MEGA SLIME REBORN (LITRPG) [Under reconstruction]

Chapter 17

 Four adventurers, lots of monster corpses, no witnesses.

“When you’re trying to kill someone, you have to be prepared to die yourself,” I said, walking toward our crawling friend who was missing both his legs. He screamed and wailed like a little baby when I tore them off with my impressive strength. Well, not really. I just transformed my upper arm to that of a goblin’s but since I had proper clothes on, they didn’t know that.

Still, I might have damaged some of my frail skin, so I was going to down a potion soon.

“Help!” he reached for the girls, who were still looking away. Poor kid was bleeding and screaming, and wailing and doing all sorts of stuff to get away from me.

I actually thought the girls would at least try to help the guy. Then I’d have a nice excuse to consume them too but, too bad.

Poor guy was drowning in his piss and tears. It stank in here. He was so filthy I was having second thoughts about whether I really wanted to absorb this thing.

“You sure you guys don’t want to have fun in my stead?” I said, eyeing the girls.

“We… have a vow in place.”

“What’s a vow?” I said. “Like a contract?”

“Similar to a contract but it’s verbal and if you go against it, your neck would tighten and fall off,” Sen said. “I had one with my owner.” She was lacking clothes but somehow her underwear was holding on to dear life.

“But with him dead, it’s no longer effective?”

“No, it’s still here. That man being dead means he can’t do anything with it though.” She snickered for a second but then went all melancholy.

Anyway, “So you guys can’t harm this guy?”

“Yes,” one of them said. “And we shouldn’t be able to disobey a direct command so-” So while she was distracting me, one of the girls had snuck behind me and tried to knife me. Too bad, I had an eye on the back of my eye, aka, I’d turned a bit into slime.

I kicked her away. Meanwhile the third one was trying to get the crawling mess out of there.

Just minutes ago, these people were waiting here for me, to perhaps violate me? Or were they going to sell me? No, he said he treated everyone equally.

He definitely was looking to increase his harem that was for sure. “He could have just asked girls out nicely,” I said. “Just because I said no, doesn’t mean everyone would say no.”

“He has a really tiny dick,” the girl, who hadn’t moved at all, said. “And he comes like ten seconds in; he also loves to have fun with at least ten girls at once.”

“Huh,” I mumbled, stepping on the crawling thing so the second girl couldn’t move it anymore. “Lucky day pal,” I said. “I’m definitely killing you here.” I stared at the first girl. “Would you guys go for revenge?”

“If he orders us-”

The young man looked at me and then was about to shout but I stepped on his face and broke his face with a crack. Should have done it sooner.

He cried and sobbed and tried to speak but them jaws weren’t working. I proceeded to heave him in the air and then pummel him on the ground, instantly knocking him out. “I’ll deal with the corpse. Feel free to report to the guild of what he’s been up to.”

“We… can’t-” They sniffled. Crying almost.


“Okay.” She took the girls and together they traveled up.

“Wait on the third floor,” I said. Guess I wouldn’t be going down more today but hey, I could at least get some useful information! It’ll be hella messed up though.

[Human Albert Absorbed!]

[Skill acquired: Charm (Mid), Mindbreak (Mid), Mindfuck (mid)]

Hentai protagonist.


But if he had charm how come he didn’t use it on me? Or did it only work on the opposite sex? Biologically I was supposed to be a girl though. Nah, I’m just a slime.

Sighing, I traveled up to the third floor and found three crying gals and one wolf girl expertly consoling them without understanding what she was even doing. Her tail was waving back and forth though. I should get her some clothes.

Uh, tempting. I gave it a little stroke and she moaned, quickly covering her face. Which caught the girl’s attention and they were no longer crying I guess? They were looking at me funny though.

They definitely think I grabbed her ass.

Ahem. “Alright, let’s go.”

“What did you do with him?” One of them asked.

“Nothing of him is left,” I said.


On our way, the girls filled us in. Apparently, they came to this town last year. Back then Albert was a fledgling adventurer and he was nice and all that. The girls were attracted to him and formed a party with him; he acted all meek and innocent for the first couple of weeks slowly building trust. But they soon realized, the naivety was an act and the boy had been doing this (dragging girls into the labyrinth, raping them and then dragging them into his harem) for years. Yes, years. He had a literal harem in some part of the town and often had fun there for days on end with dozens of women at once. guy was a pro, that was for sure. Ten seconds though, did he break his dick or something?

And no, he wasn’t a teenager as his face suggested. He was a half elf and about forty or so years old. He was using magical earrings to hide his long ears. Didn’t the system say he was a human though?

“So, what’ll happen to the girls?”

“It shames me, but Albert was good when it came to taking care of us. We’ll have to figure out a way to live by ourselves.”

“Well, he did have rather odd skills,” I said.

“You-” She, Zina stared at me with kindness in her eyes. “Once you experience that skill, you can’t really go back.” She squirmed her legs, sighing.

“What?” Sen wondered.

“Albert could make you climax just from staring at you,” one of the girls filled her in. “He could do all sorts of things in your mind and you’d feel them without him ever touching you once. It felt wonderful but… so wrong. And he could do it over and over again.”

For fuck’s sake. “Just so you know, I have the same skill, that’s how I knew. He didn’t get the chance to use it on me.”

Zina blinked a couple of times. The others too. “Does that mean you could do it to us!” She grabbed my hand, expectant.

Did they… did they like, ‘like’ being violated?

Huh, fucking perverts.

“I don’t think I will,” I said.

“We’ll do anything!” If they had tails, they’d be wagging it. “Albert was doing it against our will, that was bad but you have our permission! If you don’t, a lot of the girls would kill themselves and-”

And I’d have fun absorbing them, didn’t seem like a bad deal.

Sen fidgeted. “I always wondered what it’d be like too…”

What am I in? An Eroge?

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