Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Asmodeus the Betrayed

Moving in front of the demon to look at his face, suddenly the chains rustle and Deimos sees the demon move its head. His eyes go wide open looking directly at Deimos with a stare that can pierce anyone.

His mouth moves to speak, but all that comes out is a soft wheeze. He gives up trying to speak and  closes his eyes. Rustling the Chains once more. A light breeze flows out from his nearly-dead body, and he opens his eyes once again.

Making eye contact with Deimos she can hear a voice in her head speaking to her. He is begging to be released.

"Please young maiden, free me" Says the demon with desperation.

Speaking out loud, Deimos says "Why should I trust you? You've been locked here for who knows how long by people who say you went mad in the engravings on the entrance" She came to a conclusion that the demon is not to be trusted because of everything the prison/seal said.

A tang of fear and desperation goes through the demon's face "Please, I beg of you I did nothing wrong I was framed! Why does nobody believe me..." With his facial expression became distressful and pitiful, pleading without a voice through some sort of thought transmission.

Thinking to herself and how so many cultivation stories have people get framed and imprisoned for things they didn't do, she knew this was a possibility "Framed for what exactly?" She asks, waiting for his response.

Through this sort of mental connection the demon says "I was framed for the murder of my rival, the vice leader of the Celestial Thundering Fist sect by my brother who wanted the power of sect leader, May I show you the whole story fair maiden?" the demon asked.

Deimos was slightly off put, she knew from the engravings this individual was a powerful individual with a lot of influence who went mad..... she could probably trust him though... it seems like something that could happen right?

With a slightly more open mind Deimos asks him "Is your name Asmodeus like the engravings said? and what are you, I'd assume you are some sort of demon"

"Yes my name is Asmodeus, I used to be known as the Demon God of Combat. My race is demon lord, I was close to my evolution to demon emperor... may I show you my story now?" Curiously This individual hasn't even blinked a single time this whole talk, keeping the same expression the whole time.

Hesitating slightly, Deimos caves to curiosity and says yes. Its not like she can leave this place anyways "I'd like to hear your story... and its not like I have anything better to do, so give it your all" Deimos waits for him to start telling the story.

Deimos noticed something, instead of him telling the story through words Asmodeus was starting to transmit weak blurry images to her mind..... showing a flourishing sect on a mountain not too far from their location. Many individuals were there, mostly demons with a mix of humans, beast people, dragonoids, and more.

From the point of view of what is supposedly Asmodeus it shows him watching over a tournament full of many young soon-to be disciples. One detail stood out to her, every individual never once used a weapon. They were only fighting with fists.

Asmodeus transmitted thoughts once more to narrate his own story. "This is a year before I was framed, through my thousands of years of looking over my own memories with regret I have seen what went wrong from this point..... I never should have trusted my brother... but who wouldn't trust family right?"

Images of a man who looks similar to Asmodeus only with slightly different horns and features. He wore a intricate red robe with golden markings on the edges. His face had a look of disgust on it and he wielded a sword. Deimos could feel the rage emanating from Asmodeus when he showed him to her.

He then brought her to a scene. In the scene he was waiting for his disciple in a training grounds. He was sitting down in the middle cross legged. He sat there until he sensed a presence. Specifically one which was not supposed to be there. He stood up and observed his brother approaching him.

His brother was emitting no malicious aura, but his hand was on his blade nested at his hip. Asmodeus had no reason to consider his own flesh and blood a threat so he simply asked him one question. "What brings you here brother? My disciple is supposed to be here soon"

His brother smiles softly and gives his answer "I'm just here to confirm something with you. You aren't accepting any other disciples for around a hundred years or so right? Its just on the surface that you say you are, just confirming a little suspicion" He says this while fiddling with something behind his back with his other hand.

Asmodeus, completely trusting his brother answers honestly "You are indeed correct about that, I wouldn't tell anyone other then you that because I trust you" Sitting back down to wait for his disciple he confirms that his brother needs nothing more and he goes back to waiting.

After a whole day of training his personal disciple he returns to his majestic and grand quarters and cultivates his own qi within his designated spot. Getting lost in his cultivation until morning. He is broken out of his concentration by a massive band of elites from his sect.

After busting through the door they state with great malicious intent "You are to be removed from the sect leader's position for the murder of the Vice leader in cold blood"

Opening his eyes and standing up Asmodeus asks "What is this blasphemy? How dare you accuse me of something so vile?"

Asmodeus's brother steps out from the crowd and tells him "Give it up, we have irrefutable proof and an admission of guilt from you to me! My conscience just couuuuldn't hoooold this greeeaaaaat secret you told me yesterday after you murdered the vice leader in cold blood..... you muuust have gone mad!" He says with a devilish grin on his face.

Asmodeus's brother brings out a recording stone and brings up their conversation that he altered, it shows Asmodeus cleaning off his gauntlets from blood as his brother walks up. His brother then asks "Brother did you really kill the vice leader?"

In the edited recording Asmodeus responds with "You are indeed correct about that, I wouldn't tell anyone other then you that because I trust you" and as soon as the ambushed Asmodeus sees that he is filled with rage.

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