Me and my Goddess

29. Meeting the gang

As we got ready to leave the training arena the sun was already high up in the sky. While it was warm it wasn't oppressively so. But my physical activities still left me yearning for a shower. Thankfully some were attached to the changing rooms. And lucky for me, they weren't communal. While I wasn't embarrassed by my body, how could I? I still wasn't used to this new me strutting around naked in front of the now more numerous students occupying the changing rooms and showers especially since I was getting enough questioning gazes anyway.

Bodywash and hair were thankfully also provided. While I couldn't read the handle. The label depicting a woman's hair made it easy to identify them later.

Once I was done showering and drying my hair I meet up with Gwen who was waiting outside. There were noticeably more students now a group of them surrounding Gwen. They happily talked to her, until she spotted me and carefully pushed them away making her way to me. Many of the students started asking questions about who I was.
"A student joining the year late." was what I chose to respond with.
While it wasn't wrong it wasn't the whole story. But we didn't talk about some kind of cover story I would eventually need. Considering I couldn't tell just anyone about Miia.

Unsurprisingly this just fueled more questions from the students but Gwen eventually shushed them away. They insisted a bit more but as we started leaving the building they stopped following us.

The outside population of the campus also increased quite a bit since we arrived. The warm noon sun encouraged them to camp around seating areas or just right on the grass.

Walking over to somewhere, we encountered more and more students non of them did much more than greet us. But questioning looks were directed at me also hushed whispers were exchanged behind us. It wasn't surprising even if they thought my cat features were artificial seeing someone like that next to the headmistress just made it even more curious. I didn't notice it as much in the inner city. But considering there were so many more people I probably just didn't register them.

We didn't walk for too long. We were weaving between two more significant buildings on a small path. We arrived in front of a wide but rather short building. It was only around two stories tall but the concentration of students was even higher. Many swarming in and out of the gray concrete building.

"Are you hungry?" Gwen asked me.

"Not much. But I would take a bite or so." While I wasn't quite hungry I wouldn't mind eating now. "But didn't you say we are meeting someone?"

"We are. You took quite a while to shower so I called my secretary who in turn connected me to whom we are about to meet. They told me they were about to eat so I proposed we meet at this mensa."

As we moved inside the building and between the masses of students we entered a large dining hall. The entrance side of the building had no walls but the others were glass from bottom to top. At the point where we entered multiple workers were handing out food.

We picked out two plates and filled them with spaghetti tomato sauce and cheese. Which looked just about how I was used to. While the curious looks remained they were overshadowed by people contemplating what to eat.

As we moved between the seating areas and up a staircase Gwen said to me quietly, I could barely hear it over the sound of people talking and dishes clanking. "I don't think I need to tell you. Still, you shouldn't mention anything about her. The rest is yours to decide on what you say."

Before I could respond a voice called from the other end of the room. "Professor Featherslight. We are sitting over here."

On the far corner next to the large windows, four young women sat around a spacious table. Two empty chairs were pulled out to one side.
I recognized them as my body's former inhabitant's owner. I was expecting to see them considering the number of people I knew that would be at this university. Though I hoped that it would be one of the teachers I meet, considering the assured awkwardness of this conversation.

Also spotting them Gwen moved in front of me and towards them.
"I'm glad all of you could make it here to this short-term meeting."

As soon as they spotted me their eyes were all fixated on me. Even more so than with the random students, we meet.

"No problem Miss." Said the walnut-brown-haired woman I remembered as Liz "And thank you for this odd meeting place. I assume this has something to do with the woman who is with you?" her eyes flickered between Gwen and me.

"You are right. May I introduce Lucy." Gwen said while she said down. Placing her food in front of her on the table. And she promptly started eating.

"Hello. I guess I'm a new student. Nice to meet you." Again I thought to myself as I awkwardly sat down next to my current guide.

As soon as I was introduced Liz's eyes were glued to me even more.
After a short silence, where I tried surprisingly good spaghetti, she started talking. "Nice to meet you, Lucy." Every world rolled over her lips slowly. Like she was holding herself back, calculating every word. "My name is Liz. Over there as Flora Jessica and Riya." She gestured to the turquoise, black, and dark blue-haired woman, in turn, they all said a short greeting. But while she gestured her eyes never moved away from me. I recognized all of them from the apartment but a fresh up on names was nice.

"Nice to meet all of you." I said, after swallowing the bite I just took.

Before the quietness could set back in she continued still very much in the same tone from before. But this time even tenser she said just four words. "Are you my Lucy?"


This was what I was scared off I didn't quite know what to say. I feel like we should've talked this over beforehand. I questioningly glanced over to Gwen. She first nodded and then shrugged her shoulders. Wtf

As my eyes wandered over the other three women who stayed quiet until now expect their short greeting. Their facial expressions ranged from excited on the small Riya to curious on the tall Jessica. Flora was somewhere in between, not just in height but also in expression, hers was hard to read.

As my eyes once again meet with Liz she was clearly trying to hold back her excitement. She certainly took my silent exchange with Gwen as basically a confirmation. Now I couldn't even deny it if I wanted to.

"Yes. I am but..."

Before I could finish my sentence Liz jumped up squealing in joy as she basically jumped over the corner of the table into my arm. Thankfully we sat on the same corner or she would've jumped over the whole table.
Unluckily though she had so much force in her joy she pushed me over. Her arms around my head thankfully softened the impact but it still took me by surprise. Thankfully she wasn't all too heavy and I was apparently quite a bit sturdier than I was used to.

"I knew it." She almost seemed in happiness. Ignoring the awkward position she started peppering my head with kisses. "I knew you weren't dead. I missed you so much."

As she kept on cuddling me and crying out in joy I heard Gwen get up. " I'm glad you two get along already. Considering you four are going to take Miss Lucy here onto your next expedition. I hope you don't mind. Goodbye Girls I hope you have fun." After a quick goodbye from the other three, I heard her walking away.
Before quickly stopping to say. "Also Liz be careful not to smother her with your breast."


Short and quick chapter.

Originally wanted them to finish talking in this one but it felt like a good stop. Hope yall don't mind 

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