Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0027 – Physical Cheats Fared Well In Online Games

January 26, 2024, Wednesday, 8:00 in the morning.

The Walpurgisnacht has passed, and a new day has come. Zoe, who turned off her alarm clock, couldn't help but stretch lazily. Although she no longer needed sleep, after sitting for almost the entire night, she still felt a bit lazy.

The result of her night's work was almost a line graph that took only two minutes to complete, and nearly seventy thousand words of online webnovel.

On the line graph, it was clear to see that her upward trend, recorded for the seventh time, suddenly jumped up a level. This was obviously different from the previous records.

In theory, Zoe's standard push-ups were extremely precise, with each movement being perfect, and no interval between push-ups. Such a high level of difficulty exercise should have been difficult to improve for a long time, fluctuating within a small margin of error.

However, in the seventh record, the self evolved after the second sleep suddenly made a leap in improvement. The slope of the line graph suddenly became steep, clearly showing her rapid progress that day.

For now, it seemed that the line graph could only summarize this much content temporarily.

In general, it was not very useful at the moment, almost impossible to summarize anything. But Zoe still planned to continue recording in the future. Not everything is useful from the beginning. When the sample size reaches a certain level in the future, perhaps some patterns of becoming stronger can be found from the changes in factors such as the slope of the graph.

This could have profound implications for future research.

In addition to this, on the first night after the second sleep evolution, she also wrote nearly sixty thousand words, adding up to a total of seventy thousand words of stored manuscripts. It must be said that after evolution, she not only became more mentally agile but also faster in hand speed.

This resulted in her basically writing ten thousand words per hour after deducting leisure and relaxation time in the evening, meaning 166 words per minute.

Compared to stenographers and the like, this speed was not considered fast. But one should know that she was writing novels, not the kind of work where one speak a sentence and write a sentence, almost purely manual labor without much mental effort. She needed to conceptualize. Yet, she still managed to maintain an extremely fast pace because her mind and hands were now faster.

Sixty thousand words in one night, one million eight hundred thousand words in one month. This is taking off, who else is taking off? If she doesn't make money, who will? She could already imagine the editor Meteor being flooded with her manuscripts.

Her mind was racing. Zoe herself was opening the windows of the balcony facing the morning sun, letting in fresh air. Looking down from the sixth floor, for some reason, she not only had no fear of heights but even faintly felt like jumping down.

However, Zoe promptly suppressed such thoughts. She didn't want to jump down like this and test the limits of her evolved defense ability. To be honest, if she had that kind of courage, she wouldn't have just concluded that her own claw attack couldn't penetrate her defense.

Hydraulic presses, chainsaws, and the like, there were ways to obtain them. With those, it should be possible to conduct comprehensive tests on her own evolved defense capabilities. However, for now, Zoe didn't have such thoughts or courage.

Maybe she would do it later, but not now. Under circumstances where there was not much pressure, she still preferred to develop steadily and calmly.

Looking at the beautiful streets of the community outside the window, bathed in the morning light, it seemed warm and inviting, as if telling people that winter had passed and spring had arrived. A gentle breeze carried the fragrance of grass.

At this time, Zoe, who should have been jogging like the past few days, squinted her eyes and suddenly didn't know what to do. According to the short-term plan 2.0, she would temporarily stop exercising to experiment with the possible effects of exercise on sleep evolution. But without exercise, besides writing for a few hours a day, she didn't seem to know what else to do. Surely she couldn't just code all day long?

At this moment, Zoe felt as if she had returned to her college days. Her entire state of being was one of: unable to shake off procrastination, unable to win the endless studying, unable to lie flat in peace, unable to understand life, unable to wake up even after sleeping.

After a long moment of contemplation, Zoe turned on her computer. She gazed at the game icons that she hadn't played for a long time, lost in thought. CIS:GO, Apex Mythics, Holy Knights, Battlemax V, Maincraft... These were all games that had brought her joyous moments.

After graduating from college, she occasionally played games with her classmates. However, after her body underwent changes, she rarely played games with her college friends anymore. Most of her time, between exercising and research, was spent reading novels and watching videos.

After some hesitation, Zoe opened a CIS:GO match platform. Looking at her account, which was currently in placement matches, Zoe decisively selected a few commonly played maps to start matchmaking.

She didn't invite her college friends who still used gaming as a means of contact, after all, it was a workday for them, unlike her who was a freelancer.

They were probably being lectured by their bosses now. However, perhaps due to it being a workday, the matchmaking time was quite long. It wasn't until three minutes later that she entered the game.

Her initial team was the XT side, and the enemies were the YT side.

After the warm-up ended, Zoe, who hadn't played for a while, somewhat awkwardly controlled her character to go to bombsite B. She heard a teammate behind her say, "I'll flash for you, just push forward and clear banana." Zoe eagerly responded with an affirmative.

The next moment, following her teammate's flash, the entire banana passage lit up in white. Immediately, Zoe, who had followed up, saw five blinded enemies. Obviously, the flash from her teammate was very effective, making all five enemies see stars. Zoe immediately focused her attention. Just as her USP was about to fire, everything in front of her slowed down. With the dynamic vision effect of Transparent World, the game characters with their limited frame rates appeared to her as moving in slow motion. Zoe's USP aimed at the enemies' heads, swiftly and accurately delivering headshots with just five shots, taking out all the enemies.

There was no waste at all. The crisp sound of headshots followed by the MVP music sounded particularly pleasant. For a moment, the team channel was filled with praises from teammates, and the public channel was also filled with disbelief from the opponents. Zoe modestly attributed her success to her teammate's well-thrown flashbang.

In the subsequent matches, Zoe increasingly found herself dominating in the gaming field, at least in the domain of FPS games. The dynamic vision brought by Transparent World, coupled with the extreme body coordination and control, resulted in an incredibly precise aim.

It was akin to having an aimbot.

Even when Zoe consciously restrained herself, she still achieved outstanding results in the game.

Occasionally, there were instances of inaccurate shooting due to unfamiliarity with quick-stop techniques, but with her powerful dynamic vision and reaction speed, she was able to control the trajectory of most shots back on target. Moreover, her extreme body coordination allowed her to quickly master basic techniques such as quick-stop, pre-aiming, and positioning control in CIS:GO within a few matches.

After a few matches, Zoe's marksmanship had already evolved from an average player to the level of a top professional. The only differences between her and the top players in the industry were in aspects such as grenade throws, strategic thinking, game experience, and team cooperation. If only considering marksmanship, she even had the confidence to make professional players cry.

Next, Zoe tried several other games one after another. Apex Mythics, Holy Knights, Battlemax V, Maincraft... She tried all the games available on her computer. Most of them she could reach the top level within a very short time.

In Apex Mythics, as long as luck wasn't too bad, as long as she had a chance to shoot, she could basically survive until the end and get the chicken dinner. Of course, if she landed without a gun, or got sniped from behind while walking, it was an instant death.

It's true, there's really no way around it. Regarding Battlemax. Unless you encounter someone cheating, even if you play as an assault, their average kills are over a hundred, and their average deaths generally don't exceed 20. If it's Monster Hunter: Palu and Maincraft, they don't require much skill.

She used to breeze through them effortlessly. Now, it's even easier for her. These less competitive games keep Zoe interested.

In the future, the only games she might feel like playing are those less competitive ones. Other games that require quick reflexes and skill aren't exactly boring, but for her, they're basically not challenging anymore.

After all, her current level of perception in the gaming world and her unparalleled physical coordination are just too unfair.

If Zoe wasn't so focused on leveling up, she might not resist entering professional competitions.

By then, as a top esports player, she could easily collect all the Chicken Cup fragments in a year. Of course, Zoe, though a normal person, loves money. But in the current situation, she tends to focus on self-improvement.

Mundane pursuits like wealth might not matter to her in the future.

Faced with the possibility of further evolution, no one would make the wrong choice. If there won't be further evolution in the future, she might consider becoming a professional esports player.

But for now, it's better to leave it alone. Thinking like this, Zoe glanced at the computer screen playing the "Game Completion Animation - End of the World Poem" after completing Maincraft.

She casually closed the game. Glancing at the bottom left corner of the computer screen. The time now is... 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Since she woke up this morning, she has been playing games.

These seven hours have confirmed one thing for her. She can basically say goodbye to most competitive games that require high skill. After all, they're not very challenging. If one hang around for too long, one will lose interest. But fortunately, she still enjoys many leisure and strategy games, among others.

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