Me and my Goddess

4. Getting used to this

First of all, thank you @thisntme for pointing out an error I didn't spot and all of you for rating.

I've had a problem while writing which I don't know how to fix so if you have any ideas pls tell me: I like the idea of out MC naming Miia but I also feel like it's awkward for other characters to call her 'Goddess'. Thx again.

Also sorry about the late update I was kinda busy with college :P


It seems like I was wrong I am no cat. But instead something close to it. Maybe this world equivalent to a cat. First of all either I am rather larger or the girl next to me is rather small since my shoulders go are a little smaller than her knees. I was presumably this girl's pet. I guess this body died and Miia decided that my soul could inhabit it, very different than what normally happens when a new soul gets a new body. But then again my new 'birth' in this world wasn't what one would call normal.

"Lucy I still can't believe you are fully healed. I mean you were... after what happened I was sure you weren't going to make it. Thank Fystra you are safe good now."

Right now the girl, whose name I still didn't know, was examining my lower body, where judging from the leftover blood in my fur whatever wound I had was before Miia presumably healed it. If I'm being honest that whole process was annoying since the pain wasn't full bygone but mainly because I too attempted to examine my body. Not to find out any leftover wounds of which I didn't feel any but rather to finally figure out what kind of animal I am.

This is what I've got so far. My general body structure was in terms of size and general looks probably closer to that of a Dog. My four limbs were strong but also nimble. But my paws didn't look like those of a dog rather like a Cat I felt my claws inside it even though I wasn't entirely sure how to extend them. I had a long tail I wasn't sure how long but it feels like half of my entire body length.  My whole body was also coved in soft silver fur like a Persian Cat or a Husky. I could see perfectly not only shapes but also colors so in that regard I am neither a dog nor a cat but this strange hybrid. I could smell more than ever the metallic blood, the girl's hair smelled like a flower but I couldn't decide which one. I would say the close was a rose but also different probably something native to this world or chemically produced one. From outside of the door came several other smells trees and also animals but I couldn't identify any I guess since they too weren't present back on earth. Also, my hearing was excellent I could hear the birds chirping outside and the quiet sobs and prayer from the girl. But also some things that were new to me. I could hear her blood moving through her veins and animals moving outside trampling the grass. As well as many other things that I couldn't identify. But one thing about my new hearing was rather wider I could move my ears to further specify the direction in which I wanted to hear. Which was kinda weird.

Some time passed and the girl was ready to move on after a final prayer and thanks she picked my up deciding that I couldn't walk alone. Even though I felt no remaining injuries which she knew since she spends quite some time examining me but I guess she was scared of remaining pain. She firmly but lovingly pressed me to her stomach with my snout pressed into the crook of her neck and my belly against her breasts. She was soft even though my fur and her clothes. She too must've liked it since she was stroking my back.

You know like one would expect but my first experience being a pet is quite pleasant. But being at the same height as her this was the first time that I got a good look at my surroundings. The status was in what looks like a small shrine the whole thing was made from dark brown wood so Miia's bright clothing and white pedestal stood out in a nice contrast, with some color from her hair and a few flowers and other things arranged around her feet which I presume are offerings. This finishing touch to this lovely affair was the sun shining in from behind me which gave it a nice yellow glow. 

Once we stepped outside a soft gust of wind caused me to turn around and what I was probably even better than the lovely shrine. It was weird, mostly weird but also incredible. Everything was like on earth but also nothing alike. Trees looked the same but also like none I ever saw Birds sounding just slightly off and the sky just a bit different color than what I would expect on a sunny day. All in all, I wouldn't be able to tell if I was in a foreign country or if fact on a different Planet. But only if it wasn't for one major object floating in the sky, a moon but unlike on earth, it had a faint purple glow. Combined with the rest as well as the larger than I'm used to sun, this made me finally realize this all really happened I was no longer on earth. This was a new planet and my new life starts right now.

The shrine was near a cliff above a forest with lots of clearing some having small buildings and some even lakes. I could even make out some people swimming or sunbathing, for a forest there were surprisingly many humans. Far away on the horizon were building they filled the entire horizon from right to left with just a few breaks. They were quite far away but judging from the size they seem to be skyscrapers. So I guess this is a forest close to a major city something very rare where I'm from. 

We followed a small path through the woods until we made our way to a small clearing and there it was the thing I didn't expect from this world filled with magic but I guess Miia warned me. A car. It just like everything else didn't look like I was used to even though it was rather modern resembling a sportscar from Earth. But unlike them a lot more spacious. 

The girl got onto the diver seat with me on her Lap with no intention of putting me on the passenger seat. This didn't seem safe. But the only way for me to show my concern was by... barking? Ok, this is new. Anyway, something was off I couldn't find a starting wheel. But as soon as she sat down and closed the Door a new voice startled it was quite natural but still somewhat robotic. 

"Welcome Back Elizabeth. Where would you like to go?"


"Yes. Estimated time Home: 37 minutes."

And off we were. It seems like the car is completely autonomous and voice-controlled impressive but wouldn't a steering wheel still be necessary unless all cars were AI-controlled. Also, it made nearly no sound at all so I guess it's electronic. At least now I know her name. Elizabeth. 

"Change to bed-mode."

Wow as soon as she said that the seats moved down and connected with the backseat as well as connecting with the passenger seat. Now the whole car was basically a Bed on wheels.  This was amazing I wish I had something like this back on earth. But I guess thas something I won't need to worry about now. After all, this is my life now.

We were just laying there she was still hugging me. But I was tired this whole transfers took its toll on me. So quietly purring I drifted into sleep.


"Hey, Lucy...


Lucy this is your name now Right.


That voice... Miia!! But I can't answer right now after all I can't speak. But I will still voice my displeasure about her calling me Lucy. Even if I end up just barking.

"Don't call me that I'm a guy after all. Wow. Nevermind I guess I can speak."

"Jep. You can since I connected directly to your soul. As long as I don't have a body it's the best way to talk. And by the way you arent a guy anymore. You've been reborn and your new body is female. Your gender and your old name are like I said old your soul has no gender or name it's connected to your body. Still some souls prefer some genders. Your current 'choice' shows you prefer being a female or don't mind either way. That means now you are Lucy,  a female (well kinda) fuddle"


"Yep, that's your current race."

"That sounds kinda stupid, and what do you mean current."

"It doesn't sound stupid." she sounded kinda sad surprisingly. "Anyway yes currently, if you get enough experience you can evolve. How much Exp you need depends on your race. Some evolve rarely but gain more if they do evolve. Also some most of the time there are different paths that you get depending on what you do to gain your Exp. But some are always the same. For example, a normal human will always evolve into a high-human but after that, there are multiple ways. For example, a Boxer will gain increased tenacity and upper body strength. Some evolutions are not as Obvius in their outcome some are rather drastic where their complete body changes." 

"So how do you get Exp it cant be by killing like in RPGs right?"

"What? No, you get Exp by doing things that require skill and energy. So for example, while killing something wouldn't get you Exp the fighting or aiming with your weapon would. Also if you take a fight and for example think about a strategy that would also give Exp. Also, Exp isn't a fixed number there are ways to show them as such but that is only to visualize. Like IQ. Exp more means the connection between your soul and your body and the stronger it gets the more power the soul can channel through the body meaning it will get stronger. And eventually, you will evolve to show your new abilities and strength. In your case, I am sure that at some point you will be able to get a humanoid body after all that's what your soul desired. And if it turned out that's not happening I still have some trick in store.

But you are almost at Elizabeth's home so it's time to wake up. Good timing I too have somethings to check upon. And don't worry just follow her she will be a good owner. Hahaha."

"No, wait I have other questions."








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