Me and my Goddess

6. This is really an RPG huh?

I didn't think about it until now but in this universe, religion isn't just a belive it's a fact. The government even has Protocols for what to do if she returns like how to change from a democracy to her being the absolute ruler, allegedly. I realized it when the girl talked about Miia like the real person she was and not as someone would talk about God. The conversation continues a few minutes on how everything would get better even than it already is. Apparently, some places had huge problems with monsters and they guessed Miia would take care of them, or so they thought. And even in this advanced universe, there wasn't universal peace. A problem which they too thought would be solved by Miia. The only negative result they thought of came from Flora who seems to be the realistic type. It was somehow related to their job but she only had that thought once we arrived at a new parking lot presumably belonging to the university so the idea was postponed.  The whole trip was underground and even though it was dark outside I could tell we were going quite fast the whole trip took only about 10 min. 

I once again wasn't allowed to walk as we made our way to another elevator that took us overground. It didn't lead into another skyscraper but instead outside and to my surprise onto what looked to be an ordinary college campus. The weather was also awesome so students were sitting and reading everywhere. This was also the first time I got to walk on my own for longer than five seconds. It was weird different than I was used to but also like I did it all my life I guess this body is just used to it. I was hoping that this would be one of those magic academies but over the whole campus wasn't a single student using magic. So either it was a normal one or the use of magic was prohibited.

We walked along a few winding paths the whole campus had the feeling of being in a public park. Every corner had sitting opportunities I think I even spotted some sofas. But what caught my eye were the buildings they weren't nearly as tall as the skyscrapers in the city. The path we were walking on often split to enter one of them atop their doors were always big bold letters naming the building. The few I saw were Enhancing, Enchanting, Brewing, and Self-Defense these made me think that this was a Magic academy and these the different faculties. I wonder which one Liz and the others were part of. 

A few times some students came up to us petting me and complimenting Liz snd the others on some match they just won. They didn't get into detail so I couldn't figure out what they won because Liz quickly told them that she was busy talking to Prof. Letcher. But the way they came up to us reminded me of fangirling so I guess whatever they won wasn't that small of a deal. This got me a little closer to their Job but what kind of sport would vanish with Miia's return? 

After walking some more we came up to the: Sorcery building. It was way bigger than most of the others the only one close to it in size being Self-defense. We walked along a clean and modern hallway past doors titled classroom and a number with voices coming from some. Near the end of the hallway on the fifth floor was a Door with the name Fletcher in big bold letter on in. 

When we arrived Liz pressed a small button next to the door. Seconds later the door opened and from inside came the voice of an older woman.

"Ahh, Liz my favorite student what can I help you with today. I already helped you all I can with that Dog it looks good to me." 

The voice came indeed from an elderly woman she had grey hair even though she looked to be around 50. She wore casual clothing and didn't even look up to us as she was busy writing something.

"She isn't a Dog."

"Sure sure so what is it?"

"You were right it's about Lucy again."

"Listen, Liz, I like you. You are my best student after and you showed everyone that my style is the best. And I am sad that Dr.Kasdro couldn't help her But I can't... "

"That's not it Lucy is healthy again."

"That's good to hear so he could help you."

"No, he couldn't that's the thing" As soon as Liz said that the woman looked up her eyes appearing a lot more lifeless than one would expect from her lifely voice. "He just took some data about the wound and notified the Hunters Organisation. The only thing that he could assure me of was that it was some sort of curse. But that still why we're here we want to use your analyzation-stone."

"Slow down. What do you mean curse you said you tested her and on the matter of the stone. You know how rare and expensive it is and after all isn't Riya able to analyze up to stage 7 that should be more than enough. Or for what do you want it?" 

"She thinks Lucy was saved by Lady Fystras Gifting." before this talking in circles could go on any further Jessica intervened.

"What that Is impossible. Tell me what makes you think that and what happened."

And so Liz told my story once again.

After a minute of silence, Prof. Fletcher spoke up: "This is most interesting but I guess you are right without that stone we won't be able to know if for sure. And we need to know for sure because this would be huge. But don't tell Prof. Hemmings about it he would be furious. Let's go."

"YEssss let's go. And you have our word right girls?"

The other three somewhat reluctant agreed.

We exited the building and went to the enchanting building we passed earlier and entered a security door at the very end of the hallway after Prof. Letcher opened it with Code, Handprint, and some other stuff I've never seen. After we entered she closed and locked the door behind us. I don't know how rare this 'stone' is but to be secured this extreme it must worth quite a lot.

After a short hallway and a second door were ended up in a small room with a pedestal and some sort of crystal ball on top.

Once the second door was Locked Prof. Letcher began to explain"I guess all of you know how rare this stone is and if I didn't know all of you personal there would be no way I would've let you in here so this is how we are going to do this. One of you holds the Dog near it and I take one of her pawns and press it against the Analyst. The result will be shown on this screen over there and don't be overwhelmed the current configuration shows a lot of detailed stats. Also if and only if we find a hint of miss Fystra on her I will instantly inform the coalition. And none of you will tell anyone."

"What the hell didn't you get us involved with Liz" "Shut up Jessica."

This whole thing just felt weird from the sterile room with the crystal ball in the middle to me being held up like this. But mostly the touch itself it felt like my energy was sucked up a very unpleasant feeling. After a few seconds, quite a lot of information sowed up on the screen.


Name: Lucy Gender: Female Race: Fuddle
Age: 7 Birthday: 18. February 3759    
Height: 51 cm Weight: 18 Kg    
Hair Color: Silver / White Eye Color: Dark Green    
Health: 30/30 Stamina: 90/90 Mana 50/50
Level: 4 Exp: 360/406    

Stats Complete        
Vitality: 3 Agility: 9 Wisdom: 5
Strength: 2 Dexterity: 12 Intelligence: 3
Endurance: 1 Attunement: 2    
Perception: 9 Willpower: 3 Charisma: 10
Stats Base        
Vitality: 3 Agility: 7 Wisdom: 4
Strength: 2 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 3
Endurance: 1 Attunement: 2    
Perception: 8 Willpower: 3 Charisma: 7
Stats Level        
Vitality: 0 Agility: 2 Wisdom: 1
Strength: 0 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 0
Endurance: 0 Attunement: 0    
Perception: 1 Willpower: 0 Charisma: 3


Resistance Complete    
Heat: 3 Cold: 5
Electricity: 3 Toxics: 4
Mental: 3    
Stabbing: 3 Striking: 2


Resistance Base    
Heat: 2 Cold: 5
Electricity: 3 Toxics: 4
Mental: 3    
Stabbing: 2 Striking: 1
Resistance Level    
Heat: 1 Cold: 0
Electricity: 0 Toxics: 0
Mental: 0    
Stabbing: 1 Striking: 1


Name Level Exp Total Rarity A/P
Biting 5 587/686 G P
Running 4 418/447 G P
Scratching 3 387/428 G P
Hide 2 337/408 F A
Hide-Presence 1 121/483 D A
Dodging 1 158/184 F P


Name Level Exp Total Rarity  


"It's real"

"I knew It she isn't dead. I always...

But before she could finish the security door burst open. And right after everything went black.




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