Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 41 Unexpected, Unexpected

Chapter 41 Unexpected, Unexpected

While the Weasley twins were laboriously picking the stings of Billywig bugs in the Potions classroom, Fish was eating and drinking in the kitchen. Under the leadership of Comey, a group of house-elves all turned into seniors. A cat slave, surrounded by Fish and Mrs. Norris and took care of these two cats.

After eating and drinking enough, Fish planned to go for a walk around to digest food according to his usual habits, and Mrs. Norris also liked to run around every night to help Filch catch students who went out at night.

So the two cats came out of the kitchen and wandered around Hogwarts.

It's just that the routes of the two cats are not the same.

Fish likes to drill around and do damage, such as climbing into the armor, getting under the statue, leaving claw marks on the woodwork, or sneaking into the empty classroom, pushing everything on the table to the ground—— Anyway, Comey and the others will restore it before dawn.

And when Mrs. Norris wanted to catch the students who wandered at night, she basically wandered in the corridors, or circled around the dormitories of various colleges and the entrances and exits of some secret passages.

So the two cats quickly spread apart and moved around their areas of interest.

Fish would not stay long on the second floor. Although Mrs. Pomfrey of the school hospital often fed herself small snacks, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was also here, and the residual garlic smell inside would stop her even after closing the door. Can't live.

more importantly……

Minerva's office was also on the second floor, and Fei Xu didn't want to be caught by her.

His confinement task was to take Norris to the kitchen to eat. If Minerva found him slipping out of the kitchen, he would definitely talk about him again, so it was better to stay away.

The third floor is the smelly guy's office, and the smell is stronger than the second floor, so Fisher skipped it directly.

The prize showroom in the left corridor on the fourth floor is a good place to go. There are all kinds of trophies in it, which is very suitable as a cat nest. He will go in occasionally to take a nap or something.

However, Fish is not sleepy right now, so he doesn't plan to go in for the time being.

Just as Fish was wobbly about to run to the fifth floor, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor on the right.

Fish shook his ears, there were two footsteps coming, one of them was soft footsteps, it should be Professor Youtou's footsteps, the other was very heavy, there was no one else except the big Hagrid .

No matter who the opponent was, Fish didn't want to be seen now, so he quickly found a corner to hide.

Quietly watching from the corner, Snape quickly passed the corridor like a black cloud, followed by Hagrid, who was striding forward but not walking very fast.

Fish continued to hide in the dark corner, and he ran out again after the sound of the two people's footsteps disappeared.


Fish turned his gaze to the direction the two came from.

He also passed by there when he was touring the entire castle before, but in his impression, there seemed to be only a very ordinary wooden door. He thought it was meaningless at the time, and left after taking a look.

As for Dumbledore's mention of staying away from here at the beginning of school - Fish was sleeping at the time and didn't hear it at all.

But now, he was aroused by Snape and Hagrid.

Taking small light steps to the wooden door at the end of the corridor, Fish twitched his little pink nose.

There was an extra faint stink from behind the door—something like a dog's smell.

Then Fish shook his ears again, and he heard a strange snoring sound behind the door—there were obviously three snoring sounds, but the frequency of the snoring was exactly the same.

"Alahuo cave is open!" (ΦωΦ)つ━☆*.

The curious Fisch directly took out his wand, and cast an unlocking spell at the wooden door in front of him.

However, just like when I went home before, the wooden door didn't respond at all.

"Meow! It's really useless!"

Fish threw the wand in his hand to the ground, and cursed angrily.

After staring at the wand on the ground for a while, Fish still picked it up. After all, it was the magic spell that was useless, and he still liked this wand very much.

Putting away his wand, Fish went straight up and grabbed the door frame with both hands.

"Meow!" ヽ(●-`Д-)ノ

Sure enough, it still has to be pulled down directly!

Throwing the wooden door aside, Fish clapped his hands in satisfaction, then stretched his head to look inside.

Behind the door was a big black dog with three heads. It was the one who made the previous snoring sound, but it had already been woken up after Fisch's fuss.


Fish was taken aback by the big dog in front of him.

Fish is still very familiar with the dog creature, but this is the first time he has seen a dog with three heads, and this dog is so big that Fish is very envious.

"Hello meow~" (●ΦωΦ●)

Fish trotted to the front of the three-headed dog, and raised his head to say hello.

"Wow!" ×3
The three-headed dog responded immediately, then lowered its three heads, intending to lick Fish's face.

"Don't lick me meow!"

Fish took two steps back, and slapped the nose of the head in the middle.

Creatures like dogs drool too much, and it stinks too much. Fish has never liked being licked by dogs, not to mention that the dog in front of him is so big that he drools even more.


Fish didn't slap hard, but the three-headed dog still shrank its head and whimpered in grievance.

"You drool too much, I don't hate you meow."

After understanding the grievance of the three-headed dog, Fish still explained it. He stood on tiptoe and stroked the dog's nose that he had just slapped twice, expressing his apology to the three-headed dog in front of him.

The comforted three-headed dog immediately crouched down, and put all three big heads in front of Fish.

Fish simply turned back into a cat, and then jumped onto the head in the middle.

One cat and one dog communicated like "meow meow meow" and "woof woof".

This made Dumbledore, who was peeping from the sidelines, very depressed... because he couldn't understand.

After Fisch communicated with Lu Wei for a while, Lu Wei took the initiative to step aside, exposing the trapdoor under him.

Dumbledore's heart suddenly tightened. Apart from the fact that he specially prepared to catch Voldemort, this multiple level was also used to hone Harry Potter, the savior. It is not impossible for Fish to pass the level, but the premise is that he To team up with Harry.

But the next development made Dumbledore relieved.

After showing Fish a look at the trapdoor, Lu Wei covered it with his body again, no matter how Fish meowed, slapped its head with his paws, and bit its ears, Lu Wei couldn't help it. Lie dead on top of the trapdoor and refuse to move away.

The loyalty of Hagrid's animals is guaranteed.

Dumbledore, relieved, stroked his beard, and watched Fish bullying Lu Wei with a smile.

"Meow!" (I'm leaving! I'm so mad!)
Seeing that Lu Wei was stubbornly refusing to let himself enter the trapdoor, Fisch angrily gave it two more paws, then jumped off its head, intending to leave here.

Anyway, he can still come here when he has time, and according to Fisher's own biological clock, the time is almost twelve o'clock, and he still remembers to send Loris back for Big Eyes.

"Wow~Wow!" ×3
Lu Wei reluctantly used his three heads to say goodbye to Fish at the same time, and flicked a dog's tail quickly.

After leaving the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, Fish wandered around the area Mrs. Norris often patrolled, and quickly found it. The two cats rubbed against each other, and then walked towards the Potions classroom together. .

They also met Peeves on the way, but after taking a look at Fish, the troublemaker floated away cursing, because he knew that he couldn't scare this kid who could turn into a cat at all.

The two cats returned to the Potions classroom without any surprises. Fish turned into a human form and pushed the door open.

Filch and Professor McGonagall watched on as Fred and George continued to wrestle with Billywig.

After seeing Professor McGonagall, Fish felt guilty for a while, and then quickly realized it.

I'm here to deliver the task of confinement, why are you guilty?
Fish, who wanted to understand, had a smile on his face, and trotted to Professor McGonagall's side.

"Minerva! My confinement is complete meow! Confinement is so fun!" ●ω●

Fish hugged Professor McGonagall's arm, shaking his little head and rubbing against it.

Professor McGonagall twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, thinking that it was a good thing he was not at ease, so he took a special look, otherwise he would not have known that Filch, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would give Fish a special treatment.

He glared angrily at Filch who was on the side, and Filch turned his head guiltily, not daring to look at Professor McGonagall.

However, Professor McGonagall did not pursue his intentions. After all, from a procedural point of view, it is his right to assign whatever tasks Filch wants. Even if he suddenly wants to let a student go, that is his freedom. .

As far as Professor McGonagall's own wishes are concerned, she hopes to take this opportunity to educate Fish well, but what she never expected was that even Filch, who is notorious among the students, would change his mind. With his previous style, he became amiable and amiable towards Fish.

Also, people who like cats can be so bad.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Filch, who was scratching Mrs. Norris' chin, and made such a conclusion very subjectively.

But in this way, Fisch's confinement cannot be left to Filch to arrange.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Fish indifferently, "Since today's confinement is over, why don't you go back to sleep quickly?"

After dismissing Fish, she turned to Filch and said, "Starting tomorrow, Fish's confinement work will be confirmed by me. You just need to keep an eye on the two Weasleys."

"It should be, it should be."

Seeing that Professor McGonagall didn't pursue what he meant, Filch hurriedly smiled and nodded.

As for what will happen to Fish afterward, Filch can only regretfully express that he is helpless.

"Meow?" ω

Fish looked at the two in a daze, not understanding what they were talking about.


Recommended monthly ticket

 The level of the Sorcerer's Stone should not have been set up at the beginning, and the magic mirror was put in very late.

  In addition, in the original book, it is definitely problematic for Hermione to open the gate of the restricted area with an Alahoo hole. During the opening ceremony, Dumbledore specifically mentioned the corridor on the fourth floor, so how could he not come to check it out given the twins' personality.

  While it's also possible that Rowling didn't specifically describe this aspect, I'm more inclined that they came and failed to open the wooden door.


  Zhongyuan's dead cat started biting me again... It's only been a few days!
  The editor in charge asked me to try my best, but there are still too few manuscripts, so I made a compromise and temporarily decided to double update on weekends.


  Thanks to the fans of Shen Namu, God of War in the toilet, book friend 20191027121635708, God-like Aristotles, Liu Jin, Xia Feng, 彡水塡, and Miss Sun for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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