Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Ron is gone

Chapter 42 Ron is gone

"Harry! Get up! Wait, we have to go to the Quidditch team selection test!"

Early on Saturday morning, Ron came to Harry's bedside and shook him vigorously.


Harry Potter put on his glasses in a panic, and sat up from the bed.

"What selection test?"

Neville on the side asked curiously, his performance in flying lessons was not very good, so he never thought about joining the Quidditch team.

But no matter how you say it, Neville is also a child from a wizarding family. When he hears the word Quidditch, he still can't help paying attention.

"The Gryffindor Quidditch team lacks a Seeker. Because of Fish's previous performance, Wood plans to look for other freshmen to see if there are other suitable candidates. By the way, he can absorb some for the Quidditch team." substitutes and reserves."

It was Seamus Finnigan who answered Neville. He was putting a shoe on his foot. Judging from the situation, it was obvious that he was going to join in the fun.

"Dean, are you going too?"

Neville looked at Dean Thomas who was also up and changing clothes on the other side. If he remembered correctly, not long ago, Dean had a dispute with Ron over which Muggle world football or Quidditch was more interesting. He blushed and had a thick neck.

"I just go with Seamo and the others, just to see the excitement."

After changing his clothes, Dean shrugged his shoulders and greeted Neville, "Aren't you going with us, Neville? Even if it's to cheer Harry and the others."

Neville was right after thinking about it, turned over and got up from the bed.

Fish, twisting himself into a twist on the pillow, opened one eye and looked at the noisy roommates, shook his little ears, and fell asleep again. (=ωΦ=)
Not to mention that he has no interest in Quidditch, and Professor McGonagall has already forced Fisher not to touch the broomstick. The selection of this team has nothing to do with him.

Harry and the others also knew about Fish's situation, so they didn't bother the sleeping kitten. After changing their clothes, they went to the auditorium together for breakfast.

As for bringing food to Fish...

It's simply not their turn to care, when did Fish run out of food.

After Harry and the others had breakfast in the auditorium, they came to the Quidditch stadium together. Wood had already obtained Professor McGonagall's signature and obtained the right to use the stadium today.

In fact, it's not just about signing, Professor McGonagall even followed her personally, but she was worried that her appearance would affect the performance of the students, so she didn't show up for the time being.

In addition to the freshmen who participated in the selection, there were also many Gryffindor students from other grades who came to the stadium. Like Dean, they all came to observe the freshman selection. As for participating, if they really have the ability, He was already drawn into the team by Wood, so there is no need to wait until now.

The freshmen who actually participated in this selection were actually only Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Seamus Finnigan. On the girls side, only Lavender Brown came among the freshmen. .

Hermione Granger was born in a Muggle family and has little interest in Quidditch. She prefers to spend time in the library when she has time.

And Parvati Patil is from Tianzhu, where flying carpets are more popular, not to mention Quidditch, even flying broomsticks are rare, although after moving to England, Parvati also came into contact with some Quidditch culture, but she is deeply influenced by the local culture, and she is actually not very interested in Quidditch.

"Let's test first, who is more suitable as a Seeker."

Wood distributed the broomsticks to the three of Harry and several of the team's first-choice players, and then took out a golden snitch from his pocket.

At present, what Gryffindor's team lacks the most is a seeker. It would be best if they can find a suitable seed among the freshmen. to fill the void.

After all, in the Quidditch game, the Seeker is really important. Not only can he get the most points, but he can also determine the end time of a game, so the priority must be the highest.

"Now, get on your broomsticks!"

Following Wood's order, Harry and the others stepped onto the broomsticks and slowly rose into the air.

Wood let go of the golden snitch in his hand, and saw a flash of golden light, and everyone lost its trace in an instant.

"Selection begins!"

The people in the sky immediately scattered in all directions, looking around for the figure of the golden snitch.



Just as Harry and the others were scurrying around in the sky, Fish lying on the pillow straightened his limbs, bent himself back into a bow shape, and after stretching happily, he gradually woke up from his sleep.

Sitting up from the pillow, he slowly licked his paws, and rubbed them on his face repeatedly for a while, then Fish shook his proud mustache and jumped off the bed.

Wagging his tail unconsciously, he was thinking about where to play today.

As for food, don't worry, anyway, as long as he goes out, no matter who he meets, he will offer food to him.

At Hogwarts, indeed anywhere there were humans, Fish didn't have to worry about food.

"Meow?" (=ΦωΦ=)

One of Fish's ears suddenly turned to Ron's bed, and then his head followed suit, and his little pink nose twitched slightly.

It smells like mice.

Red-haired No. 4 didn't take his mouse away?

This is really a strange situation. You must know that Ron is always on guard against Fish, even if he is not careful one day, and his pet Banban will be played to death by him.

呿!Red-haired No. 4 underestimated me too!Obviously Fisher is so sensible!

Thinking of Ron's defensive attitude towards himself on the issue of Scabbers, Fish flicked his tail unhappily.

So without thinking, he jumped onto Ron's bed and grabbed the fat mouse's body.

Ban Ban woke up from his sleep in a daze. He felt as if his body was being pressed by some kind of weight, making him unable to move. He turned his mung bean-sized eyes and looked up. There was a familiar and huge cat face. came into view.

It's Fish, a classmate of Scabbers' Ron and, like him, an Animagus.

At this time, Fish was holding him firmly in the form of a cat, and a pair of green cat eyes were looking down at him, and the pupils gradually dilated.


Banban struggled vigorously, he had already discovered that his only backer was not in the dormitory at this time!
"Meow!" (Run! Or I'll eat you!)
Fish let go of his claws, and Banban immediately shot out like an arrow from the string.

Even if Fish didn't make a threat, he didn't dare to lie down like he did when they first met.

In the absence of Ron, God knows if this little wizard who has been a stray cat for many years will really eat himself!
"Meow!" (Run faster!)

"Meow!" (Run faster!)
"Meow~" (Hahahahaha...)
Banban, who was running away desperately, heard the cat's meowing from behind him, feeling so resentful in his heart.

If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by Dumbledore, he would have recovered his human body and used the Unforgivable Curse on the damned cat behind him!
However, Banban can only think about this kind of thing, as long as Fish doesn't really want to eat him, he will never reveal his identity.

But in this way, he can only choose to keep running away.

Because being transformed into an animal by an Animagus does not have any special power bonus like the transformation spell of a druid, at this time, besides intelligence, Banban is at most a very healthy and strong animal. A slightly larger normal mouse.

So after some chasing, Banban was caught by Fish without any suspense.

After poking Banban with his paw a few times, Fish let go of him again, and then...

"Ha-!" (=`=)

After scaring Banban into running around again, Fish immediately chased after him enthusiastically.

He was blocked by Red-haired No. 4 before, this time he will have a good time!


Recommended monthly ticket

 I went to do the accounting test today. I queued for more than an hour, and it rained halfway through the queue... Fortunately, I am used to going out with an umbrella...

  Originally, there was no need to queue for such a long time. There was a guy who didn’t know what he was talking about, and then a grumpy brother behind the queue yelled at him, and the two of them started arguing like that..._(`」∠)_
  After tossing all afternoon, I was so tired that I didn't want to code.

  In addition, 10W words!Just reward yourself with a game tonight!Yeah~yeah~ヽ(▽)ノ


  Thanks to stevenycy165, Chang'an Niannian, the bear child of the Demon King's family, and Chen Yuan for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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