Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 Extraordinary

The black beasts had just penetrated more than 60 meters deep, the rustling branches and leaves rubbing sound suddenly sounded, two huge green shadows suddenly flashed out from behind the bushes, and two dark green liquids rushed towards them with their heads and faces covered.

The awakened person in the front only had time to take a step back, and a large amount of liquid poured on his body, and the 3-4 black orcs behind him were more or less sprayed by the liquid.

After the liquid fell on the armor of the awakened, there was a violent “hiss” sound, the metal melted instantly, and a part of the liquid was sprayed onto the head, face and bare hands.

Then a terrible scene appeared!

The skin of the awakened person melted like a candle, revealing pale bones, and then the bones melted, and his face instantly became horrible.

On his right hand, the venom even melted most of the palm of his hand, and two severed fingers fell on the soil. The Awakener howled frantically, fell to the ground and rolled desperately. After a few breaths, he was silent again.

The black orcs behind the awakened also wailed, their faces were also splashed with venom, and they began to fester in an instant.

At this time, the black beasts knew exactly what the enemy was. It was indeed the terrifying poisonous insect that the three of Renault had encountered, and there were still two, obviously bigger!

It turns out that there is not only one poisonous insect in this area, but three!

Just for unknown reasons, after the three of them broke into here, only one poisonous insect returned, and the other two returned after a delay, and they happened to ran into the black orcs following them!

The black orcs couldn’t help panicking. The poisonous insects in front of them were obviously extremely poisonous. Even the powerful awakened ones were poisoned instantly, and they were even more unable to stop the poisonous insects.

However, before they could decide what to do, the two poisonous insects neighed sharply, and after contracting their bodies sharply, they suddenly ejected and plunged into the crowd of black beasts in the blink of an eye.

The black orcs immediately fryed the pot, some turned and fled, and some took up weapons to fight back. The poisonous insects were faster than them, and the two green shadows began to move quickly in the crowd.

Although their bodies were huge, their movements were beyond imagination. When their bodies contracted and twisted quickly, they passed the black orcs almost instantly and escaped the hacking of weapons.

When the two poisonous insects passed the black orc, they used the extremely green poisonous thorns behind them to stab the black orc very quickly. After the tip of the thorn touched the metal armor, it melted out a hole in the armor in an instant.

Then the stinger lightly pierced the skin, and while the poison was melting away the flesh, another light green liquid was quietly injected into their bodies in the dozen or so round holes at the top of the stinger that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

After completing all of this, the poisonous insect quickly pulled out the poisonous thorn and crawled down to a black orc. At this time, the black beast who was pierced by the armor began to scream.

These more than 10 black orcs were not opponents of poisonous insects at all. They were all stabbed in less than 5 seconds. Only one poisonous insect was accidentally slashed, but only a white scratch was left on the skin.

Then the poisonous insect rushed quickly into the bushes, just like this.

These black beasts did not dare to stay for long, they screamed and ran back, lest the two poisonous insects sprayed that terrible venom on them again.

But they slowed down as they ran, their hands and feet began to cramp unconsciously, and even breathing became difficult. After a few more steps, they fell to the ground.

They are all dead!

It turned out that when the poisonous thorn pierced the skin, a super-strong neurotoxin was injected into the black orc’s body. When they ran, this toxin quickly spread to the whole body, madly destroying the nerves in the body, and finally resulted in death.

The black orc leader in the distance witnessed the whole process completely, and his face immediately sank when he saw that the team was easily slaughtered by the poisonous insects.

The leader shouted angrily, and the two black orcs immediately carried a black heavy shield. The material of the heavy shield seemed to be wood. The length of the heavy shield was as high as 2 meters, and the thickness was extremely thick, exceeding 20 centimeters.

Its weight is also quite amazing, it needs two black orcs to carry it to walk freely.

The leader took the heavy shield with one hand in his left hand, and swiped a few lightly. The heavy shield that ordinary black orcs could hardly lift, the leader was extremely light and handy.

The leader held a nearly 2.5-meter-long black metal spear in his right hand, and walked toward the bush with a shield and a spear in his hand.

He even planned to single out 2 poisonous insects!

The leader lifted the heavy shield in front of him and walked slowly in the bushes, turning his head to look around from time to time.

If the brigade enters the bush together, the two poisonous insects will probably choose to escape after weighing the pros and cons. However, if he enters alone, the two poisonous insects will definitely not help coming out to attack him.

The leader gradually went deep into the bushes, his expression became more and more alert, and his stride decreased a lot.

“Wow…” The rubbing of the branches and leaves suddenly sounded, and two green figures suddenly emerged from the bushes.

The poisonous insect appeared!

Moreover, a poisonous insect was more than 10 meters in front of the leader, and one was behind him, trapping him back and forth!

The moment the two poisonous insects appeared, two large venoms burst out and sprayed at him.

But the leader did not panic. The muscles of his left hand suddenly bulged up, and his left arm suddenly became twice as thick, and then he hit the heavy shield with a fierce punch.

The heavy shield made a loud noise as if it had been beaten heavily by a sledgehammer, and it actually flew forward, bringing a strong wind, and slammed into the poisonous insect in front of it.

At the same time, a strong wave of magic energy suddenly broke out on the leader, and a raging fire ignited out of thin air behind him. Countless fire snakes raged, licking all the objects around, and the extremely hot breath spread quickly.

A wall of flames appeared behind the leader!

This is extraordinary power!

This chieftain is indeed an extraordinary person!

So, in front of the transcendent, the heavy shield greeted the venom, and behind him, the wall of fire blocked the venom, and the lightning raid launched by two poisonous insects was perfectly cracked by the transcendent.

The next moment, the venom hit the heavy shield. However, it is surprising that the material of the heavy shield is very restrained from the venom. The venom only corrodes many shallow pits on the surface of the heavy shield, and the degree of corrosion is far less than that of the metal armor.

At the same time, the venom behind the transcendent flew into the wall of fire, and the “hissing” gas evaporated. Most of the venom was completely evaporated by the flame, and only a few venom passed through the wall of fire.

These dots of venom fell on the armor of the transcendent, and only corroded a few invisible pits. Obviously, the metal material forged into the armor was also very good, with stronger corrosion resistance, which was different from the armor of the awakened.

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