Marvel World New Magneto

025 Hard training

As soon as the sun rose in the sky in the morning, the playground of the campus was lively. Today, the senior students will start to receive Eric's special training. contact with the instructor.But this time, it was different from the previous attitude like wind and drizzle, but a reprimand like thunder and thunder. Eric wore his gray tracksuit with a whistle in his mouth, and drove the students around the playground like a pack of Doberman pinschers. Catch up with chickens and dogs.

"John, Pete, Bobby!" He called out the names of the boys present one by one, frightening them. "Tell me, did you not have enough to eat in the morning, or did you secretly do some unhealthy activity yesterday that exhausted your energy between your hands, I want you to run like a man, run like a predatory cheetah. Hurry up!"

Eric waved his arms vigorously, as if his patience was about to run out.

Considering all the terrible threats the mentor had made before, the boys immediately sped up as if they had been slapped with a whip on the butt.

"What a shameful performance! I have fought hundreds of monsters when I was your age, and I risked my life and death every day to advance. You enjoy the care of the academy and are regarded as the hope of your compatriots. So slack, do you still want to repeat the last failure?"

Eric's roar spread all over the playground. No matter how hard or tired the boys were, they didn't dare to be lazy under his nose, they could only run with their teeth sweating.

The girls who had not been yelled at for a while also felt the panic of the male classmates. Their faces turned pale and their hearts were uneasy, and what they were worried about soon became a reality. After Eric yelled at the boys, he turned his head to them. , issued a new order.

"As for you---according to the training plan prepared by my assistant and Selena based on your abilities, we will play some small games, now you go to warm up with her and start physical activities, and then I will let you have a Unforgettable day."

"Sir, ah no, sir..." The older Allison, relying on herself as a girl, raised her hand boldly and asked: "We are mutants, not special forces, why do we do such a thing, we used to Isn't the training very good?"

"Yes, it's very good. You are throwing away your armor and armor in front of a group of ordinary people, and you can't even fight back. This is still a situation where a mentor is standing by the side. If you suddenly encounter an opponent, even a small* *I can grab you by the neck and drag you into the corner." Eric scolded ruthlessly, his tone did not decrease with the venting of anger, but got louder.

"See that wall?" He pointed to the distance, through the layers of woods, that long wall separated the interior of the academy from ordinary society. "Outside is the world you want to embrace, and this wall blocks your wishes, don't hate it, because it's not just an obstacle, it's a protection for you, without it, some of you might have ceases to exist."

"You have to understand that even if you don't have the identity of a mutant, it doesn't mean you will be safe. We are in such a magical country. On average, a murder occurs every 10 minutes, and a rape occurs every 5 minutes. crimes, a robbery every 15 seconds, crimes may not happen to you, but by the time they happen it’s too late to regret.”

"As a mutant, having the ability is actually a kind of happiness. Compared with ordinary people, you are born with various conveniences. Katie can overcome physical obstacles and is not restricted by terrain. Alison can use sound waves to generate power, Lorna, like me, can control the magnetic field, and Mary, in Akalia Lake, unexpectedly used herself to let her defeat a warrior who had been trained for many years. And with guns, you've got security that the vast majority of women don't get. You're as far apart from the common man as the seventeenth-century civilized man was to the colonial natives."

"Why don't you think about how you should use your abilities, you can completely control your own power with the correct training, so that it will no longer hurt the people around you like an out-of-control bomb, and even make it benefit mankind in turn. Think about it, you can easily do what a millionaire spends a lot of money and time to configure the latest precision instruments. God's favor has such a talent, it can not only protect your safety, but also make you superhuman in your daily life, have money, luxury houses and beautiful clothes, be admired by the world, and live happily like a princess. , and the reality is that you have failed this kind of favor. Not only do you live in a small world and do nothing, but you don't even have the most basic understanding of yourself. Is it like waving a stick or throwing a stone like a primitive man? Training? What you lack is imagination and long-term planning. You first need to find a path that suits you, and then go on unswervingly. The body is the temple of the soul, and the training of the body can sharpen your quality and make you feel like being polished The diamonds are gradually glowing. If you want to live like a princess like I said, go to Selena's assistant now, otherwise stay and be a pet that never grows, day after day Let go of laziness and live on the alms of others."

After Eric finished speaking, he walked away, leaving the girls looking at each other in dismay. Today's Eric is not the usual Eric. In the past, he was polite and humorous, and he didn't even say a heavy word. Today, he is a Not typical of him, both boys and girls were frightened by the storm-like reprimands.

"I feel like the leisurely days are gone forever." Allison said blankly looking at Eric's back, her emotion immediately resonated with her friends.

"I'm so scared, I don't know what will be waiting for us next." Katie was still the shy girl, she took Lorna's hand and said worriedly, wanting to try a new life, but reluctant to break the past Calm and worried about the next training session.Due to her psychological naivety, Lorna next to her is younger than her, but she looks like Katie's sister. As Magneto's youngest daughter, she has always been curious about this mentor who looks similar to her father. , and admiration, now she is not too worried, but eager to try.

But before Lorna encouraged Katie to come out, Mary had already made up her mind to go to Selena. She was a transfer student. She had not enjoyed the tranquility of the academy for a long time. And her ability is different from others. When the dawn that dominates her own destiny appears, she is the first to stand up.

"Alison, aren't you coming yet?" Lorna looked back at the glare as she dragged Katie and followed Mary.

"Okay, well, you all went anyway, and I can't stay by myself. I don't want to stay here, I'm going to dress up and show up in front of my hated relatives to let them know how good I am. Don't underestimate me, I'm someone who wants to be a big star." Allison muttered and walked at the end.


The sound of the students' fiery training sounded far into the main building, waking the hungover Ororo through the thick curtains.

Tortured by a headache, she is in a very embarrassing stage. On the one hand, there are psychological factors. Last night, she mustered up all the courage to go on a date for the first time in her life, but she was screwed up by her nervousness. Not only did she miss the opportunity to express herself, She also unreservedly exposed her drunken gaffe in front of the man she liked. I don't know how many shameful things she did. Now that she wakes up, she just wants to make a hole in the ground, like an ostrich, and she will never come out.On the other hand, it is physical. The shy dream has not disappeared, and she is still attached to her body. It makes her soft and sweaty, and the stickiness between her legs makes her more conservative and unacceptable. Although this had happened many times in the past, it had never felt so real imprinted on her body and mind.All these sad ordeals came to her mind together when she woke up, making Ororo extremely embarrassing.

As if playing with people's fate still didn't think Ororo was ashamed enough, when she was just paying attention to her inner entanglement, Qin knocked on the door, knocked a few times, but there was no response, worried that her Qin had twisted the door lock and walked in. .

"I don't think I should come in, but are you alright?" Ororo had just put her hand into the dungeon below when Jin came in. She wanted to change into dry clothes, but in Jin's eyes, this friend There are some intimate games going on and the misunderstanding is embarrassing for both of them.

Ororo's slightly dark-skinned face was full of blushes. She is not chasing people now, nor is she not chasing people. Fortunately, she is her own friend, and it will be fine.She wrapped her hot body in a thin blanket and undressed under the blanket.

"Did you go out yesterday?" Qin turned sideways unnaturally, and helped Ororo pick up a box of tissues and hand it to her.She originally wanted to ask her friend how her health was and whether she was ill, but the words turned into another rhetoric, as if she was inquiring about something.

"No, I'm drunk and I don't know anything." Ororo awkwardly took the tissue and wiped it off. At this moment, she felt like she was standing on the dock to be interrogated by the judge.

Although this answer was embarrassing, it made the haze in Qin's heart dissipated.She is not a person who is easy to empathize. Although she has only been with Scott for a long time, she has some feelings, but her steadfast nature makes her still stick to her own position and will not easily fall to the other side, but when Ororo intervenes In the meantime, her emotions inevitably fluctuated, as if her baby was about to be taken away.Nothing happened now, and it was the best thing for her.

"He's a nice guy, isn't he?" When Ororo got dressed and went to bed, Jean opened the curtains, and the bright sunlight immediately shone into the boudoir.

"Yes, he is gentle and elegant, and he is very personable." Ororo's face was hot, but he was praising someone, with a proud and happy look, in front of Qin she couldn't help but want to do something. kind of attitude.

However, an accident happened quickly. In the surprise of the two women, the familiar voice outside the window roared: "The most brainless award, John! The most brainless award! If the academy has this award, I will definitely give it to you, You idiot!"

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