Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

30. Constructing Time Sanctuaries

Albedo PoV:

It had been quite a bit of time since Albedo had arrived in the throne room and started reviewing all the information that Mobius had delivered.

She was disappointed at the pitiful amount of information that had been gathered by Mobius, but then again, she did not have any great expectations for him.

This information would just act as a guideline, of course. Once the sanctuaries started being constructed, the timelines would go into disarray and the butterfly effect will immediately take place. The information might as well be rendered useless by that point.

Lady White was going to make sure to bless all the forces being dispatched across the timeline so that they could remain undetected unless someone viewed them with their own eyes.

Unless they were extremely powerful like the cosmic entities, no one could track back the chaos to them.

The sheer scale of the operation made it unsurprising that the logistics involved were immensely complex. For instance, the necessary quantity of forces required to implement the plan itself.

Lady White had allowed golems and undead to be used for this purpose. This reduced the difficulty of the task as undead and golems did not require to rest or eat. They were perfect for cheap labour.

Golems were used as a common means of transportation. Additionally, Golems will never suffer from fatigue or even the ravages of time, and thus, they are treasured as guardians and laborers.

However, the process of making golems is rather difficult to perform. Their production takes considerable time, effort, and cost, even the weakest ones would require a significant amount of gold coins to create.

The pre-created golems on the 6th floor would be used for this purpose. But as their quantity was limited, only a few could be allocated to the creation of each sanctuary. That left the undead as the main force for the construction.

Undead creation was rather easy. The overlords that guard the Grand Library of Nazarick led by Titus will be in charge of undead creation. The issue here was that they did not have enough dead bodies to revive as undead. 

As pointed out even in the 'Overlord' light novels, the rules of the New World differed from YGGDRASIL. The same was true for the Marvel multiverse. They needed dead bodies as a medium to revive as undead. This much had been confirmed by one of Titus's experiments.

While the multiple alien races had not been tested to see if they could be revived as undead, humans could definitely be revived as undead as of the experiments conducted until now.

After a discussion with Demiurge, the conclusion that both of them came to was that they should not harvest dead bodies from their own timeline. The limited amount of living beings in this time period was one of the reasons, but there was something more important.

It was in their best interest to reduce the chaos in their own timeline as much as possible until other plans were initiated so that they did not lose the element of surprise. As they planned to conquer the multiverse, such a time would definitely arrive.

So, Albedo would send the Horo Neia and shadow demons first to those timelines as Lady White ordered and clandestinely harvest dead bodies from these timelines to revive them as undead.

As the chaos that would ensue in the multiverse will be immense, such small levels of genocide would likely go unnoticed.

Albedo had to review information to select timelines and different points in time that were not only rather safe but would allow for such attacks to take place unnoticed.

Ultimately, the Horo Neia would be brought back to Nazarick after the plan was successfully executed, leaving only the summoned undead and golems stationed at the time sanctuaries.

This plan had given Demiurge an even greater idea. Inspired by his other self, Demiurge thought that perhaps acting as Jaldabaoth on an even greater scale had potential. Directing and acting in a self-directed play appealed to him immensely.

As Albedo had read the Overlord books, she could also see the merit in the as-of-yet-undefined plan to act as a scourge across the multiverse. Definitely, it was very difficult and would require lots of planning to make it possible.

But Albedo and Demiurge could already see glimpses of the required path they had to take to make their vision a reality. Lady White's actions as well as the multiple plans they had thought up after reading the comics were slowly coming together as pieces of a larger puzzle.

After reading through the documents, Albedo had already decided on what had to be done. Now she was waiting for Sebas to finish the preparations and to meet up with Demiurge at the pre-planned location. His help would be necessary for the next step.

Albedo moved towards the 6th floor of Nazarick. This was the floor they had chosen due to the massive open spaces that it held. It was not long before she reached the Colosseum and saw Demiurge accompanying Aura and Mare.

Sebas also arrived not long after with a huge cluster of Horo Neia in tow. They were the ones who would be going to the different timelines. As the twins were playing with the spiders, Albedo heard Demiurge speak not long after:

"Albedo, should we begin? It's best not to waste any more time. I also have to go to survey the spell Lady White used and inspect the situation of the Olmec settlement."

"You are right, Demiurge. Let's not waste any more time. You can begin." Albedo replied.

Demiurge raised his hand and spoke: "[Mass Summon: Shadow Demon]." A large number of shadow demons arose and started fusing into the shadows of the 'spider babies' as Lady White called them.

Albedo then used the tempad and operated it according to the instructions Mobius provided to open multiple time doors with coordinates and time periods already entered into them. Lady White had already talked with the spiders and they knew what to do.

Albedo had also talked about the specifics of the plans. She would after all be overseeing the entire operation. After all the shadow demons fused with the spider's shadows, the sound of the spider babies could be heard.

"For Mother!!!"

"For Master!!!"

It was destined to be a day of chaos.


He Who Remain's PoV:

He was just playing around with the goblins summoned using the horn of the goblin general. This was his break time after conducting experiments. His research was finally starting to yield results.

'Today was going to be a great day!' He thought. Well, it won't be a great 'day' as he sitting inside the citadel at the end of time, but you get the picture.

That was until he turned around and viewed his life's work, the sacred timeline he had maintained in all its glory, starting to branch wildly.

"What is going on? I didn't know about this." Miss Minutes sprung up and said that the TVA was in chaos and the reason for all this could not be detected.

"What's happening?" He started going through his files and documents to see if he missed anything. And as Miss Minutes said, he could not detect the reason using his technology either. There was only one thought left in his mind now: 'Shit! I'm screwed'

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