Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

A Brand new world

In an open field on a large human-controlled planet around 10-100x the size of Earth, an individual can be seen passed out on the ground. This individual is a woman with long spiky black hair and green eyes, she is wearing some cultivator robes (cover image).

slowly she shifts and opens her eyes

'where am I?' she wonders

suddenly she notices her body

'I'm a woman now? god never told me about this! this feels different..... well I can always think about this later' thinking to herself about her situation she suddenly remembers the system

"system, are you there?"

[User has been recognized]

[what power system would user like to use? WARNING, CHOICE IS PERMANENT]

'hmm, there are a lot of power systems I can choose from. There is Cultivation, magic, leveling, etc...' thinking about what to pick Byron is suddenly broken out of thought when she hears a ding

[User has chosen Cultivation, Good luck!]

"wait system nonononono I didn't pick anything yet! I was only thinking about what to choose" Byron frantically exclaims while feeling dissatisfied with how the system interpreted her thoughts

suddenly out of nowhere, a screen pops up




Ability Tree


Quests (no active quest)



System Upgrades

{Starter Pack (preset drops)}


'damn system, that supreme god must have made a mistake with that!' looking at the screen Byron suddenly notices a starter pack at the bottom of the menu

'might as well use the starter pack' tapping on the starter pack with a disappointed look in her eyes


would you like to use starter pack?

[yes] [no]



[New Items:

Qi Nourishing technique (S tier common) - allows the user to use Qi as a food and water source, a very common cultivator technique which becomes useless for those of the higher realms as this becomes a normal thing

Yin Body Cultivation Technique (B tier rare) - cultivate Yin energy into the body, use in combination with Yang soul cultivation technique for more power, highest form achieves the Grand Yin Physique.

Bronze Spiked Gauntlets (B tier uncommon) - close-range melee weapon]

'two techniques for the start? fine by me. First off I'll check out my rewards' she thinks to herself


Qi Nourishing technique


Yin Body Cultivation Technique

transferring information to user's brain]

Suddenly she feels a massive amount of information flowing into her brain, although it's not painful she stumbles from the overload of information. Quickly regaining her composure.

A feeling of refreshment flows over her and she realizes the Qi nourishing technique is satiating her. She searches through the information placed in her head and takes a look at the Yin Body Cultivation Technique

The Yin Body Cultivation Technique allows one to achieve a few stages of body cultivation.

Body Cultivation in general has 10 major mortal and 10 major divine realms. This cultivation technique (because of its rarity and grade) Has its maximum potential limited to the Qi integration realm of body Cultivation.

Mortal Realms have 10 stages within each major realm. Divine realms have 4 stages each realm (low-middle-high-peak)

Body Cultivation realms go in this order:

[Mortal Realms]

Bone Reinforcement

Muscle Refinement

Nerve Enhancement

Body Hardening

Physical Foundation

Qi Integration (must have cultivated inner Qi and have control over it)

Qi Reinforcement

Qi Expression

Soul Connecting (must have cultivated their soul to a powerful level)

Soul Controlling

[Divine Realms]

Grand Qi integration (must achieve a greater form of personalized Qi)

Grand Qi stabilization

Grand Qi compression

Transcendental Daintain (This requires a multitude of rare and valuable materials to evolve the daintain safely)

Yin Yang Body

True Balance

Unshaking Fortitude

Boundless Refinement

Deity Incarnation (Must ascend into godhood to even think of achieving this)

Immortal Body

When one reaches the immortal body they become invulnerable to nearly every physical attack in all of creation. But at the current maximum for this technique, Qi integration. Depending on the strength of the body cultivation technique the individual cultivating should be able to topple buildings with ease.

The Yin body cultivation technique slowly cultivates the user's physique into the end goal of the Grand Yin Physique which allows great affinity with ice, darkness, and cold. Along with that, it enhances the user's Beauty by removing impurities.

At the current moment, Byron is trying to comprehend how to use this technique.

'To begin one must train in the moonlight, that might be an issue' Byron thinks to herself

It's a bright and sunny afternoon, in the middle of a field in a new world. Possible threats lurking in the distance and no obvious help. Currently, food and water aren't an issue because of the Qi nourishment technique but shelter and warmth are a problem.

With nothing but very minimal and basic survival skills, good shelter seems far-fetched.

'For now, I guess I'll look at the rest of the system's features' Looking at the rest of the options she selects Status.


Name: None (Was Byron)

Active Title: None

Race: Human

Bloodline: Supreme Human

Physique: None

Body Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Spirit Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Qi Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Str (strength) - 1 (average mortal)

Dur (durability) - 1 (average mortal)

Will (willpower/mental strength) - 2 (above average mortal)

Agi (agility/speed) - 1 (average mortal)

Cha (charisma/charm) - 2 (above average looks)

Lck (Luck/Fortune) - 1 (average)

Unused Stat Points: None

Skills {none}

Techniques {

Qi nourishing technique (S tier common) - allows the user to use Qi as a food and water source, a very common cultivator technique which becomes useless for those of the higher realms as this becomes a normal thing

Yin body Cultivation Technique (B tier rare) - cultivate Yin energy into the body, use in combination with Yang soul cultivation technique for more power, highest form achieves grand yin physique.}

Items {Bronze Spiked Gauntlets (B tier uncommon) }

Titles {}


'Supreme human bloodline? wonder what that does... well it doesn't seem like it changes my stats so it can't be physical boosts.... hmmm' thinking to herself Byron notices that..... she has no name?

'I'll call myself Byron all I want, my name won't change that easily' she confidently thought to herself with a prideful smile then she proceeds to close the status window.

'time to check out some of the other options' selecting the ability tree from the menu, a new screen suddenly appears showing a multitude of options, a sidebar with different skill trees for every stat, all including different abilities or boosts I can earn by spending achievement points!

After closing the ability tree and returning to the menu Byron considers looking at more options, but it's starting to become night. Moonlight will be available soon which will allow the usage of the Yin Body Cultivation Technique.

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