Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Questing 2: Electric Boogaloo

[Rolling 1 lucky spin!]

[Rolling 10 spins!]

[1x Talent empowering pill (SS grade Rare)

increases talent by 10%]

[1x 10 year old spirit grass (B grade common)

pill resource]

[10x low tier qi crystals (A grade uncommon)

One use item, absorbs qi it touches in the air to be absorbed later]

[2x low spirit stones (B grade uncommon)

General currency of immortals, qi within can be absorbed for faster cultivation]

[1x flaming grass seeds (A grade common)

A single seed that can grow flaming grass in hot areas, if aged for hundreds of years it can be made into a powerful elixir]

[1x 3 year old abyss rose petal (B tier rare)

Contains 3 years worth of gathered abyss qi, can increase speeds of darkness type cultivation techniques]

[1x minor comprehension pill (A tier uncommon)

Slightly increases user's comprehension speed for anything for a day]

[1x dauntless bird skull (F tier common)

Small part of a small bird's corpse, could be utilized by a few cultivation techniques for qi.]

[1x aged shadow fox jerky (SS tier uncommon)

Old spiritual jerky made from a shadow fox, can boost power of illusions by 10% (if you had 10 effectiveness you would have 11 after, but when gaining more skill you will not have an increased boost, so if the user increased effectiveness by 10 after using the jerky it would be 21 instead of growing with it becoming 22)]

[1x fractured qi gathering stone (F tier common)

Stone with a broken formation within that if fixed can attract qi in a 1 mile radius increasing density around the rock for 6 feet (1.8m)]

[3x focus boosting pills (D tier common)

Boosts focus for 5 hours]

[Items have been sent to your inventory!]

'That's a lot to keep track of, and not a lot of stuff I can use. Good thing I didn't do this with 10k achievement points. Might as well not use the gacha for this stuff again unless I'm feeling especially lucky'

'Anyways lets take a look at the rewards... the talent empowering pill seems good, I seem to have gotten unrefined pill materials as well.... can't really use them. I could ask someone to make me some pills when I eventually find civilization

Spirit stones? that gives me an evil idea, what if i spend them but just recall them into my inventory after a day or so! Well... actually that would make a lot of enemies, not the best idea I came up with but I might use it eventually

Focus boosting pills would be nice.... I might be able to fix the qi gathering stone eventually, the comprehension pill works well with focus boosting pills.... I'll get to using all that when I'm actually training or need to use it. Time to look at some quests.... if I can get them on my own that is'

Taking out the talent empowering pill and consuming it, just so that she doesn't forget about it.

Opening the system menu and going into the questing menu, she sees a new screen.


Would you like a quest?

[Yes] [No]


Selecting the yes option, a new menu appears. Asking what difficulty of mission she wanted. Selecting easy, the quest menu closes and a new panel opens. This new panel is asking for mission type giving training, fighting, art, forging, and alchemy as options. Deimos selects fighting.


(Easy rank quest)

kill Ice spider queen 0/1

kill ice spiders 0/50

Time limit: 1 year

Reward: +300 luck, +15,000 achievement points


'Ice spider queen? Ice spiders..... FIFTY?!? what the fu-THREE HUNDRED LUCK?!?! that's like.... what is 300/60 again..... og yeah its 6.... SIX TIMES MY LUCK STAT AS A REWARD?! this seems like its going to be hard if I have a time limit of one year

They sound like they live somewhere cold..... now that I think about it the difficulty of this mission might be finding the spider queen and ice spiders...'

Deimos will once again journey off from where she is staying. She has been in the same general area for a while now. It might end up being a good thing too, Deimos has kind of ruined the ecosystem in a small radius by killing a lot of the area's predators.

'What if I take a training quest.... wonder if the rewards would be different then.'

Going through the menu, into the quest menu, selecting very easy difficulty for training, a new quest appears.


(Very easy rank quest)

Breakthrough in all cultivation types 0/1 times

Time limit: 5 days

Reward: 2x luck card (lasts 5 hours), 1000 achievement points


'5 days? that seems..... too short. I'll need some luck for this one. Guess being bored about cultivation is gonna be an issue for a little while longer.'

Deimos sits down in a lotus position, getting ready to cultivate. Concentrating on the surroundings looking for fate qi. 'concentrating... I have to concentrate so what if I use a focus boosting pill? Well might as well get some use out of it instead of leaving it be in my inventory'

Breaking her concentration to open up her inventory she scrolls through every option.... looking at everything, she noticed she didn't really have many items in her inventory before the cultivation resource gacha rolls.

'Well its not like that's a bad thing really.'

Taking the focus boosting pill out of her inventory she sees it materialize in her hand, its a small sphere with a white outer shell and a brown cloud shape on the side. There is a black line connecting both clouds in the design.

Consuming the special medicine Deimos feels her mind grow more focused.... its hard to explain, but she could also now see some easy qi types without trying to focus. Closing her eyes once more, Deimos searches for fate qi, this time easily finding it. One difference Deimos has noticed was that there was seemingly more fate qi then there was before.

Perhaps it was hidden and she needed better focus to find it? Cultivating diligently she will focus on completing her cultivation mission now.

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