Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 79 Meeting Pierce

"He himself has no special abilities, but he is a member of the World Security Council and the Minister of Defense." Rega sat next to her. "He is also one of the leaders of Hydra. He can be called a veteran figure..shung"

Garrett on the opposite side was very surprised when he heard it and asked quickly, "How did you know this news? This is absolutely confidential."

Rhaegar gave him a disdainful look, "I know a lot of things that your poor brain can't understand. In fact, it was me who told Colson that you were Hydra."

Garrett's expression was so wonderful that even Rhaegar didn't care much about his sarcasm, "Are you saying Coulson knew I was Hydra from the beginning?"

"Of course, including that Ward," Rhaegar pointed to Ward in the cockpit ahead, "I told him when he first entered Coulson's team."

Garrett finally understood why Coulson struck so cleanly and without any hesitation. At the time, he was still wondering. Even if he let the news slip, Coulson shouldn't have reacted so quickly. It turned out that he had already planned it.

"Okay," seeing the tension between the two of them, Lorelai stopped her, "What happened in the past is in the past. The person you are serving now is me, so we all need to get along well, you know?"

Although the two people disliked each other, they still immediately replied, "Yes, we are all Her Majesty the Queen's people now."

"Since we all belong to the same camp," Rega thought for a moment, took out a small test tube from his body and handed it to Garrett. The test tube contained a blue-purple serum, "This is for you."

A total of three tubes of serum were found on the island, one tube was used to save Skye, one tube was given to Tony for research, and the remaining tube was with him.

"This is the serum." Garrett took it and saw the label on it, his voice trembling.

When he and Coulson went to the desert island together, it was just for this thing, but Rhaegar stepped in and took the serum away, causing his work to be in vain.

After throwing away the serum, he could only save the country and adopt roundabout tactics, hoping to extract something from Skye's blood, so he asked Ward to keep an eye on Simmons' movements, but before he could take action, Coulson Caught him.

He once thought that he was going to die like this, but he didn't expect that Rhaegar would give him what he had dreamed of.

"Don't you just want this? I'm giving it to you now. Your body won't be able to support it for much longer. Without this, you will die soon, and you won't be able to serve our Queen. "

"How do you know..." Garrett asked quickly.

"I told you, I know a lot more than you think." Rhaegar interrupted impatiently.

"Thank you." Garrett moved his mouth, finally expressing his gratitude, and then carefully put away the test tube. This was his second life.

Rhaegar waved his hand.

"What is this?" Lorelai took the test tube from Garrett's hand, looked at it carefully, and said with interest, "gh-325."

"The things SHIELD extracted from the Kree can achieve super-speed regeneration of body tissues. Even if the heart is torn, it can be saved," Rhaegar said.

"Really? It's interesting." Lorelai asked playfully, "There are actually Kree people on earth?"

"Of course, there are many secrets on the earth. It's just that we currently lack the ability to touch them, so some people can't touch them. But as long as we continue to expand like this, we will soon be able to build a huge empire. By then, those people will also have to do it. We serve," Rhaegar said loudly, spreading his arms.

"Yeah, I like this." Lorelai said with a smile.

"Kree?" Garrett was still a little surprised. He didn't know the existence of this thing.

"A disgusting blue-skinned creature, you will know it when you see it." Rhaegar said.

"Well, Kree, did the box you took away contain his body?" Garrett suddenly remembered the big box Rhaegar was carrying that day.

"Yes, but the body is not with me. I have given it to Tony Stark for research."

"Tony Stark?" Lorelai heard a new name.

"The playboy, billionaire, Iron Man, became a much-anticipated superhero by relying on the metal armor he designed. He is a top scientist with a magical brain, and he is also the object we want to conquer. One." Rhaegar said.

Lorelai smiled brightly. It seemed that Rhaegar was right. This earth was indeed very interesting.

"Well, we'll be visiting him soon," Lorelai said.

"Yes, but you have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. Let's find Pierce first. After taking him under our command, many things will be easier to handle. After all, in any world, power is very important. The power." Rhaegar smiled.

"Yes, power is power." Lorelai clenched her fist proudly.

This time, only Lorelei, Rhaegar, Garrett, and Ward came to Washington to find Pierce. The rest stayed in Garrett's secret base on temporary standby until they were needed.

The four-person plane quickly arrived at the SHIELD headquarters. This time they took a Quinjet fighter, which was fast and well concealed. It was requisitioned by Rhaegar from the base outside.

After the hatch opened, the four people walked into the building.

"It looks nice here," Lorelai said as she looked around.

"It's a pity that this place may turn into a sea of ​​fire soon." Rega curled his lips.

"Why?" Lorelai asked.

"Because there are three huge space carriers under this building." Rega walked to the elevator and pressed the button.

"You know this too?" Garrett was a little surprised again.

"What?" Lorelai asked.

"Hydra's Insight Plan, the three space carriers are equipped with extremely powerful firepower and have precision strike capabilities. After the aircraft carriers take off, using an algorithm, the computer can select people who pose a threat to Hydra, and then , they issued an order to use three aircraft carriers to kill all these people." Rega explained.

"Oh? This Hydra is really good." Lorelai couldn't help but look at Hydra with admiration.

"This is also our main goal this time. Although the technology on the three aircraft carriers is very outdated for Asgard, it is still very advanced on Earth. We will definitely encounter some enemies by then. With this With three aircraft carriers, it will be much easier to destroy the enemy.”

The elevator dinged and the four of them arrived on the floor where Pierce's office was located.

Rega walked ahead and pushed open the office door.

Pierce was sitting at his desk, concentrating on the next action, when he saw the door to the office suddenly opened, which made him feel very annoyed. He just stood up and wanted to scold the other party loudly, but the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

"Rega...Garrett...Ward, how come you are together?" Pierce asked intermittently, and then he frowned again, "Who is this woman?"

Although Lorelei's beauty is thrilling, it doesn't hold much appeal for Pierce.

"Introducing myself, my name is Lorelai," Lorelai stepped forward and gently held Pierce's arm, "Their queen is also your queen."

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