Me and my Goddess

28. Weapon selection

It's me I'm back.

I guess six months was a surprisingly good guess. But I do plan on writing a bit more now. 

Especially since we are finally at a point where the real adventuring is about to begin. 


Also major thanks to anyone voting liking and especially commenting.

Also also special thanks to ToasterForkerAnonymous and his archery comment.

I've been thinking about it a lot. And I even convinced my family to go to an archery range while I visited them. And I tried out a compound bow. So even though I'm obviously not an expert. I have a better understanding now.

But you have to consider everybody in this world is magically enhanced so even the average person is a lot stronger than a normal human.

Anyway if anyone finds something that doesn't make sense or isn't explained well enough pls tell me. Im trying hard to make the magic make sense and be at least somewhat realistic.


The teacher searched through the aligned weapons and picked out 2 smaller bows from the bunch. The first one he held up was a traditional bow made from a matt black metal.
“This is a pure carbon recurve bow which is perfect for mana circulation but in pure strength, it can't match up to this.”
He held up the other one. It was a bit smaller with two wheels on its end and two extra wires going between them.
“The compound bow uses this mechanical levering system to ease the drawing weight so this 50lbs bow is just a bit more exhausting to use as the 40lbs recurve bow.”
“If that’s the case why would anyone use the first? Except for aesthetic which doesn't seem too important here?” I wonder.
“Magic empowerment.” Gwen intervened. “The compound bows multiple parts hinder the magical circulations. So, advanced archers who apply magic to empower the bow directly instead of themself prefer the 2-part recurve bow. As the magical power outweighs the pure power difference.
But infusing objects with magic isn't so easy. Especially since the only real use of magic on bows directly is to strengthen its power. Compared to melee weapons you can't just set it on fire. You'd need to ignite the arrow which is even harder as you need to sustain the magic in flight.”
“I guess that means I have to use the compound considering my magical prowess.”
He smiled as he handed me the bow. “Follow me.” he said as he walked a few meters towards a few shooting targets.

I quickly got used to the bow. Having a scope was probably a great help if you could judge the distance. After shooting just over 10 arrows I at least didn’t miss the target which was about 25 or 30 meters away.
“Not bad. Not good either.” Mr. Romanov exclaimed, “I hope your magical abilities are a bit more up to standard.”
“Anyway.” he continued “You can't just rely on long-range. Like I already mentioned you should always carry a side weapon. The classic is a dagger or short sword. But I have been wondering. Can I see your hands?”
“Why?” I asked confused, while I reached out with my hand to him anyway.
“Interesting he said.” after observing my hand for a while. "Your fingernail does seem a bit sturdier and they are quite sharp. Have you tried extending them?”
“Let me see that.” Gwen said as she grabbed my hand. As she inspected them her red eyes started to glow slightly. "Incredible.”
“What?” I and the obviously excited catgirl-fanboy said at the same time.
“Your first finger bone is separated in two and the one at the tip is connected to your nail. By rotating it you should be able to slightly extend your fingernail. It also looks like your fingers a quite a bit sturdier.”
“Truly incredibly. Try it try it.” The teacher almost squealed excitedly.

After a short while, I was able to slowly extend them. One finger at a time. It was a weird feeling using a new muscle was always difficult. It's way harder than moving my tail more like moving my ears. It felt especially strange, especially when holding the fingertip between two other fingers as I could feel the bone and tendons move.
The nail didn’t extend much. It just about doubled in length. I could move it from even with the tip to around half a centimeter out.
At first, I was scared that the nail would be loose but if I didn’t relax the finger, it was even sturdier in place than a normal nail.
Watching the entire thing with awe Romanov finally got to word: “Whilst this is certainly impressive. You probably won't be able to use this as an effective sidearm. Even the most basic vampire claws are a lot more efficient. And still, almost no vampire who can use them will. The short-range just puts you in too much danger. And more importantly, it's just too short. Unless you hit precisely this won't kill anything on the size of a dog or larger.”
It made sense. The only real way to use these in combat would be in an assassination, or in a hand-to-hand scuffle.
“Unless you focus your magic within them.” Gwen added nonchalantly. “But that wouldn’t change the other problem.”
“True. That’s also what most magical beasts with claws do. Even if they do it mostly automatic.” The teacher added.
“If that’s a possibility why don’t vampires do that?” I ask.
“Our claws are different.” he responded “Yours and monster claws are always physical. They are a permanent part of your body. These, however.” he said while extending the same black claws I saw on Gwen.” These are dense mana. Normally compressing mana to a physical state is extremely taxing. But thanks to our nature as vampires, it is a lot easier to do so from our fingers. And even vampires who can't normally form dense mana can sometimes form them.”
“Also changing shape is also possible. If more taxing.” Gwen added as she extended her own and turned them from hard to almost tentacle-like.” You can't infuse something with mana that is already mana. At best you can shroud them in it.”

“So sidearm it is?” I ask.
“For sure” the man agreed “but the question remains what kind of weapon do you want? Obviously, something light would be recommended. Considering plan one is still to keep your distance. Like one of the many different swords or daggers, unless you prefer something like a whip or chain.”
“What about a spear.” I respond “Why would I get close to anyone. I've also heard they are quite easy to use compared to other weapons.”

“You are right. Spears are the novice weapon of choice. But they have two negatives, first, enchant ability, considering you only try and circulate mana in the tip, and second, how big it is. It would restrict your movement quite a bit while on your back. You could get one that folds but that takes valuable time in combat. And monsters don’t usually wait for you to get ready.”
“How about a khopesh.”Gwen intervened.
“How didn’t I think about that.” he responded “It has its origin in ancient Egypt. Soooooo... Anyway, it’s a half a meter sickle-shaped mix between an ax and sword with a backward-facing hook on the bottom of the blade.”
I gave both of them an ‘are-you-serious' look. “So, we keep on with the cat theme. I mean Egypt and cats. Whatever show me the thing.”
“Right up.” He quickly moved to the assortment of weapons.
“Why is he so obsessed with catgirls.” I ask Gwen while he is gone.
“I wish I knew.” was her only response.

Shortly after, he came back with an assortment of weapons, proudly handing me the khopesh.
I tried out most of them. The whips didn’t work at all. So, I settled on a sword. But I couldn’t really differentiate between the different kinds of swords. I was just not skilled or used enough to them to decide. I'd need some real testing to figure out which one I pick up permanently.
“I guess for now I will try out the khopesh. Mostly considering you sounded so excited about it. And I'd also like a dagger. I feel like it will be useful.” I concluded. “That means we are done here, right?”
“We are.” Gwen said, “Elmin will have the weapons prepared.”
“I will. But didn't you insist on formality.” he responded.
“Thank you.” I added, “How about we take a picture as a thank you.”
With a huge smile, he quickly agreed.
After we took a picture together and said our goodbyes we left.
“Are we going to the magic part of the test now?” I asked Gwen.
“No.” was her quick response.” You aren't old enough and your magic is not developed enough that we need to do it. All mana you have right now is so basic that we can't really make any conclusions on it. What you really need is some more training. And I already planned the first step with Miia. Right now, we are going to meet a team of adventurers to help you with your first otherworldly step. You probably already know them”

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