Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Lucky Encounter

Byron can be seen peacefully sleeping in a tree. Its midday and the forest is quite active. She is aching and fatigued from her long night of training. She hears a snap of a stick and she groggily wakes up, after 7-8 hours of uncomfortable daytime sleep its finally time to get moving.

As she yawns and goes to get up, it seems she forgot she's in a tree! She proceeds to fall off the tree slamming into the ground with a thud, knocking the wind out of her.

*THUD* "ACK" she yelps in pain as her body slams into the ground. Taking her time to gather her breath.

Then she notices how she fell far down from a tree but she still remains mostly unhurt with no broken bones, or anything too terrible. Just dirty clothes, scratches, and bruises.

'ouch..... this was some bad luck to wake up like this' she thinks, with obvious displeasure and contempt for the situation.

Brushing off the dust she looks around and there is a rabbit staring right at her, from around 7 feet away (2~ meters). It looks slightly fearful but confidant in its horned head's usefulness as a weapon.

'If I kill that thing I should be able to earn some achievement points right?' With a smirk, she equips her gauntlets and takes a slow step directly towards the horned rabbit. But it obviously wasn't slow enough as the rabbit bolted off into the bushes.

Immediately taking action Byron starts to chase the rabbit trying to get close enough to kill it, but it simply was too fast. Knowing speed will be important, she starts to think about specific ways to help herself get faster.

'Enhancing the muscles in the Muscle Refinement realm definitely will allow me to get faster! Legs are muscles too and more power coming from them should allow for faster running and stronger attacks!' setting in her new goal she starts to think about what she should do at the current moment

For now taking a look at her status and using some stat points would be good for her, The Supreme God said every stage would give some after all!



Name: None (Was Byron)

Active Title: None

Race: Human

Bloodline: Supreme Human

Physique: None

Body Cultivation Realm: Bone Reinforcement 3

Spirit Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Qi Cultivation Realm: Mortal

Str (strength) - 1 (average mortal)

Dur (durability) - 2 (above average mortal)

Will (willpower/mental strength) - 3 (above average mortal)

Agi (agility/speed) - 1 (average mortal)

Cha (charisma/charm) - 2 (good looking)

Lck (Luck/Fortune) - 1 (average)

Unused Stat Points: 3

(I'm thinking of separately using the skills, techniques, titles, and items from the main status window so I can send it more often, if you think its a good idea tell me here)

Skills {none}

Techniques {

Qi nourishing technique (S tier common) - allows the user to use Qi as a food and water source, a very common cultivator technique which becomes useless for those of the higher realms as this becomes a normal thing

Yin body Cultivation Technique (B tier rare) - cultivate Yin energy into the body, use in combination with Yang soul cultivation technique for more power, the highest form achieves grand yin physique.}

Items {Bronze Spiked Gauntlets (B tier uncommon) }

Titles {none}


After a little bit of time, and lots of thought. She decided to dump all of the unused points into luck. After all everyone else wouldn't have these extra stat points every realm. She would be on even ground with someone of the same cultivation stage.

She knew how valuable luck was for cultivation. Along with that the system had a gacha option. Luck seemed to give the most short term and long term benefits!

Lck (Luck/Fortune) - 1 --> 4 (fortunate)

Unused Stat Points: 3 --> 0

This overall increase was quite large. She now has 4x as much luck as before. With no obvious ways to increase one's luck other then stat points this seems like a good investment.

Now she feels excited for what the future may hold! What great figure may she meet? Will a god's weapon suddenly fall from the sky and accept her? all of these grand and very far fetched fantasies racing through her head.

Then she gets a reality check and remembers she only has 4x a normal person's luck. That stuff will not happen to her because it's so improbable she estimates a need for at least 1000x her current luck to consider it a possibility. Main character level plot bullshit.

With the free stat points out of the way now, she needs a goal for today. Maybe training, but saving energy for the night is a priority. She could go attempt to kill some rabbits for achievement points, but without a need to eat or drink all of the meat would get wasted.

'hmm, guess I can go find a town or city? Locating a main road will do nicely' knowing that today would be a long day she backtracks to the fields and starts lightly jogging along the edges keeping an eye out for roads or buildings.

One thing Byron noticed about her new body throughout this whole journey was how it's quite fit. If it was average at the start that must mean that normal people start off their cultivation at a basic level of fitness.

This could mean that some individuals who didn't start their cultivation with a decently fit body are left behind in physical power until they begin body cultivation. Good thing that she didn't start this life with a weak stature!

All of this speculation comes without any confirmation from people... because she hasn't seen anyone in this world, let alone her own face.

'now that I've increased my luck I might as well check out the gacha option, I might get something good from it!'

"system" thinking of how luck could affect the system in different ways she selects the gacha option and a system panel appears right in front of her. This one looks to be extravagant looking with many different options for gambling with points.

There Is the:

Everything gacha

Tool gacha

Weapon gacha

Cultivator medicine gacha

Technique gacha

Skill gacha

System Feature gacha

Not limited to just those, but the more specific it was the more expensive. Along with that fact there were lucky draw options for each, with a lucky draw being valued at 10x the price of a normal draw. This didn't restrict to one draw at a time for faster gambling.

Sure this all seems nice, but its expensive. The everything gacha on its own costed 50 achievement points! Getting more specific, The Yin energy related gacha costed a whopping 1500!!!!!

Apparently some higher tier gachas will increase in price as I grow in power, because of an abundance of achievement points or whatever the menu said. Kind of unfair if you ask me.

But anyways, Thinking about different ideas that could be tested with the gacha. Byron was speculating how she could possibly abuse this along with luck. Could she use specific gachas to gain stats? Could she use specific gachas to get discounts on anything? What are the limits. It did say everything, which is a very broad term.

Although she would like to test the limits of this gacha, she is too poor to even consider it so at the current moment she will just keep searching. Her luck stat would eventually bring her fortunate events.

As night creeps closer and the sky darkens, she stops her long walk and finds a good place to train, Tonight's training will be basically the same. Punch air, get better form, absorb Yin energy, rinse and repeat.

Upon reaching Muscle Refinement realm, she will gauge her speed compared to the Horned Rabbits. Hopefully she will get fast enough to catch one within a week, because it seems to be one of the weakest enemies.

Once the sun sets Byron equips her gauntlets and starts to punch the air. Trying her best to find and focus on the Yin energy which should start to appear soon. Once she feels the Yin energy start to flow into the landscape from the moon she realizes its much easier to guide the Yin energy now.

This control might be due to the large amounts of energy flowing from the moon taking up so much room it forcefully pushes extra energy throughout her body. This quantity of energy makes last night's quantity seem like a pebble next to a boulder.

The extra energy seemed to have been caused by the full moon. What a stroke of luck that this is happening right when she's gaining more insight and control over yin energy right!

Tonight will be great for training. Cultivating for strength and durability is what is necessary now.

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