Marvel World New Magneto

026 After training

This morning was the hardest day ever for the young people at Xavier College. They had been training physically since the morning under the drive of Eric, who had become so vicious. , the exercise ended with great difficulty, and a new round of hell began mercilessly against them. The projects called "games" were really tortured, making them want to die. These young people have their own personalities. Some are restless and restless, while others are calm and reserved, but after being drilled for hours without rest, everyone's heart is full of anger.

"I really wanted to kill him, look what he said about me—brainless John? I bet the old woman who kicked me out of the house never yelled at me like that, she'd call me an idiot, But he would never call me a super idiot like he did: the leader of the dumbest race in the world...have you ever heard such vicious words?" John the Fire was sweating, his whole body was on fire, due to the conflict During training, he made many mistakes and was punished, and was drilled by Eric until he vomited.

Pete and Bobby, who were in his group, also received the same punishment. John ran more, but they did not run less, because Eric believed that people in the same group should have the same responsibility to their companions.

Therefore, they were generally embarrassed. If the girls were not around, a few boys almost wanted to lie down on the lawn.

However, the girls also work hard. They are not given special treatment because of their gender. Due to innate limitations, Eric did not impose too many requirements on them in physical training, but in trivial small projects, he raised his expectations for girls. The requirement is no longer the monotonous exercises like assembly line work in the past. He wants the students to activate their brains and carry out joint actions through precise coordination.

Although these projects are only at the initial stage, they are already scary enough to make you feel tired when you are tired, and you feel like vomiting when you start your brain.

After this morning's training, Eric and Selena have become demons in the eyes of the students. Selena is a cold smiling witch, and Eric has a long letter in his mouth, splashing everywhere. Venom, only the pointy horns and flexible tail are not exposed.

"I think today's training has deepened your understanding of yourself. Your weakest link has been exposed, and I will make up for you one by one in the future. You don't need to thank me, because I am your mentor, this is me What to do." Eric himself was very relaxed, he didn't even sweat, and mocked his students like sarcastic words.After the training, he was back to his usual appearance, but now these young people don't think of him as a harmless guy anymore, they finally understand that this person will not only take them for a ride, but also destroy like a devil them.

"Thank you? Why didn't you kill us, thanks to you, I'm about to die." Bad boy John is not afraid of anything at the moment, he feels that he has experienced the most terrible torture in the world, and now he will fight.

He even made up his mind that if this kind of course continued, it might be a good choice to escape from the academy.

Bobby and Pete didn't speak, and they were dissatisfied with the sudden training.

"I know today's training made you feel abrupt, but you always have to go through this stage, so what does it matter a day later or a day earlier?" Eric said, spreading his hands. "Instead of feeling sad, it's better to adapt as soon as possible, because today is just the beginning, and the warm-hearted class is not my plan. My plan is for you to make breakthroughs in fast and efficient practice, rather than repeating it again and again in a procrastinating rhythm."

"Our lessons are not procrastinating, sir," replied Bobby, struggling to stand up straight. "They are all carefully formulated by the professor and Mr. Scott. I admit that your training is good for us, but we are not those steel machines under your command that can work tirelessly."

Bobby's words were unanimously agreed by the classmates. After hearing Eric's announcement, they shuddered, thinking about the training they might have to undergo in the future, and they gathered up the courage to try to overthrow the tyranny.

But Eric wouldn't let their little wishes come to fruition, and he continued to beat the poor fellows.

"You know what, the professor told me you were the future, and he said the same thing to a lot of people, and everyone thought he was right, you were the future of mutants. But I think he was wrong. You are not the future, you Just a bunch of spoiled children, a pool of mud that can't support the wall. They will only stay in the past and dare not move forward. For you, the academy is a safe haven. Freedom. In fact, I don't have the courage to achieve it. When I encounter some difficulties, I want to retreat. You are as timid and incompetent as frightened tortoises. Who do you think you are training for, is it me, or a professor? "

"In Stryker's underground base, I will show you empty cages. They are made of steel bars one inch in diameter, which are isolated from the top, bottom, left and right. The rust on the steel is not due to moisture. It's blood, which is left over from the struggles of the people who used to be guests in their bodies. They are all mutants. There are dozens or even hundreds of these cages, maybe even more when the base is at its peak, then they Where have the people inside gone now, have they become air, slipped out freely and melted in the vast world?"

"You should be more fortunate to be in college than your unfortunate countrymen. There is nothing in this world that comes for nothing, and even the average person has to work hard to support himself. Chris Gard, a San Francisco native Na, he supported his wife and son by working as a salesman. Suddenly one day the company laid off staff and he lost his job. Chris was hit from then on. His wife ran away because he couldn't bear the long-term poverty and left him with his son. Reese not only has to face the predicament of unemployment, but also to raise his son independently. You said, if you were Chris, what would you do? Is it to live by and not get up in the quagmire, or change your destiny through your own efforts and get back to life again into the sun?"

"Chris, who chose to change his own destiny, finally won his own destiny, allowing himself and his son to live a good life, and Chris, who was content to roll in the muddy pond, would only repeat his pain again and again. Without the strength to struggle, he will stay in place with his son and suffer forever. The same person, because of their different choices, go to two fates. Every day you have to choose, the pain of training or the pain of regret. Training It's hard, and it's something you want to avoid, but whether it's on the playground or in life, short-term pain can often lead to long-term gains. You can't prepare until the critical moment and regret your past when you fail. What you do. The training arranged by my assistant Selena and I is carefully designed according to your tolerance. If you think it is unacceptable, you can stand up and turn away now. No one will stop you. But if you accept the challenge, I will never I won't give you another chance to quit, I'll keep pushing your limits until you're strong enough."

Eric let the students choose whether or not to receive training. There is a saying, "A good horse doesn't need a whip." Since he said it bluntly, the choice is up to the students.He wants those who stay to have some initiative, not out of fear or compulsion.

"How can we be strong?"

In the hesitation of the students, Pete stood up.Compared with his friend John, Colossus is a gentle and kind person. He has the soul of an artist under his steel bones. He prefers to paint portraits for his teammates rather than fighting, but that doesn't mean he lacks courage. , in the contest at the Alkali Lake base, he turned into a steel body and was knocked down by the enemy with skill, which was a great shock to him, who is best at melee combat, not only a shame, he also kept asking For himself, if one day he really encounters the enemy again, it is not a practice but a war. Under such circumstances, with such a performance, can he protect his friends and himself.

This question has been lingering in his mind all the time. Worry makes him naturally motivated. At this time when he needs to choose, he asks his own question.

Eric needed his problems, and that's why he took the team to the Stryker Base game.

"First of all you need to be strong and not be knocked down by setbacks. Then, you have to recognize yourself." Eric said.

"For example, John can manipulate flames, but cannot generate flames. This defect makes it difficult for him to fight independently and must rely on external equipment, so he often carries a lighter in his hand, which is a correct idea. But being good at manipulating flames means that Since he is very close to the heat, he can direct them to run, why can't he go further and make his commanding skills more exquisite, let the flames further compress the volume and increase the power?"

"Or Mary, she can absorb other people's abilities and use them by herself, so everyone is afraid of her, but have you ever thought that since Katie can apply her abilities to others and let them pass through obstacles, then Why can't Mary, maybe through training, she can control herself not to absorb the strength of others like the human body controls muscles, or transfer the strength of one person to another person, let this person have the same self-healing as Logan , or I manipulate the magnetic field like Lorna."

"These assumptions may be feasible, and there may be limitations for the time being. This requires us to study carefully and make bold assumptions. Isn't that the difference between humans and animals? Use your talents like guns at a low level, and only know how to shoot them. Targets flying around, training like that is a waste of your talent."

Eric's ideas were both novel and persuasive, and the students were driven to discuss by his words, looking forward to the infinite possibilities of the future, and they all stayed in the end.

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