Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0026 – Seventh Reccord and Short Term Plans

"After the rain comes sunshine."

Zoe Carter's mood was just like that. She had many reasons to be happy. The occurrence of a second deep sleep and evolution meant that there might be even more to come.

Her future was basically destined to take a transcendent path, even if it was just for now. Zoe's transparent world, steel body, rapid recovery, and other abilities were already considered superhuman.

This was enough to make her excited for a long time.

Apart from that, her happiness might also be influenced by the fact that she had just killed a mouse. Experiencing bloodshed for the first time after gaining abilities inevitably made her somewhat excited.

It wasn't some kind of perverse killing desire, but rather it felt like a certain restraint in her heart had been lifted, making her feel light. This secretly strengthened Zoe's idea of ​​continuing to hunt mice. However, considering how conspicuous it would be for her to go out every day as a mouse killer, she silently gave up on this idea.

If mice came to her door as targets, she would naturally accept them gladly. If not, she wouldn't force herself to seek them out. Once she had this idea of ​​not forcing mice to be targets, the plants around her on her way back inevitably fell victim to her hands, just like how no grass would grow within a hundred meters if there was a long stick in her hand. She seemed to be playing with a new toy.

As soon as she reached a place without surveillance, she couldn't help but throw a piece of gravel. Along the way, many plants were hit. Her accuracy was almost one hundred percent, with no deviation from where she intended to attack. Although Zoe boasted that she couldn't achieve something as exaggerated as plucking leaves from flowers, she still considered herself to be hitting the mark every time. She felt a bit like the famous sniper in world war II.

Just as she was thinking this, the elevator beeped and reached the sixth floor. She placed the umbrella by the door to drain water and knocked on Benny's door. There was no response inside, but through the heartbeat, breathing, and various unique smells, Zoe clearly sensed that Benny was at home.

It's just that he seemed to be sleeping, so there was no response to Zoe's knocking for a while.

After a moment of silence, Zoe felt it wasn't necessary to wake him up, so she decided to turn around and go home directly. But just as she was about to leave, she sensed Benny yawning and slowly getting out of bed.

Seeing this, she decided to wait a bit longer. Not long after, the sleepy-eyed Benny opened the door.

"Are you here to pick up the bank card? Do you want to come in for a while?" Benny yawned.

"No, I have something else to do."

"A few days ago, you promised to finish the manuscript for the editor, but you haven't written it yet."

Zoe shook her head, indicating that she wouldn't come in as a guest. She had promised to rush the manuscript by the third, but in fact, she had only written over ten thousand words until the fifth today.

Although this word count seemed substantial, for her, who didn't need to sleep or eat and had twenty-four hours a day at her disposal, it was equivalent to hardly writing anything.

So, going back to rush the manuscript was just an excuse. What she really wanted to do next was to go home and experiment with her new changes.

It had not been an hour since she woke up from her second deep sleep. The most immediate feeling was the addition of super vision and super smell, which combined to form the ability to see through the world.

In addition, the extremely coordinated body movement and the throwing technique it brought impressed Zoe. Whether there were any other changes remained to be seen.

"Yeah, after you left the last novel unfinished, you haven't started a new one yet. If you need living expenses and come to borrow from me, it's nine out of ten that you won't return it. If you borrow two thousand, after a month, it will be 2888.8 in an endless loop, and I'll only charge you 2888. If you borrow three thousand, after a month, it will be..."

Hearing Zoe's words, Benny, while talking, took out a notebook from his pocket and kept muttering as he recorded it. But before he could finish, Zoe stopped him from writing and drawing on the notebook.

"Nine out of ten won't return it? Loan sharking, huh?! Be careful, I might call the police."

Zoe glanced helplessly at Benny and jokingly threatened him. Hearing the word "police," Benny immediately stopped writing and drawing, and with a friendly smile, he said, "Just kidding, considering our relationship, do you need to pay interest when borrowing money from me?" Seeing this, Zoe couldn't help but marvel at how fast Benny changed his face, even faster than Mrs Bean's mouth.

"Stop kidding, give me the card."

Zoe gave Benny a white look and then reached out his hand to her. As for this money, she naturally took it without any hesitation. It was compensation for violating her portrait rights. As for Benny's hard work fee, Zoe had promised to support him once. Seeing this, Benny handed over the two bank cards with the PIN written on them to Zoe.

After chatting for a while, the two parted ways. Benny was going to the community garden to play cards with the old men, and then later in the evening, he would go to the tutoring institution to continue his reconnaissance. As for Zoe, she planned to hurry home and experiment with the changes in her body.

January 25th of year 2024.

At 11:30 PM.

Zoe closed the online shopping interface on her computer. She had just bought a video recorder online, intending to record any potential occurrences of deep sleep in the future. She was curious about what peculiarities might arise during her evolution while asleep and how they would appear to external observers. This question was crucial, hence the necessity of purchasing a video recorder.

After finishing this task, Zoe immediately picked up the old phone beside her and opened a memo titled "Creative Ideas for Online Novel." She began to organize her thoughts in her mind.

After bidding farewell to Benny, she returned home and conducted experiments and recorded changes in her body. She recorded her current height, weight, and specific data on body shape after her second transformation. She also conducted in-depth tests on strength, speed, endurance, and other aspects.

In short, she tested the changes she had undergone and explored possible new changes. Finally, at this moment, she probably summarized all the changes.

Thinking this, Zoe began to edit on the memo.

[ Seventh Record: January 25, 2024]

[ 1. The original body shape and physique have not changed, still approaching the standard height of 165 cm for women with a well-built physique. However, the weight has increased from 80 kg to 90 kg, and the specific increase in weight has not been clarified, suspecting that the density of the body has directly increased. ]

[ 2. Physical strength, tested on January 24th with 2420 standard push-ups, has increased to the ability to do 5000 standard push-ups, more than doubling in strength. ]

[ 3. The upgraded version of "Steel Body" has appeared, where cutting of hair is almost impossible. After attempting to attack her own defenses, it was found that the claws that could tear apart wooden chairs couldn't pierce through the defense. It is speculated that her defense is far greater than her attack. Considering the safety of her own experiments, methods that might penetrate her own defense are temporarily not considered. ]

[ 4. Many other abilities such as extraordinary sense of smell and enhanced memory have been strengthened to some extent.]

[ 5. New Addition - Transparent World: a fusion of super vision, super hearing, and super smell. It can penetrate obstacles like walls to observe enemies and can judge their actions and weaknesses by observing details such as the contraction of blood vessels in the human body. ]

[ 6. New Addition - Ultimate Coordination Control: Almost every part of the body can be controlled at will, and with this ability, she has acquired powerful throwing skills. ]

Having written this, Zoe temporarily stopped recording. Looking at the extensive seventh record, which was more extensive than the previous ones, she probably already understood the various changes brought about by her second deep sleep. Because of the gradual exploration experience gained from the first evolution during deep sleep, Zoe's summary of this record was actually quick and concise.

Firstly, all the abilities brought about by the first deep sleep evolution seemed to have been enhanced. This enhancement was not small and could be seen by the naked eye. For example, the body shape remained unchanged, but the weight increased inexplicably; physical strength underwent a significant increase; claws could tear wooden chairs but couldn't pierce her own defense; memories from the past became clearer and more detailed...


It's the two new changes: the transparent world and the ultimate coordinated control power.  

Among them, the power of the transparent world is so strong that it rivals the perceptual abilities in many fantasy works, and its strength is beyond doubt.  

Zoe, who possesses it, is even more like a super police dog than a police dog, and more like a super bat than a bat.

As for the ultimate coordinated control power, it allows Zoe to instinctively control all of her own strength. With this ability, she can even throw gravel like playing with toys, hitting the target every time.

"Compared to the improvements brought by exercise every day before, the progress brought by sleep is even more obvious. After a night's sleep, the standard push-up count of 2420 became 5000."

"The changes in various aspects of the body are also clearly visible. Not to mention the addition of powerful abilities."

"Now I'm becoming more and more abnormal," Zoe murmured, clenching her fists, feeling the power within.

To be honest, although there are no professional instruments to test her strength and speed, but for Zoe, who can lift a solid wooden table with one hand and play with it, with one punch, no matter who she hits, they would kneel on the ground and beg her not to kill them.  

The changes brought by the second sleep are too significant. It's not much different from the changes brought by the first sleep. This can indeed be called evolution.

"When will the next sleep come?"

Zoe narrowed her eyes. Now she is very curious about this kind of sleep that brings great progress. But based on the two sleeps she has had, she can only speculate that there may be more sleeps in the future. But having experienced only two sleeps, she couldn't figure out the mechanism of sleep without a sufficient number of samples.

Maybe it's sleeping at fixed times? Or perhaps some of her behaviors trigger her own entry into the state of sleep evolution?

She doesn't know any of this but with a rigorous attitude, she is determined to find out the reasons behind it. The only guess she can make for now is:

Is it because of her exercise that caused another sleep evolution? After all, what she has been doing most recently is studying herself plus exercising her body. 

To find out if this possibility exists, Zoe continued to open her memo and wrote a title, "Short-Term Plan 2.0".

To meet her new needs, Short-Term Plan 1.0 can no longer keep up with the times. Moreover, after each sleep evolution in the future, there may be a need for a new version of the short-term plan to plan the specific arrangements for that period of time. After all, a plan can't be permanently effective; things develop in a spiral.

Plans naturally have to change accordingly.

According to her thoughts, Zoe began to record.

[ Short-Term Plan 2.0: ]

[ 1: Entertainment and leisure at 8:00 in the morning. ]

[ 2: Explore personal changes and verify a series of related hypotheses at 1:00 in the afternoon. (Rest and entertainment when there is no hypothesis to verify) ]

[ 3: Entertainment and leisure start at 3:00 in the afternoon. ]

[ 4: Record the changes and summarize the day at 11:30 in the evening. ]

[ 6: After finishing summarizing at midnight, start writing online novels. ]

[ 7: To be added ]

Compared to the busy and leisurely Short-Term Plan 1.0, this Short-Term Plan 2.0 is almost entirely about having fun. Except for regularly recording daily data and increasing the time for writing novels, almost all the remaining time is spent on entertainment.

Zoe arranged it like this. Not for anything else, just to conduct an experiment in a controlled manner to see if it's because of exercise that another sleep evolution occurred.

Considering that there was a week between the first sleep and the second sleep, Zoe initially planned to set aside two consecutive weeks to conduct this experiment. After removing the factor of exercise, to see if sleep evolution will occur again without physical exercise. And if it does, when will it happen?

This way, she can effectively preliminarily determine the influence of exercise on sleep evolution.

After finishing writing, Zoe put her old phone aside. Looking at the time, which was approaching midnight, she lay back in her computer chair and closed her eyes. Yesterday, she was just about to make a line chart to show the changes in her physical fitness when she approached midnight.

And then she was suddenly overwhelmed by an endless drowsiness, taking her straight to dreamland. Completing another evolution during sleep. Only waking up at noon today.


Now, approaching midnight again. Zoe has prepared for sleep, expecting the scene to replay. However, after more than ten minutes, Zoe, who closed her eyes and concentrated, did not fall asleep like yesterday.

She opened her eyes.

A realization flashed in her eyes, realizing that the mechanism of sleep still needs further study. Her Short-Term Plan 2.0, which excludes exercise, is the specific arrangement for herself in the next period of time.

Thinking like this. Zoe turned on the computer.

Since she doesn't need to sleep, then according to the arrangement, the evening is the time for her to write.

Meteor editor should be coming to urge her to submit the manuscript in the past two days.

Although she thought so, but Zoe still opened the Excel spreadsheet first and implemented her thoughts from last night. That is to record the daily changes in physical strength and make them into a line chart to observe the trend. After all, writing is not as fun as researching oneself.

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