Me and my Goddess

5. My new home?

Sice one guy pointed it out in the first chapter I would really appreciate it if you would point out any grammatical or spelling mistakes or even logical potholes so I can try to deliver the best reading experience possible. C:


"You have arrived at your destination."

And just like that, I was back in the real world and without a helpful goddess to guide and support me. I wonder what was so imported, but I guess after sleeping for a million years I too would have things to check upon. I just hope she coming back soon because I have no idea what to do and where to go now. But she said to go with Elizabeth so I guess this is my best shot.

"Let's go, Lucy, I'm sure the girls will be happy to see you."

Right now we were in some underground garage which I presume belongs to Elizabeth's and the girls' apartment whoever they are. I guess either her roommates or her family. Walking through here from the about 50 that were here most looked rather modern and none have a steering wheel. We took an elevator but I couldn't see to which floor since she didn't press any button or scan a key-card. The only thing that happened was the voice from the car asking: "Home" and she agreed.

The ride was rather quick and as soon as we stopped the same computer-generated voice from the car welcomed us.

"Welcome Home Elizabeth."

Additionally two other Voices both female greeted her as well probably the roommates in question. Since we instantly exited the Elevator I guess this entire floor is owned by them. Or should I say us now? Since I guess this is where I will live at least for now.

"Liz you're back."

"Hi. How is Lucy doing could Dr. Kasdro help anything."

"Girls all of you get into the living room I've got a story to tell you."

"Can you at least..."


"Okay okay, we're going."

The floor we entered had two other doors apart from the one to the elevator one labeled toilet the after taking off her shoos we took the second one into their living room while I was still being carried and what I saw was incredible. It was one of the nicest apartments I've ever seen in the middle was a big white sofa with a glass table in the middle In the middle of the room was a huge flatscreen TV suspended from the ceiling. To the Right of the entrance door were a dinner table and an open kitchen next to it the only other door presumably going to the private rooms. It was also the door where a fourth girl came from. All over the room were potted plants and pictures. making the room personal. Also the whole it was quite modern but many personal items made me think they've lived here for quite some time. 

But what impressed me the most wasn't indoors but instead what was behind the windows. The elevator ride didn't feel that long but we were at least on the 50th-floor maybe even higher. The view was spectacular. Back on earth I once visited the Burj Khalifa and I thought I would never see a city so beautiful but this was close. Unlike in Dubai, there were other buildings as high or even higher but from here the view was still awesome thanks to Large windows covering two of the four living room walls. 

The city outside was like New-York but way better there were no crowded streets but instead walkways and parks between the buildings. I guess that means the streets were below ground. Thanks to the height of the apartment one could see extremely far the city looked like it stretched out forever. But most roofs had trees or bushes and grass atop and generally, there was a lot of vegetation so it was hard to tell if a faraway building was a park or indeed a building covered in leaves. 

While I was adoring the view Liz and three girls sat down on the couch and I was finally released from her arms. I really wanna admire the view but more than that I want to hear her story maybe she will talk about what happened to me so I also laid down on the sofa. Liz had to do something in her room quickly so I took the opportunity to take a look at the girls from their Smalltalk I also got their names.

The First was Flora if she wasn't an elf I don't know since she had the characteristic pointy ears as well as that noble aura commonly associated with elves. Her hair was long and went from Blue at the top to green at the tips this made her dark purple eyes stand out extreme. She didn't just look mighty but also talked like royals yet not arrogant but rather polite. 

The second was Jessica her most obvious feature was her height while Flora was about 10cm taller than Liz she was towering her with about 30cm if not more. Her hair was short and black with brown eyes. She felt like the strong type with muscles even though all the girls looked fit she was beyond that. Her overall appearance made her look like a boyish strong girl and her way of talking also reflected that.

The last one was Riya she was the quiet and small one with shoulder-length dark blue hair and Glasses over her small brown eyes. She acted quiet and kinda reminded me of those sweet but clumsy witches. Also maybe I'm wrong but just seeing them interact for the first time makes me think she has a crush on Jessica.

Of the three Fora was the only one who came to inspect and pet me with Riya being one her phone which after seeing it was quite close to the once I am used to.  Once Liz was back she sat down next to me and began to tell the story while patting as well. 

"So you girls remember how when we found Lucy she had that deep wound that none could tell what it was from and no doctor could help her. And all we could do was patch the wound momentarily. Well, after talking to Prof. Letcher we agreed that it was probably some monster so she told me about that specialist Dr. Kasdro he is an expert on monster wounds so I talked to him over the internet, he was so interested because he too didn't recognize the wound so on the same day I went to meet him immediately. Sadly he couldn't help me either. But he told me that whatever beast bit her must have some crazy magical attributes to leave a wound like that and he claimed that it was probably a curse and that's why we couldn't heal it."

In the midst of her, explanation Flora interrupted her: "But we already looked for curses if it was one how didn't we discover it. Then how is she in such a healthy state right now?" 

"I'm getting to it. Anyway, since he couldn't help I had no choice but to return them on the way back Lucy was doing worst and worst. At one point her wound reopened and she nearly stopped breathing. I tried to repair it with the little healing Magic I know but I wasn't sure if she was going to survive much longer. I almost gave up hope. But then I passed by an old temple I remember visiting with my mother when I was a child. So without any other options, I took her to the shrine to pray for Help from Lady Fystra."

"Don't tell me... "

"The last recorded helping was before she released her Magic."

"You know most believe that she..."

All the girls voiced the doubts but Liz tried to ignore it: "Don't say it."

Flora finished her sentence: "Most believe she died when gifted us her Magic."

Liz still held on to her belief: "No, she didn't and now I finally have Proof. After all, Lucy is healthy again."

This was news to me they thought Miia was dead? Thinking about it it made sense after all they didn't hear anything from her since her gifting them with magic and what is this helping? It sounds like a miracle. But it seems like Liz is passionate about it not being the case. It seems like her mother was started her strong belief.  At least I've got some incredible news for her once I figure out how to talk to her.

"Yes, she is that's for sure, But if it was really a helping that would be major news we should go to test her."

Test? What kind of test? But all I could do was bark. :C

"Yes. Lucy is also excited. Let's go."

After everyone already got up pumped up to go Riya stopped us: "But you know that we have to convince her that it is important you know that right?"

Jessica already halfway out the door responded: "Ye no problem I'm sure her favorite Lizbeth will be able to convince her" 

"Don't call me like that!"

"Hahaha sry"

Quickly the girls got dressed and we made our way back I was still being carried. Even though they themself said I was healthy. We all got into the Car which was back into normal mode. This time Lucy told the car to go to University so I at least now I kinda know where we are going. 

"Change to Conversation Mode."

this time the front seats didn't fold over but instead turned around and we were sitting while looking at each other. The ride was spent with talk about what Miia's return would change.


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