Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

31. Threads of Worship

Demiurge PoV:

As the shadow demons were surveying the area of effect of the spell, Demiurge was lost in thought. Albedo had already initiated the plan to create time-sanctuaries and their discussion had ignited a spark of inspiration within him as well.

Some of the humans that would be hunted down in the alternate timelines in order to create undead would be given to him for his research as well.

Of course, Demiurge had read the Overlord novels given to him. While he did have certain dissatisfactions about their alternate selves, they were not very deep. At the very least, he was happy that his alternate self did not screw up badly.

As proof of that, Lady White was giving an equivalent amount of trust in him. Perhaps after viewing the actions of the alter-Demiurge, she had the same expectations of him. He could not let that trust down, starting from the missions assigned to him.

While he was indeed furious at Shalltear's action at first, it was not their version of Shalltear who committed such a grave sin. At the very least, she should be able to learn from those mistakes and not repeat them again.

As for Sebas, he honestly had no expectations in that oaf. In all likelihood, he was going to interfere with Lady White's plans in the name of enacting justice. Demiurge planned to keep an eye on Sebas so that any damage done could be prevented early on. The multiverse was no joke after all.

Lord Momonga's thoughts were as elusive as anticipated. It brought a sense of fortune to Demiurge that he could delve into the musings of a Supreme Being. It reminded him of the vast gap that separated his intellect from the Supreme Beings.

Lady White, too, displayed tactical prowess evident in her intricate plans. This wasn't surprising for a Supreme Being of her caliber. With a turn, Demiurge's attention shifted to the events unfolding within the Olmec settlement.

As he was given charge of this settlement, albeit temporarily, he would make sure to raise this settlement to greater heights. He was just beginning his study of science and technology.

While the information Mobius provided significantly enhanced his understanding, merging the advantages of technology and magic during the reconstruction of this settlement would demand additional time. Given his rather profound knowledge of magic, his initial focus would be on introducing magical adaptations.

Rather than that, he had to first elevate these humans to a level worthy of being the worshippers of the Supreme One. Until now, their knowledge of her magnificence had merely grazed the surface, primarily through the stories told by the spiders.

His thoughts were interrupted by the shadows demons bringing him the information they had gathered.

'The ice is visible until where the volcanic eruptions first took place? That is a pretty large area of effect. But why did it stop at that point instead of expanding continuously like Lord Momonga's spell in the new world? Is it because Lord Momonga used the spell on a water body while Lady White used it to freeze lava? Hmm, it's an intriguing prospect…'

Demiurge put aside his thoughts as he would tell his findings to Lady White after he returned to Nazarick anyway. He walked into the Olmec settlement and found a girl dressed in white robes kneeling in front of the 'spider babies' in the settlement.

This was Neia, the apostle appointed by Lady White. The rest of the Olmecs were behind her kneeling down as well. There were multiple 'offerings' present in front of them such as fruits and meat.

"Now, everyone. Let's thank divine beasts summoned by the Goddess for her grace and mercy. May Lady White weave the threads of fate!"

"May Lady White weave the threads of fate!"

"May Lady White weave the threads of fate!"


Apparently, the Olmecs had come to consider the 'spider babies' as divine beasts and started worshipping them as a symbol for Lady White. Demiurge was not displeased by this. In his opinion such worship was expected of everyone.

The fact was that the Horo Neia were created by Lady White. Worshipping them as the children of Lady White made sense for the Olmecs. In fact, he was a little surprised that he did not find any half-witted fool who would try to go against Lady White.

These humans truly seemed sincere in their worship. As an archdemon blessed with high intelligence, recognizing the truth from lies was as easy as breathing for him. 'At the very least, these humans show some promise.' He thought.

The eyes of the spider babies glowed red as they replied:

"The world will end. The only one who can save everything is Mother."

"Only Master can save everyone."

"Only Mother!"

While he agreed with everything they said, he had heard of the truth regarding the spider babies from Lady White long ago. Apparently, they were mentally like children and loved to show off by acting cool on the outside while they were laughing crazily on the inside.

That aside, he thought about the phrase- "May Lady White weave the threads of fate!" spoken by the humans. They did not use such phrases in Nazarick where merit mattered more than mere words.

If not, any NPC would have been able to praise the Supreme Beings for days without stopping. Regardless, he understood the significance of such phrases while spreading Lady White's religion.

Demiurge was also in the process of developing standardized sacred texts, holy books, symbols, and rituals for the future religion he intended to propagate. Looking at the apostle Neia, he planned to give her appropriate training so she would befit the word 'apostle.'

While he had heard from Albedo that Lady White intended to bestow and awaken powers for Neia, he did not know if she planned to make her an immortal human or have the position of the spider priestess passed down after her death.

While the Olmecs were engrossed in discussions regarding a potential pilgrimage to Lady White's revered sanctuaries, Demiurge's thoughts shifted to the Mayans.

The Mayans did not have a sophisticated civilization yet. They would have only risen to prominence after the fall of the Olmecs as the next great Mesoamerican civilization.

He had intentions to initiate a campaign against the Mayans, fervently propagating the faith of the Supreme One, a venture that would ultimately culminate in the annihilation of the Mayan Gods.

Worshipers were connected to the entity they worship through their devotion and faith, forming a thread-like network of spiritual connections.

Just as threads are woven together to create fabric, weaving these different threads of worship together was his job.

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