Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 80 Meeting

This place is remote and inaccessible. It is another secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. .biquge

When they returned to New York with the captain, they did not find Rhaegar, but they could not just wait passively, so the two took action first.

Rhaegar had previously told Natasha that Sitwell was from Hydra, so she and the captain first targeted this person, preparing to get some new information from his mouth.

With their superb fighting skills, it was easy to catch Sitwell.

It was from his mouth that they got an important piece of news. Pierce noticed that something was wrong and prepared to launch the aircraft carrier into the sky in advance.

The two were very anxious about this, but they couldn't just break into Washington. Pierce had now taken control of SHIELD and launched a wanted hunt for them. The two were easily discovered.

Just when they didn't know what to do, Hill came to the door.

"Come with me, there is someone who wants to see you."

Full of doubts, the two followed Hill here.

When they saw Fury lying on the hospital bed, they all felt a little weird.

"Hello." Fury raised his hand and said hello feebly.

"Aren't you dead? I saw you die with my own eyes." Natasha asked eagerly.

"With a little trick, I need to create the illusion of my own death, otherwise they will continue to harass me."

"So you lied to all of us?" The captain's expression was a little ugly.

"I don't know who to trust," Fury argued, "and your actions prove me wrong."

"Where's Rhaegar? Why didn't he come?" Fury looked and found that Rhaegar was nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know, we can't contact him either," Natasha shook her head, "He has been missing for several days."

Fury's face suddenly darkened.

"Is Rhaegar also controlled by Hydra?"

"I don't know. With his strength, he should be..." Before Natasha could finish her words, she suddenly thought of a possibility and her eyes widened suddenly.

"What's wrong?" asked the captain.

"He used to be the Winter Soldier of Hydra. Hydra has a program to control the Winter Soldier. If Rhaegar is temporarily trapped and then the program is activated on him, maybe..."

"Maybe we can successfully control him, right?" Fury asked with a gloomy face.

Natasha nodded.

"If that's the case, we're in big trouble."

Suddenly, Natasha's phone rang.

"It's Coulson."

Fury motioned for Natasha to answer.


"Natasha," Coulson's anxious voice came from the phone, "Rhaega is being controlled."

Hearing this sentence, the hearts of everyone around him sank. Unexpectedly, the most worried thing came true.

"The person who controls him is a woman named Lorelei." Then, Coulson's second sentence came.

"Who is Lorelei?" Natasha had never heard of this person.

"She is a fugitive from Asgard. She can make all men in the world obey her orders. She is very dangerous. Sif was ordered to hunt her down. Based on a series of events in the past few days, we believe that Rhaegar is probably controlled by her. .”

Asgard, Fury couldn't help but rolled his eyes. The matter with Hydra hadn't been settled yet, and the people from Asgard were coming to cause trouble again.

"Okay, I understand." Natasha said.

"You have to be careful not to find her alone. If Rhaegar is really controlled by her, you will be in danger alone. Where are you now? I will take Sif to find you."

Natasha looked at Fury and said, "This place is not very convenient. I'd better go find you. Where are you?"

"Then come here quickly. I'm at the base outside Washington. Judging from various signs, we think they may have gone to Washington."

"Okay." Natasha then hung up the phone.

"It seems that we have to go to Washington." Fury said, "If you go to Washington, you can't go empty-handed."

After speaking, he gestured to Hill, who took out a box.

"By inserting these three chips into the three aircraft carriers, we may be able to save them..." Fury said, pointing to the three chips.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the captain, "We don't save anything. We not only want to destroy these aircraft carriers, but also destroy SHIELD."

"What?" Fury suspected that he heard wrongly.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has rebelled. You said so yourself. Hydra is growing and growing right under your eyes. It may be full of their people at this moment. Is there any need to save SHIELD like this?"

The others watched in silence as the captain reprimanded Fury righteously.

"Then what do you say?"

"These space carriers are too dangerous and must be destroyed. This weapon must not fall into the hands of anyone." The captain said decisively.

"In addition, to destroy Hydra, we must destroy SHIELD. The two have been integrated and cannot be separated. When the time comes, we will make all the secrets public and let everyone see what Hydra has done. What, Natasha, I leave this matter to you."

Natasha nodded.

"The public may not be ready to accept these secrets." Fury stared at the captain with his only remaining eye and said slowly.

"You are not the public. Their endurance is far beyond your imagination." The captain said coldly.

Fury looked at Hill and saw that she agreed, so he stopped insisting. He shrugged, leaned back in his chair, and made a look like you have the final say. After all, on the surface, he is now a dead man.

"But no matter what, you still need these chips. If you want to destroy three aircraft carriers, you can't just rely on your fists. After inserting these chips, we can control these aircraft carriers to attack each other, and your task will be much easier. And it can also prevent Hydra from using aircraft carriers to kill innocent people," Fury said.

The captain glanced at the three chips and nodded slightly.

"Also, I don't believe that Hydra will let you go in and destroy their secret weapons so easily, so you will definitely encounter some obstacles." Fury continued.

"Are you talking about Bucky?" the captain said solemnly, "If you meet him, just leave it to me."

"That's best," Fury mused, "but you also heard Coulson say just now that Rhaegar may also be in Washington, and there is an Asgardian, and maybe there are others under her. Regarding I don’t think you need me to remind you how difficult the people of Asgard are. You have personally experienced how much loss those two brothers brought to us."

"I know," Natasha said. "Leave Rhaegar to me, and I will also deal with that woman."

"With all due respect, you are no match for Rhaegar. Even if you add Sif, who is also from Asgard, you may not be his match." Fury said calmly.

"Of course I know this, but who said I would go alone?" Natasha's eyes flashed coldly, "Rhaega is not the only Avenger on earth."

"In that case," Fury glanced at everyone, "then start taking action. I wish you good luck."

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