Looks good," Noah said, looking at the photos. He genuinely liked the place: a spacious mansion by the sea, far from residential areas, which suited his requirements perfectly.

"Let's check the price... $50 million. Alright, let's take it," he decided. He wasn't sure if it was expensive or cheap, but now that he had the money, he could afford it. He felt the rush of what it meant to be wealthy.

On Lissandra's advice, Noah contacted Coulson to help with the purchase since handling all the paperwork himself seemed too tedious. They also started discussing plans to upgrade the mansion and compile a list of equipment necessary for the lab. Coulson was tasked with helping acquire these items, as some were rare and difficult to obtain.

Coulson efficiently took care of the paperwork and informed Noah about it. He even expressed some envy toward how Noah was spending money, as agents like himself didn't earn enough to dream of such a mansion. Noah offered to have lunch together sometime and sent the list of necessary lab equipment. Seeing it, Coulson curiously asked what all of it was for.

"Of course, for experiments. Please help me get it all, Coulson," Noah replied.

Without receiving more information, Coulson ended the conversation but reported the situation to Nick Fury, who once again began puzzling over the mysteries surrounding Noah.

The next day, Noah gathered all the necessary equipment and suited up in his combat armor. Activating his "Ghost" ability, he headed toward his new home. Initially, his suit allowed him to reach a third of the speed of sound—about 120 meters per second—but with "Ghost" activated, he accelerated to 150 meters per second.

Moving through the streets at such speed during the day was risky, so Lissandra suggested coating Noah's suit with nanomaterials for optical invisibility. Now, he could move undetected and bypass obstacles, always taking the shortest route. Along the way, he dealt with a few petty thieves, earning his daily reward of 100 essence points.

In a secluded spot, Noah removed the suit and stashed it in his inventory before heading to the gates of his new home. Coulson was already waiting for him inside. Noah had contacted him beforehand, informing him that he planned to move in today. Coulson also brought good news: all the necessary equipment had been collected and would be delivered later that day.

Noah couldn't help but admire the efficiency of S.H.I.E.L.D. In just one night, they had gathered all the equipment.

In the stunning and elegant mansion, Coulson supervised his agents as they unloaded equipment from the Quinjet. Yes, he used a Quinjet for transportation, and Noah's mansion even had a helipad, perfect for the aircraft's landing.

"What a luxurious mansion! So this is how the rich live!" Noah thought as he walked through the main gate.

Before him spread a vast garden adorned with various flowers and trees. A white stone path wound its way through the garden. As he stepped onto the path, feeling the small pebbles underfoot, he soon found himself in an elegant courtyard. Tall columns with intricate carvings surrounded the area. Soft sunlight filtered through the gaps between the columns, creating a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

In the center of the courtyard was a pond with crystal-clear water where fish playfully swam. In the middle of the pond stood a refined fountain, spraying refreshing mist.

After admiring the grandeur of the interior, Noah made his way to the back of the mansion. Unlike the classical style of the front courtyard, the rear was dominated by modern elements. Coulson and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were busy unloading the equipment from the Quinjet.

"Noah, here's everything you ordered," Coulson said, pointing to the warehouse.

"All the equipment is already inside."

"Coulson, are you really using such high-tech gear to transport equipment?" Noah asked, eyeing the Quinjet, something he had only seen in movies. It was strange for him to see a combat vehicle being used as a delivery truck.

"The Quinjet isn't just for combat operations; it's also for transportation. It's not usually used for tasks like this, but the director insisted. He values you highly," Coulson replied.

"Really? Let me help," Noah said with a nod. He didn't give much thought to Coulson's words. Walking over to the agents, who were struggling to carry the heavy equipment, he grabbed it from below. The agents were suddenly relieved as Noah took most of the weight.

"Who is this guy with such strength?" the agents wondered, watching Noah walk away.

"That's classified. Less curiosity," Coulson smirked, and the agents, seeing his stern look, quickly returned to work.

With Noah's help, the unloading was completed swiftly. Coulson and his team prepared to leave, and before they did, he handed Noah the keys and documents for the mansion.

"Ah, here's my new home," Noah said enthusiastically as he walked into the mansion. The difference from his previous residence was enormous—neither in size nor in elegance could they compare.

Noah and Lissandra toured the entire mansion, then returned to the living room and settled on the sofa.

"Lissandra, what's your suggestion for the future?" Noah asked, lazily reclining on the couch and petting Lissandra's mechanical head.

"Noah, I recommend setting up a temporary lab first so I can produce more nanobots. This will make implementing future plans easier," Lissandra replied.

"Alright, we'll do that. But first, there's something I need to do," Noah agreed. Creating nanobots was a great idea; they could help with upgrading the house. Remembering his experiment, Noah recalled the shard of Heimerdinger.

Noah opened his inventory to check its contents.


Items: Health Potion x8, Mana Potion x6, Control Ward, Special Building: Hextech Lab


Hero Shards: Mad Scientist Heimerdinger x1, Sheriff of Piltover Caitlyn x1, Piltover Enforcer Vi x1

Skin Shards: Commando Garen x1, Highland Tryndamere x1, Waterloo Miss Fortune x1

Equipment: PROJECT: Yasuo Armor, Manamune, Plasma Fist, Ascended Glove, Kircheis Shard, Blasting Wand, Long Sword, Dagger

Essence: 4,600 units

Noah looked at the shards in his bag. The shards of Caitlyn and Vi had already been used, granting him their combat skills, so they were no longer necessary. He decided to use them as materials for synthesis and create a complete Heimerdinger hero template. Noah understood that once the lab was built, one shard of Heimerdinger wouldn't be enough—he needed the full extent of Heimerdinger's talents and knowledge for future research.

He pressed the synthesis button, and the two shards transformed into light, which absorbed into the Heimerdinger shard, turning it into a full hero template. A flash of light shot into Noah's mind, and all of Heimerdinger's talents and research flooded his consciousness.

Absorbing three hundred years of Heimerdinger's knowledge wasn't easy for Noah, and he needed time to recover.


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