Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Behind the Doors

Racing through the mountains at her top speed made scaling mountains very easy. The only issue Deimos currently had was keeping up the Divine form. She needed to actively focus on keeping it active to use it.

Deimos, running at an astounding 378 mph (594 kph) or so she is making good distance very fast. In comparison to the earth that would allow one to run from Germany to Italy in around 3 and a half hours. In comparison she hasn't even made it through half of the mountain range and she's been running top speed for around 4 hours.

The only reason why she isn't crashing into anything and instantly dying is because she is holding up her divine form which makes her lucky enough to not hit them even when making mistakes. Finally slowing down to a more reasonable pace..... if you could call it that, she looks for a place to stop and rest.

Before she disables her divine form Deimos finds a spot to put her home. Might as well cultivate while resting right? Being productive is probably the best thing to do at the moment especially when weak.

Finding a looming cave entrance Deimos wanders into the cave thinking it would be a pretty good spot to rest. Scanning the area making sure nothing was lurking in the darkness she took a step forward into the cave.

Within the cave, there was a large flat wall with a square opening. Behind that opening was a dimly lit path with little glowing particles floating all throughout it. When Deimos tries to see what they are it seems to be some type of highly compressed qi emitting light.

Picking up a rock and throwing it at the compressed qi, the rock goes right through it unharmed. Taking a risk she walks forward into the area full of the compressed qi orbs. They move right through her and don't accumulate anywhere in her body.

Any time they are interacted with they reform into the particles like nothing happened. As if an invisible force is pulling them together. Walking even further out of curiosity Deimos makes it to the end of the dimly lit path.

The path opened up into a massive room looming way above her head. Inside this room was a set of double doors. Now that she went here she can feel a constant current of qi energy being redirected into the room.

The double doors were made of stone like the rest of the cave, but it had golden filled engravings along the edges showing depictions of a grand figure who ruled over many. With the power to split the skies until he went mad. Along with this there were some engraved words.

The engraved words read "In slumber's grip where darkness vies, Deep in the cave, here Asmodeus lies."

Running her hands across the engravings she thinks to herself 'that's quite ominous, this Asmodeus guy is probably pretty dangerous' Deimos decides its too much to go into the prison or tomb or whatever it is she goes to walk the other direction.

Suddenly there is a massive rumbling from the stone doorway. Shaking the whole cave while it slowly opens. Looking at the exit of the cave, the compressed qi formed into a solid wall preventing her from turning back.

With the only way she can go being deeper into the cave.... that's exactly what she does. Cautiously wandering forward she moves into another pathway, this time its a staircase down. Lining the walls are torches with a green flame emitting a sweet scent.

Cautiously making her way down the staircase, she feels like she is getting closer to the end of this cave. All she hears is silence, all she sees is green lights covering the walls of a staircase. Once the staircase ends, probably a mile or so down, she walks into a cylindrical room with chains scattered all throughout.

In the middle of all the chains was a man eyes closed. He looked as if there was barely a conscious mind in his body. He was wearing a ripped white shirt with sword wounds in the holes of his clothes. He had a jet black coat that would go down to his ankles. The coat had gray and red highlights on the edges making it look intimidating.

His pants matched the coat, they were slightly baggy but they also had the red and gray highlights. On his shoulders and joints he had pieces of armor. They were made of some unknown strong material which glistened like silver in the green light of the cave.

He had 2 horns on his head which looked like a demon's horns, and he had massive wings on his back. Their wing span was at least 2x his body height. He had massive spikes stabbed through his arms, legs, hands, feet, and wings pinning him to the ground.

A light but gasping breathing could be heard from the corpse looking majestic man. With chains and spikes binding him he was unable to do anything but sleep. So sleep he did, while Deimos walks up to this man she looks him up and down.

Battle scars riddled his chest which again, had a massive open sword wound which for some reason hasn't healed. Once Deimos got in front of the man she could sense a powerful negative energy coming from the chains and spikes.

Deciding not to touch the chains or spikes because of any possible adverse effects she takes a step back and just wonders what she should do now. She is trapped in here because of the qi barrier, and there is this intimidating demon that is in a deathly state which according to the engravings said he went mad.

Moving in front of the demon to look at his face, suddenly the chains rustle and Deimos sees the demon move its head. His eyes go wide open looking directly at Deimos with a stare that can pierce anyone.

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