Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Shining light of the moon

As the sun sets, and the day finally ends Byron feels a peculiar feeling washes over her. Not fatigue or sleepiness, more like a cold energy radiating from the moon. The information which was given from the Yin Body Cultivation technique allowed for her to recognize this energy flowing from the moonlight.

She knew exactly how to cultivate this to reinforce her body. For the first stage you must train yourself while letting this energy flow through you, but trying your best to keep it trapped in your bones. Although it will be extremely difficult

No specific training is necessary as this stage reinforces bones with Basic Yin energy (not to be confused with Qi as its not nearly as powerful but it is a starting point). So to take advantage of this Byron takes her gauntlets out of her inventory and Puts them on.

With an excited grin she starts punching the air with no real form. Crude movements really, but good enough to allow yin energy to flow through her body. Just as the first stage said, it was flowing through sweat glans making its way through the body. She just needed to trap it in her bones.

This process of trapping the energy in the bones is not easy in any way, usually taking hours to even begin to manually trap it. During this beginning it is quite difficult to progress because of a lack of control over the energy which needs to be absorbed. Byron is no exception to this difficulty.

(three hours of punching the air later)

Finally She feels some progress, Maybe not much progress but she feels that her bones are a little more durable. Possibly indicating a breakthrough. Knowing this she had to check her status to see if she improved.


(I won't be putting down the stat sheet here because its very miniscule changes and I'd prefer not flooding this chapter with words from that, although if you want me to I will replace this with the status)

Soon after, the system opens up. Showing her stats, Her durability increased from 1 to 1.5 which is quite a decent improvement for the first stage of body cultivation. She knows that by the time she breaks through to the muscle refinement realm her durability will reach 10x its original value.

Taking a look at cultivation realms section, she broke through into the first stage of Bone reinforcement. There may be 9 more stages to go but that won't make her any less happy with her accomplishments!

At the top of the status sheet, in a section that was blank before there is a message.

[New Achievement:

Break through into Bone refinement Realm

+10 achievement points for (common) grade achievement]

'Ooh achievement points! lets see what I can do with them!' hastily returning to the system menu and selecting the shop


Welcome to the shop [User]!

this shop has anything and everything you could ever want!

for a price of course!

You can look through the catalogue or search for anything specific.

Would you like to look at items you can currently buy?

[yes] [no]



Suddenly the shop stops displaying a message, and instead has a massive list of entries all costing 10 achievement points or less. There aren't many items of interest, but a one stuck out to Byron.

[1x Diluted Yin Energy Pill] - 10 achievement points

This pill is to be used alongside any yin cultivation arts, less effective then pills with specified purposes, but it does its job. According to the description this is about 1/10 of the effectiveness of a Yin Energy Pill.

Thinking to herself, she knows most forms of Yin Energy pill would be useful in attaining a higher stage of Body Cultivation. At the moment she is considering the pros and cons of getting this.

She brings up a search menu and enters [1x Yin energy Pill], the price comes out to 100 Achievement points. Same cost as 10, this system must not give discounts out for higher value items.

Deciding that having a better grasp over yin energy would be better in increasing body cultivation speeds. Spending All 10 achievement points for a single item.

[Thank you for your purchase User!

Purchased item has been deposited into your inventory.]

Checking her inventory she finds that it has basically infinite space to hold any item she wants, but it says its currently limited to items originating from the system. In the first box it displays her Bronze Spiked Gauntlets even though they are currently out of the inventory.

Recalling the gauntlets into her inventory she see's them disintegrate in front of her eyes, and once she equips them again they re-appear right back on her hands where she equipped them before.

To test a theory she tosses the gauntlets a few feet away, then she recalls them. They return to her inventory from the distance. Then bringing them out once more they appear in front of her without being equipped already.

'this is going to be very useful in the future' thinking about all the possibilities, after putting the gauntlets back on and recalling them she pays attention to the menu again. Bringing out the Yin energy pill from her inventory.

The Yin Energy pill radiated a faint energy, It's outer shell which was sturdy had a light blue hue, with a swirl of dark but diluted yin energy in the middle. Putting it in her mouth and biting into it she readies herself.

The instant a crack appeared on the Pill's shell a rough flow of yin energy flows out and starts to take root in her body. Not limiting itself to the bones, thinly spreading out all throughout the muscles, daintain, and bones.

Although she didn't have any control over its flow but the pill itself guided the energy evenly. She didn't ascend a body cultivation tier but the energy did empower her body.

After the yin energy stops flowing out of the pill, Byron starts to train to take advantage of the pill's assistance in settling the energy. This training would last until sunrise. The moment pure sunlight hit her skin, all of the yin energy in the environment shuddered and vanished.

All of this training led to her breaking through into Bone Hardening 3. Which boosted her durability all the way to 3! This of course granted her 2 new achievements just like the last one. Both granting 10 achievement points.

'phew I'm exhausted, I've done so much I could sleep on the ground here' with her aching body she starts to wander, hoping to find a tree of some sorts to sleep in for safety

Wandering the massive field she sees a few animals which can be found on earth. Such as bunnies or groundhogs. They do have slight differences though, for example the bunnies have horns and the groundhogs well.... didn't change much, they got a little bigger but that's it.

After about an hour of boring and slow walking she started to see some trees in the distance. She makes her way over to them with haste, equipping her gauntlets and stabbing into the tree to pull herself up (kind of like how Spiderman 2099 does it).

She lies down in a decently high up spot where the branches are close and kind of make a safe spot. Once Byron made it to safety she drifts off to sleep. Tomorrow night she shall train again.

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