Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Beginning of a grand journey

[Time skip, 3 days]

Training endlessly 24/7 is boring and repetitive so I won't go into too much detail, but long story short being able to focus on more fate qi particles for longer is great for gathering it. With one focus pill per day massively increasing her cultivation speed.

While they do only last 5 hours, with enough effort keeping some extra focus from the pills is possible and Deimos took advantage of that for faster cultivation speeds even if its only a bit. Along with that the boost to talent from the ability tree also helped her find more fate qi.

She successfully increased her cultivation by 1 level completing the very easy cultivation mission 2 days early at the cost of 3 focus pills.

[Replaced Bone Reinforcement 2, +10 achievement points]

[Broke through to Spirit Discovery 2, +10 achievement points]

[Broke through to Qi Sensing 2, +10 achievement points]

[Qi - 2 --> 4]

[Willpower - 8 --> 10]

[Charisma/Charm - 4 --> 6]

[Luck / Fortune - 60 --> 70]

[Unused Stat points - 0 --> 6]

[Quest completed, Ready to claim quest rewards!]

Standing up and yawning, Deimos does a few jumps and stretches with a few small black clumps falling off that feel similar to a shell. Picking up one of these black chunks and rolling it in her hands 'I'm guessing these clumps are my body's impurities. Good thing they aren't a black liquid or ooze, I would have to thoroughly clean myself and my clothes if that was the case'

Gathering all of the chunks, stepping outside, and chucking them away as far as possible she looks at the changes in her status 'Qi and willpower got increased predictably.... my charm went up though? I wonder why it didn't happen in the first realm of this cultivation. Probably has to do with the impurities getting removed or something like that'

[Luck / Fortune - 70 --> 76]

Quickly putting every stat point in Luck she closes the status window, looking at the blue sky she covers her eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Looking back down she opens the system menu to claim her quest rewards.



Ability Tree


Quests (1 active quests)

Growth Tips



System Upgrades

{Quest Rewards} - Ready to Claim!


Selecting quest rewards, she claims them.

[Gained 2x luck card (5 hours)]

[Gained 1000 achievement points]

'This 2x luck card probably could be useful, I've got to remember to use it sometime' Twirling the card between her fingers like a rum loving pirate with a cursed coin, she flicks it and returns it to her inventory.

Looking back at the menu she sees that she still has the ice spider quest left 'Next order of business, find the ice spiders.... which I'm guessing live somewhere cold so I'll go search for that I guess'

Deimos returns to her house and makes sure she has everything she needs to bring. 'Looks like everything is set, it seems like a good time to set off on a biiig journey or something like that'

Deimos snaps her fingers and the house returns to its card form, flying into her hand. She returns it to her inventory and closes all system menus. Looking for what position the sun is, knowing its day and that on earth the sun sets to the west. She decides to go north looking for something akin to the north pole.

Imaging the length of time it would take to get there..... she decides to look for the spiders at the tops of mountain ranges because that has to be cold enough for them right? 'Walking is going to take ages.... if I spend all day running and all night practicing my cultivation I should do pretty well.

'Wait a minute.... what if I practice the Lightning blitz's flash step while moving? Not only will I be sped up but I will be training during the day!' After she thought of this she smacked her head calling herself dumb for not thinking of that before.

looking at the sky and aligning herself to the north (probably) she produces the movements for her flash step. Launching forward at immense speeds she suddenly realizes doing this in a forest probably was not the best idea. Almost smashing into a tree she barely redirects herself and stops.

'I guess I should put less power in and go slower, maybe gain some control over my direction and a faster reaction time before I go my physical max speed. I still haven't used any Qi to boost my speed like the technique says I can' Restarting her dashes but slowed down by a lot.

Weaving between trees at a speed much higher then what she could reach before the technique was in her hands, she gets an idea on how to use it effectively in battle. Perhaps she could make many mirages of herself while being invisible.

'Maybe I can make a copy of myself that lags behind slightly while I'm just staying invisible so it looks like my attacks connect before they hit... or I could do that one technique called rhythm echo from the Godspeed kid

What if I attack normally within my mirage making it seem real... then I separate and trick my opponent! this light mirage technique gives me so much freedom I might not be able to do all of this in one battle or any time soon haha...'

Speeding through the trees with slight after images behind her, she keeps going until night time. This is when demon lions come out.... if she's even in the area where they were prominent that is. During the whole time she was running, she made it farther then she did at first before she found the special yin flowers.

Whipping out the card with the house, Deimos puts it onto the ground and releases her home. Materializing out of thin air she walks up to it and opens its door, Sitting down in the lotus position right smack in the middle of her home. Deimos begins to cultivate for the rest of the night.

A neat perk of cultivation is that it can give the same effects that sleeping can.... well not all cultivation does that (Example being the yin body cultivation technique) So she sits down and will cultivate for the rest of the night.

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