Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Sneak Attack!

Day and night, training is going well. Other then the constant annoyances from horned rabbits....

Still, The Light Mirage technique is great for training Qi control... but you already knew that.

Overall progress is great! After an entire week of training Light Mirage, Byron is now able to control light with decent efficiency. It's not like she's a hidden secluded master of light or anything. Just you're average joe striving for improvement.

Byron's new house made sleep easier during the day, and more comfortable then a tree branch. With better sleep and a week's worth of training Byron got to a novice level of controlling Qi.

The issue with the house is the horned rabbits annoy Byron constantly during the day. Not that Byron didn't get stronger.

Training all night every week did allow for Byron to progress to Muscle Refinement 2. One tier in one week, which isn't that great for the second major realm of Body Cultivation.

'Tonight I will break through to the Third tier of Muscle Refinement!! I'm sure of it'

Byron wants to progress faster, but the problem is how she can't cultivate during the day. With no Qi cultivation technique she can't progress nearly as fast as she did for Bone Reinforcement.

Mainly because every form of cultivation, as long as its Qi form doesn't violently conflict with the other. They Support and improve upon anything lacking.

Body Cultivation makes up for the weak bodies a spirit cultivator would have and allows for greater power in techniques, Essential for warriors who use any form of close range weapon.

Qi cultivation allows for precise control over energies to form spells or add Qi to techniques helping body cultivation speed and reinforce attacks with qi. Of course it increases lifespan too.

Soul Cultivation empowers one's will and makes Qi Cultivation vastly easier while increasing comprehension and resistance to mind related attacks or illusions.

One current goal for Byron is getting a Qi cultivation method with compliments the Yin Body Cultivation method. Possibly Ice Type, Darkness would be disadvantageous as that would probably require night-time cultivation.... and same with moonlight techniques.

The other goal Byron has is to catch a horned rabbit! Those critters finally will get caught by her because she is twice as fast as before. If she can show herself as a proper predator they will get scared and stop annoying her!

'Damn things have been getting so close just to escape, every time! But now that I broke through I'm gonna catch that thing and beat it up... The darn rabbits have taunted me every day and I need my revenge!'

The rabbits seems pretty crafty and slightly intelligent. Knowing this she starts her normal daily routine of training. Keeping a keen eye out for any hints that a rabbit is in the area.

*rustle* suddenly a bush moves and a horned rabbit hops out. Keeping a close eye on Byron. It quietly makes its way over. Suddenly its ears perk up, it heard movement.

But Byron was still sitting and refracting light in one spot.... But suddenly the horned rabbit noticed something was off. Sure it looked like Byron was practicing, but there was no noise from there! It came from.. behind?

*BAM* before the rabbit could react, it's head got smashed in with twice the average human's strength. Along with the spiked knuckles of the gauntlet piercing the rabbit.

[1x Killed Horned Rabbit + 5 achievement points]

'YESS it worked!' Byron excitedly thinks to herself

After thinking it through, she thought it would be best to make use of a basic form of the technique she was given. With sufficient mastery over the technique she was able to form a one sided illusion!

Allowing her to sneak up on the confused rabbit and kill it! Maybe she didn't need speed after all... not that it didn't help. Speed still is very useful.

Not just that but she got achievement points for killing the Horned rabbit. 5 doesn't seem like much but if she keep's this up it will build over time!

Maybe she can spend the whole day hunting to gather as many achievement points as possible. If she gets enough achievement points she could get a qi cultivation technique.

But first she picks up the corpse of the rabbit wondering what to do with it. Perhaps she could cook and eat it? She can focus light and make a fire after all.

She decides to put the fire decently close to her house so she makes a little clearing and makes a small-ish circle with rocks. She will build the fire in this circle of rocks so it doesn't spread.

Gathering some thin and oily tree bark, small twigs, sticks, and large sticks, she sets up and prepares a fire. This does take a little bit to make the teepee looking formation of sticks, but it will do the job.

Bending light to focus on the bark, she starts a small fire. Which quickly grows into a large enough fire to cook on.

After removing the horned rabbit's skin and cutting it up with her gauntlets like it's a chicken. Within the chest of this little animal is a small red crystal containing a little bit of Qi.

Setting it to the side Byron puts the meat on a hot rock placed in the coals of the fire (it took quite a bit of time to butcher the rabbit). She took time to cook it up and not eat it raw.

Without any seasonings at all the rabbit wasn't very good, but it seemed to contain a little bit of Qi in its corpse that could be absorbed by consuming it.

At least the day can be more productive then just standing around only focusing on Qi control practice. Now Byron can make use of the Light Mirage Technique to hunt. Gaining little Qi and practicing control at the same time.

Let the hunt begin!

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