Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 28

Chapter 27 reward

Moose struck the spikes several times with a branch, and found that it was quite hard, almost without deformation, without any signs of wear on the surface, and its strength seemed to be only slightly weaker than that of metal, and his eyes lit up instantly.

This stinger has the potential to be made into a weapon!

Just take this guy to stab the enemy, even if the enemy is not dead, the toxins on the spikes will cause serious damage, but this kind of weapon is too dangerous, and you need to be careful when using it.

In addition, making weapons is a bit cumbersome. It requires a substance that will not be corroded. This problem is easy to solve. The skin of poisonous insects can be used. Since the skin can grow poisonous spines, it shows that the skin has sufficient corrosion resistance.

The next step is to deal with the dead body of the poisonous insect. In order to speed up the thawing, Renault tried to use the ability to directly heat the dead body.

Although the poisonous insects have died, the interference of the energy field still remains on the corpse, but the scope has been reduced a lot, and the ability still cannot directly affect the corpse.

Renault had to use the stupid method of baking to slowly melt the ice. As the ice inside the corpse melted, the corpse soon turned into a large mass of meat, and the soft bus collapsed on the ground. It seemed that the ice had greatly damaged the interior. organ.

Moose grasped the hilt of the sword inserted in the mouthpart and pulled out the epee vigorously, but it was a pity that numerous pits and pits appeared on the body of the sword, and finger-wide gaps were even corroded in some places, and the strength of the sword was greatly affected. Destruction.

Obviously, after the blade is pierced into the body of the poisonous insect, it will inevitably come into contact with the venom, causing the blade to be corroded, and this epee is completely abolished!

Moose’s expression was a little sad. In this battle, he lost two epees that he had taken advantage of, and he still used a weapon for a long time. Now he has only one portable dagger all over his body.

Renault took the initiative to pass his cross sword to him: “Uncle Moos, you can use my weapon, this cross sword will play a greater role in your hands, and my ability does not need a weapon!”

Moose thought for a while, nodded lightly at him, and took the cross sword.

After the corpse was completely thawed, Moose simply used the destroyed epee to cut the corpse. The skin of the poisonous insect was tougher than expected. It took a little effort for Moose to pierce the tip of the sword into it.

After discovering this, the three immediately became excited. Obviously this skin is an excellent material for making leather armor. Angela and Renault also came to help.

Although it takes more effort to pierce the epidermis, it is relatively easy to cut. The three of them worked together and quickly peeled off the epidermis.

After peeling off the skin, the body completely turned into a mixture of disgusting rotten meat and liquid, exuding a disgusting smell.

However, Moose was still eagerly rummaging through the pile of rotten meat, and soon he found 5 venom sacs, 3 of which were empty, 1 still had a little venom in it, and the other was bulging.

The material of the venom sac is not toxic, and its properties are amazing. Not only is it extremely tough, it is also very elastic, and it does not show any signs of breaking when stretched to twice its length.

Other than that, Moose found nothing, especially the high-quality mana spar he had high hopes for. He didn’t even see the shadow. After searching for it several times, he had to give up searching.

Mana spar is a very magical material in this world. All creatures have a certain chance to produce mana spar. The stronger the creature, the higher the quality of mana spar and the higher the probability of spar generation. high.

There is a theory about its cause. Due to some unknown coincidence, the excess magic energy in the organism did not dissipate on its own, but precipitated and formed magic spar over time.

The high-quality magic spar has an incredible range of uses, and the output is extremely low, so it is extremely valuable.

Some magic spars can be used as medicines. After they are ground into powder and taken, they can magically cure many diseases. According to Renault’s understanding, this kind of powder can greatly strengthen the immune system and cause the disease to heal itself without medicine.

Some mana spars can improve physical fitness, strengthen the body, and even prolong life after long-term use.

Some mana spars are natural potions, a small amount can increase the speed of mana cultivation, and even some top mana spars can directly increase the upper limit of mana after taking them.

Some mana spar can be used as a power source to drive the horrible mana cannon, but the mana cannon has very demanding requirements for mana spar, and only very high-quality mana spar can be used.

Most mana spars have multiple functions, and the higher the quality, the better the effect.

Some weak creatures occasionally produce mana spar, but the quality of this mana spar is extremely low, the effect is not obvious, and the purpose is relatively narrow.

After the corpse was processed, Moose chopped off the 8 poisonous spines on the skin of the poisonous insect, and carefully wrapped it with a piece of cut skin, and saved it for future use.

Then the three people left the area.

A black orc awakener stood up and shouted aloud. The black orcs sitting on the ground stood up one after another. Some black orcs quickly ate the barbecue in their hands and threw their bones on the ground. A large group of people set off in a noisy manner. Up.

Behind them, nearly a hundred black forest crows flew over from the surrounding branches quickly, vying for the bones left by the black beasts. Many of the bones still have a little shredded meat. For them, This is a pretty good meal.

The forest crows who had snatched the bones flapped their wings vigorously, trying to flee here with the food, but some forest crows suddenly jumped over from the side, intending to **** it forcibly, and there was a mess in the field, and a large amount of dust was blown away. , The hoarse chirping sound continued.

This place was the place where the three people of Renault killed the Stonecracker. The corpses of the Stonecracker they left were obtained by the black orcs who followed.

Seeing that these corpses were still relatively fresh and only part of them were eaten by Lin Ya, they snatched the corpses from Lin Ya’s mouth, shared a meal of roasted stone owl, and then continued to track Renault and others.

Based on the traces left by the smell, the Black Orcs already knew that the enemy was three humans.

Although there is likely to be a transcendent among them, based on the traces left on the ice, the black orc leader judged that the human transcendent was not powerful.

Under the leadership of the tracker, the black orcs perfectly copied the three men’s forward path, and it didn’t take long to arrive at the bush where the poisonous insects were killed. At this time, Renault and others had just left.

The tracker sniffed carefully with his ugly nose, and his face suddenly changed. He turned his head and shouted loudly in orc language. All the black orcs immediately became alert. Everyone pulled out their weapons, and the sound of armor collision continued to sound. .

Then the black orc chief gave an order, and an awakened one took more than 10 black orcs into the bush cautiously.

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