Master of the False Hero Dungeon

7. The Use Of A Soul


Your goblins have subdued 6 new dungeon slaves!



As a reward for subduing your first dungeon slaves, you have been awarded the skill

[Soul Control]  


[Soul Control]  

Allows control over the souls acquired from the skill [Soul Steal]

Allows extraction of souls from dungeon slaves. Souls can be either wiped of all consciousness and used to empower dungeon monsters or extracted completely intact. An intact soul can be used in the same way but both the memories and personality of the dungeon slave the soul was extracted from, will be carried over to the new host body.



“It seems like, to increase my strength as I dungeon, I will need to focus on stealing souls.” I quietly mumble to myself as I exit the prison chamber and head back towards my core room.

But what exactly did I have my goblins do that the system considered subdued? Was it having them chained in cells or was it my goblins raping them? I’ll have to experiment with the next group to enter.

For now, I need to figure out how to grow my dungeon, having my core so close to the entrance makes me feel anxious. Priority one should be to figure out how to better secure my core, and second to increase my mana income. Increasing the number of floors will do both and turning Kaitlyn into a dungeon servant will give me a new mana source through [Insemination].

The third will be increasing the strength of my dungeon monsters. There are three possible ways I know so far. The first would be personally breeding a female goblin with [Insemination], but the idea of fucking a goblin isn’t exactly getting me hard. Second would be to use my new skill [Soul Control] to empower 6 goblins, but I have something special planned for Carl. So that leaves me with five souls. Lastly would be to use [Monster creation] to make new monsters.

Entering to core room, I quickly make my over to towards the brightly glowing orb stuck in the rear wall of the room. Approaching the orb, I raise my hand to touch it while saying “let’s see if I can push you down to a new floor [Dungeon Control]” I focus on creating a set of stairs leading to a lower level and nothing happens.


Unable to create a new dungeon floor.

To create a new floor please complete the current floor to procced.


Missing requirements

Maximum monster population

Floor Boss


“So, I can’t just create a new floor whenever I feel like it, that’s unfortunate” I sigh well thinking. I guess the monster population got cut down a little while capturing Kaitlyn and her men. I have no idea how to create a boss monster though. “Floor Info”

Floor 1

Monster Type: Goblins

Boss: None

Total Monsters: 148/150

Elite Monsters: 0

Traps: 0

Rewards: 0

Mana Income: 50

Mana Upkeep: 0


Two goblins were killed attempting to capture Kaitlyn and her soldiers, I saw her cut down one of them, but I don’t remember seeing the second killed. Doesn’t really matter now though, I guess I need to breed two new ones. I continue looking at the information before me, when I get an idea “elite monster and boss, I have two possible types of strengthened monsters and two different ways to empower them. I wonder if using my avatar to breed a goblin would create an elite? If that’s the case and I granted that elite a soul, could that soul evolve it into a floor boss?”

“I really don’t want to fuck a goblin” I sighed thinking about what I was about to do and then gave the command “bring me to the prettiest female goblin in the dungeon”

Waiting patiently for my first time with a goblin, I try to encourage myself with little success.

“She won’t be too that bad, goblins are just short and green”

“female goblins can’t smell as bad as the males”

I had honestly not paid too much attention to what my goblins actually looked like besides being short and green.

Soon my wait ended, and a female goblin approached me at the core, as I looked her up and down my face went pale. She had small black beady eyes, surrounded by flaps of wrinkled skin, a bulbous green nose several sizes too large for her face, covered in warts, and sharp pointy tusklike teeth that stopped her from being capable of completely closing her mouth. It was hard to tell from looking at her that she was in fact a she, but if you looked closely enough there was a small set of breasts and nothing was bulging from the loincloth she wore.

“Fuck I can’t do it, I’d rather die. Haven’t I experienced enough torture for one lifetime, it hasn’t even been 24 hours since my last torture session.” I look at her one more time and conclude “Nope can’t do it. Take one of your ‘prettiest friends’ and go breed with the dungeon slave Carl” I commanded, that should at least recover the population.

“Now that I think about it, I haven’t slept in nearly two days, I should get some rest. I can always worry about creating a boss monster tomorrow.” Soon my body dissipates as I get some much-needed rest.


[Dungeon Avatar] my body begins to reform as I stretch. “I needed that; my mind feels much clearer now”

I wonder how Kaitlyn is doing after spending the night with my [Lustful Liquids] working on her. Making my way toward the prison, I can’t stop myself from getting excited to see if Kaitlyn liked my little gift or not.

Upon entering the prison and looking toward Kaitlyn the first thing I notice is how flushed her face looks.

“What the fuck did you do to me?” Kaitlyn yelled as soon as she noticed me approaching.

 Ignoring her I leisurely walk around the stockades examining her body. First, I notice her chest heaving up and down with ragged breaths, her tits are sizeable but not overly large. Her body is nicely toned without being too muscular. Soon I make my way behind and look at her smooth and shapely ass. Her soaking wet pussy is just barely visible as she rubs her legs together trying to stimulate it.

“My my, did my little kiss yesterday get you this worked up? You’ve left a puddle on my new dungeon floors. You’re quite the slut for being an imperial captain, aren’t you? Well at least you’re prettier than a goblin”

“Is that meant to be a compliment, comparing me to a goblin? If you want my body, stop insulting me and just get it over with”

“Your body, if I just wanted to fuck you, I could have done it already.”

 “Then what do you want and what did you do to me?”

“You’re really rather commanding aren’t you, giving orders and commanding people, being in control. Since the moment my party caught your eye, you’ve been exerting your power. You ordered your men to capture us and didn’t lift a single finger, you commanded Eric to wait until you were finished torturing me to rape Ashley and Vara. You had me whipped even when I gave you the correct answer and had my hands burnt just because you could.”

“Every single thing I’ve seen you do since you captured us, was to flex your own power, to show your men and us, that you were in complete control of everything that happened. So, if you’re asking me what I want, then there is only one answer.”

 “I am going to take it all from you, all of your power and control. The reason I kissed you yesterday was to use my skill [Lustful Liquids] on you, and what you’re feeling right now is only the start. The lust and desire you feel will only continue to grow. Eventually, it will consume you, the only thing you’ll be able to think about is having that pretty little pussy of yours pounded by anything that moves”

“At first this was my plan for you, turning you into a mindless sex doll. But unluckily for you, I’ve changed my mind just a little. I’ll finally give you what you want and fuck you just before you lose your sanity and turn into a mindless sex slave. I’m going to leave just enough of ‘you’ remaining, just enough to feel the powerlessness of your own situation and to serve me.”

“You’ll become my servant, enslaved to my will. I’ll fuck you whenever I feel like it and whenever imperial soldiers invade my dungeon, you’ll be the one I sent to kill them.”

“This is your future and knowing this you will still beg me to fuck you. You will willingly give me your soul and your future, just to feel the pleasure of my cock entering your pussy. It’s only a matter of time.

Kaitlyn sat there completely silent, her face contorted from a mixture of fear and lust. I observed her a moment more than turned to leave.

“I wonder how many days you can resist before you start to beg and plead to feel my touch.” These are the last words I say before leaving the prison.

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