Master of the False Hero Dungeon

6. My first dungeon invaders!

“Captain, it’s approaching the time limit, if he doesn’t exit the cave soon the potion’s effects will wear off.”

“Have some patience, Carl. It hasn’t been two hours yet, and we’ll give him a little extra time just in case he’s able to make it out after the potion wears off.”

“Yes, Captain”

“We’ll wait until the sun reaches its peak, if there is no sign of the barbarian by then we assume he’s failed and died inside.”

Time slowly passed as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky, eventually, it reached its peak.

“he’s failed, get ready to enter the cave and stay alert and watch your footing. Besides there being 10-15 goblins, we know nothing about the hazards of this cave. Let’s go.”

I took the lead as we entered the cave followed by my men in two rows of three. Our lack of information has us advancing slowly, careful about any dangers from the cave itself. A few minutes of walking later, we can see the corridor open up into a large cavern. I raise my hand to single the men to stop, as I observe what’s in front of us. The cavern itself is too dark to make out, but in the center, I can see 3 shapes that look like goblins.

“Our first targets for today's mission. They are likely on guard duty watching for intruders. I expect there to be a small goblin camp a little deeper into the cave.” I whisper to my men “split up into three groups of two, each pair will tackle a goblin the same way we capture slaves. Any questions?”

“No Captain,” the men say with hushed voices.

“Then let’s move fast before they notice us”

As we prepare our ambush, they seem to notice us. Two take up positions to defend themselves and the third takes off running towards the right. “quick” I yell, and my men jump into action, Carl takes the lead using his sword to clash with the goblin's wooden mace. As the goblin is focused on carl another man tackles it to the ground, pinning its arms as Carl jumps on its legs and fully restrains the monster. Soon the other goblin is taken down in the same way, but the third managed to get away.

“Hurry and tie them up, the rest of the goblins will likely know we’re here soon. We should move before they are able to muster a defense, leave the goblins bound here. We’ll gather them with the rest on our way out. Let’s move before we give them any more time.”

Our group of seven lightly jogged towards another corridor found on the right side of the room. “Move quickly but don’t tire yourself out, there could be goblins around the next corner, or we could find ourselves running for 10 minutes before we find them.”

Soon the corridor we are following opens into another cavern, we quickly stop and scan the area before moving forward. Once we enter the cavern, I can hear a noise coming from behind us. “Can you hear that?” I ask the men.

“It sounds like footsteps” Replied one of the men

“And a lot of them, moving fast” replied another

“Run” I shouted

As we started to run the footsteps got closer. I looked around, and I could see two waves of green goblins chasing after us. One coming from the corridor we had just exited and another coming from a corridor on the left side of the cavern.

“Straight ahead, it’s the only way”

There are way too many goblins for us to fend off, it’s no wonder the barbarian didn’t make it out. Soon we enter a corridor at the back of the cavern and rush through it as fast as humanly possible.

“Don’t fall behind or you’ll die. Our only chance is to find somewhere to escape from their chase.” I yell to my men.

Running for our lives, we enter another cavern, and the same thing happens. “More goblins, this must be a dungeon. Keep moving if we can find the boss and kill it, we may be able to escape, so keep focused and keep running” I command rushing towards the back of the cavern.

Soon we reach another cavern, but as we enter this one, my heart stops. At least 50 goblins are standing in a line formation waiting for us and in the center is the tall figure of a man.

“Welcome,” We heard the man say.

The goblins chasing us stop, but we are already trapped with goblins on every side.

“It’s funny how fast a situation can reverse, last night you captured my party and me without dirtying your own hands, just watching coldly after you gave the order. But today I gave the order and you’re helpless to resist as I stand here and watch.”

My eyes focus on the man standing surrounded by goblins, and what I see cause my blood to run cold. That barbarian, how is he alive? I had him tortured, how can he even stand and why aren’t the goblins attacking him?

“Capture them, I want them all alive, rough up the men I don’t care but I want the woman taken in as good of condition as possible. Understand Kaitlyn? Try not to fight back.”

“Fuck off” I hear Carl shout. But before he can even put up a fight, a goblin club hits the side of his knee knocking him to the ground.

I quickly shift my focus in front of me as 5 goblins charge towards me, I swing my sword down to kill the first goblin and before I am ready to strike again, the rest of the goblins jump on me, dragging me to the ground.

I struggle as much as I can, but it’s hopeless each of my limbs is being held tightly by a goblin. They soon get up and start to drag me with them as we approach the man in the middle of the goblins. As we approach Leo, for the first time since I became a commanding officer, I feel truly afraid.

My plan worked perfectly, but then again, I had 150 goblins at my command, the only thing I needed to do was cut off the exit and I won.

The four goblins that captured Kaitlyn dragged her before me. This time there was no smirk or ice-cold glare, but a hint of fear reflected on her face. I smiled brightly and said “I just finished preparing your room, shall we check it out? Bring her.”

As I made my way towards the prison I had just finished creating, the goblins dragged my seven prisoners towards the corridor.

Once we made it to the prison, I gave the command “Strip all the men of their armor and lock them up in the cells.” The goblins held Kaitlyn beside me as the men were quickly stripped and chained within their new cells.

“Last night was rather similar to this wasn’t it captain Kaitlyn” I smirked “You forced me to say that every time I replied to one of your questions. So, from now you will call me master, is that understood?

 Kaitlyn glared at me without uttering a word as the goblins restrained her.

“No yes master? That’s fine it’ll come in time. Hmm, what else did you do? Oh yeah, you had Eric wait to rape my party members, but there’s no need to wait this time. You can use the male prisoners however you want, just don’t kill them.” I commanded.

Soon groups of goblins made their way inside the cells and the soldiers wailed out in pain and grief.

I looked at Kaitlyn as her face turned extremely pale.

“Strip her and lock her in the stockade”

I watched as the goblins started to roughly rip at her armor and clothes. It didn’t take long for Kaitlyn to be left struggling to keep her decency in just rags and then nothing. The Beautiful blonde knight was being dragged to the stockades completely nude.

Once she was locked into the stockade I said reassuringly, as the screams of men sounded all around us “don’t worry, the goblins aren’t allowed to touch you. You're mine” I started to make my way towards her “and I won’t force myself on you either”

She looked confused a small whisper came from her mouth “you won’t?”

“No, I won’t, you’ll beg me to fuck you.”

She was about to open her mouth to say something when I leaned down and took her lips, sticking my tongue into her mouth, I slowly started to circle her tongue with mine before she bit down.

I distanced myself from Kaitlyn once again and smiled at her “just a matter of time now but remember I won’t fuck you until you’re begging me for it.” I turned around to exit the prison when


Your goblins have subdued 6 new dungeon slaves!

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