Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 28. The Beginning of Work, Completion of the Laboratory’s Construction

"Oh, my head hurts a little… So this is what the knowledge of a great inventor feels like? Yordles truly are long-lived. They say Heimerdinger is still young among Yordles, even at three hundred years old. If I ever get someone like Kennen, who's over a thousand years old, my head might just explode," Noah thought, rubbing his temples. But he calmed himself, realizing that with every new hero blueprint, his physical capabilities would grow, allowing him to withstand more knowledge and skills.

"My mind feels so much clearer. Heimerdinger's talent in this field is truly astonishing!" he exclaimed, as many problems that previously seemed unsolvable suddenly found their answers.

Rubbing his head, Noah headed to the warehouse where all the delivered tools were stored. The spacious warehouse now looked cluttered and packed, as he had piled up all the devices and equipment that Coulson had brought.

"Lissandra, let's begin!" Noah rested for a bit and then set to work, deciding to temporarily organize a small laboratory corner in the warehouse to simplify his work and Lissandra's.

Noah and his mechanical assistant began their work in the warehouse. By noon, they had managed to complete the setup of the temporary laboratory.

"Lissandra, is everything ready now?" Noah wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead and asked.

"Yes, Noah, everything is prepared," Lissandra replied. These devices, in the hands of regular scientists, likely wouldn't lead to anything significant. However, she possessed advanced technology from her world, which allowed her to create the necessary nanobots.

In the following days, Noah and Lissandra worked diligently. He studied the knowledge provided by Lissandra, both about her world and their current situation. Thanks to the Heimerdinger blueprint, Noah was quick to absorb new information. Heimerdinger's passive ability, "Hextech Affinity," granted him a high level of understanding in this area. Additionally, other champions like Ezreal possessed a high learning potential, giving Noah extra bonuses.

Two days later, the warehouse in Noah's mansion had undergone a drastic transformation. It could no longer be called a simple warehouse—it had become a high-tech laboratory complex. The outer walls were made from metals, some of which included vibranium, that Noah had created from various alloys. Inside, the laboratory looked ordinary, but most of its space was underground. In those two days, Noah and Lissandra, with the help of nanobots, had dug out a subterranean level and built a massive underground laboratory.

The underground lab was connected to the surface by an elevator. Inside the underground lab, numerous nanobots worked to move materials and equipment. At Noah's suggestion, these robots were modeled after Blitzcrank from the "Program" line of skins from the "PROJECT" series, which he found amusing.

Noah sat at a table, working on a design using an interactive holographic display that showed his "PROJECT: Yasuo" battlesuit. Thanks to Heimerdinger's knowledge, they were able to enhance the suit by adding many new functions. Using Lissandra's nanotechnology, they had completely nanofied the suit, merging it with vibranium. The issue of nanofying vibranium, which once seemed unsolvable, had been resolved within hours.

Noah added Hextech boosters to his combat suit, enabling him to fly like Iron Man. In another section of the upgraded lab was the Hextech Laboratory, which Noah had brought into this world using a special card.

At the center of the lab, floating above a research table, was a blue magical crystal emitting arcane energy. This was a magical crystal capable of generating stable arcane power. In Arcane, this crystal was developed by Jayce and Viktor, but Noah found the technology in Heimerdinger's memories and recreated it. This crystal would allow him to create technology that combined magic and science. However, he decided to hold off on this for now, leaving it as a future project.

Noah approached a workbench filled with weapons. Among them were two of Heimerdinger's inventions: the CH-2 Concussion Grenade and the Hextech Micro-Rockets. He had created them and planned to integrate them into his battlesuit. He was also working on developing Heimerdinger's H-28G Evolution Turret, which he intended to use to protect his home.

On other workbenches lay various pieces of equipment such as Manamune, Kircheis Shard, Ruby Crystal, and more. These magical items were also part of his research, as he hoped to uncover their principles and potentially begin mass production.

Taking a few grenades and rockets, Noah returned to working on his combat suit. These items also used nanotechnology, allowing them to be stored in a special compartment within the suit. This eliminated the need to manually equip the suit each time.

"Noah, the combat suit is ready," Lissandra flew over to him at that moment. Currently, she was still in the form of a mechanical sphere, but the number of mechanical devices floating around her had increased.

The plan to create a body for Lissandra was still under development. Noah wanted to combine Hextech technology, the PROJECT: Yasuo design, and her nanotechnology to create a body that would blend magic and science. He believed this project would be completed in the near future.

Receiving the metallic device from Lissandra, Noah noticed it resembled a belt from Kamen Rider. He attached it to his waist, and the nanomechanisms unfolded, forming a belt around him. His nanosuit was stored in this belt, similar to how Black Panther's suit was stored in his necklace, and how Iron Man's nanosuit was stored in Avengers: Endgame.

Noah pressed the glowing part of the belt, and the nanomechanisms instantly unfolded, enveloping his body and forming the combat suit. The internal system of the helmet displayed a multitude of data. The suit's system had been upgraded and was now controlled by Lissandra.

He moved around a bit, feeling that the new suit was far more comfortable than the old one. Moreover, the suit was made from vibranium, which significantly enhanced its defensive capabilities.

"Lissandra, I want to test the flight function," Noah, feeling the suit's convenience, decided to put it to the test.

"Alright, Noah," Lissandra replied, and the mansion's landing platform began to open, revealing a passage. Over the last few days, the nanobots had drastically transformed Noah's villa, modifying many parts of it.

The passage led into the laboratory. In the lab, the nanomechanisms on the suit's arms transformed, forming jet propulsion devices. Flames burst out first from the hands, then the feet of the suit, and Noah slowly lifted off the ground.

After making some adjustments, he increased the power of the boosters, and the suit shot forward, flying through the passage and rising into the sky.

"Wow! This is amazing! So this is what flying feels like?" Noah ascended quickly, feeling the clouds getting closer. His back armor transformed, releasing jet engines, and flames burst out, accelerating him even more. A thunderous boom echoed in the sky. He had broken the sound barrier, and vapor clouds formed around him due to the compression of moisture in the air.

The altitude display showed he had already reached over 3,000 meters, and his speed kept increasing. Within seconds, he reached the maximum speed of his suit—1,060 meters per second, equivalent to Mach 3.

In just a few more seconds, Noah reached an altitude of about 11,000 meters—the same height Iron Man had reached during his first flight before his armor froze due to the low temperature. Noah hovered in the air, realizing that his suit could withstand the freezing temperatures. While he could ascend even higher, he decided there was no need. He flew forward, circling over New York.

After his flight over the city, he returned to his mansion, landing in the tunnel that opened onto the helipad. Despite his bold flight over New York, the U.S. military and other agencies were unable to detect him thanks to the advanced anti-radar system developed by Lissandra.

Landing back in the lab, Noah activated the suit's deactivation mode. The nanomechanisms began to retract, starting with the helmet, and moved back into the belt. Once the suit fully retracted, the belt returned to its regular form, looking like an ordinary tech accessory.

Noah stretched his neck and shoulders. The flight had brought him great joy, allowing him to admire the city's night lights. However, despite his elevated mood, he felt a weariness—not physical, but mental.

"Two days of work. Time to rest."

For the past two days, Noah's life had been filled with studying and research in the lab. He left the lab only to complete missions, quickly heading into the city, locating his target, and resolving the task before hurrying back. Since his home was outside the city, completing missions required additional travel time.


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