MEGA SLIME REBORN (LITRPG) [Under reconstruction]

Chapter 18: NOW!

I gave them a taste just because they asked nicely!

No, I didn’t. I used mindbreak and tortured them for like five minutes till they all pissed themselves with tears; it was actually pretty simple: just use 5 MP, focus on how you wanted to torture them and boom!

 As for Sen, I pulled her tail hard enough for her to start squeaking.

Shamed and crying, they quietly walked behind me. eventually, we reached the gates and the guards were giving me even funnier looks. It stank to I could see where they were coming from.

“Did goblins do this to you?” One of the guards asked. His name was Gard?

They were staring at us with sympathetic eyes. You’re wasting your pity, mates.

“They did it to themselves,” I shrugged.

Gard smiled awkwardly. “Go in!”

The girls quickly excused themselves, even Sen. They were going to come back to the guild an hour later and explain everything.

I told them I wouldn’t take responsibility for the girls but I was willing to provide them work. Work of what sort, that I was still thinking. Maybe I could start a syndicate with them, control the city. Maybe I could train them and take over the country. Or maybe I could just take over from where Albert left off. No, the third one was out of the picture. Sure, I liked having fun in my last life and sure, I wanted to have sex.

But not like this.

If I was going to screw someone, it was going to be someone I liked and someone that liked me. That was my new standard.

That guy was weak as fuck. I walked towards the guild. It was fairly close, so I’d probably be there in five minutes. But he still managed to slay everything on that floor. No, the girls did it for him. And these girls primarily came to the city to go into the dungeon. I could use their strength. But, I don’t need that. And adding complexity to this whole thing was only going to bite me in the back sooner or later.

Maybe I’ll just start a bakery or something.

Besides, could I even use the third skill? I could visualize- but then what? Did I have to visualize what or how I wanted to screw them in their minds?

I walked into the guild. Located an empty spot and sat down, eyeing one particular adventurer. Woman in armor. She was there, alone. I didn’t have any particular reason to choose her, other than the fact that she was kind of nice looking and reminded me of a particular stoic knight I’d read about in a novel once.

Our eyes met, and she looked away uninterested. Mind fuck. Nothing happened. Of course, it didn’t. The skill had no MP requirement and I had no idea how it worked. Mind break worked nicely and cost 5 MP every time but this one didn’t. How about- I imagined what I’d seen back in the day only in monitors. Still nothing.

Let’s see, tentacles! Vibes! Lots and lots of fingers and vibes! Yup, absolutely nothing.

Hmmm… I transformed a bit of my skin into that of a slime’s. Particularly just underneath hair, aka, my scalp. It was hidden behind the hair butOkay, better vision. It wasn’t necessarily vision though, considering I wasn’t seeing anything but… MIND FUCK!

Absolutely, nothing happened at all.

Sigh… hmm, I changed my view to a guy and Mind fuck I guess… I didn’t visualized anything for that matter, I just spoke the magic words. Yet, the guy fell on his knees, ecstasy on his face. Like he’d just seen heaven.


Some minutes later the girl came over to me and sat down next to me. “What are you doing?” She said.


I guess staring at her face for about five minutes straight wasn’t that great of an idea after all. Also, she might have acted like that, but I had a feeling she felt it all. Just once was enough to make that guy kneel without any visualization… and I’d been doing much worse to her for like… wow.

“Oh, trying out a new skill. I apologize. Wasn’t my intention to make you-”

She leaned closer. Smelled kind of musty. Somewhat sweaty but there was a different smell in there. A good smell of sorts. “Can you do it again?”


“Try it. I’m almost…”

I did. She closed her eyes and although it only lasted a single minute, her facial expression changed half a dozen times; from bored to expectant, to straight up bliss. Is it me or is this thing too damn broken? And honestly, visualization wasn’t even necessary!

She silently panted for a couple of seconds before she grabbed my hand. “I’m Josie, a squire.”

Well, at least she doesn’t moan like a certain wolf lady with a fluffy as tail. The closest thing to a moan from her was a soft ‘umm’.

“Claudia, adventurer.”

“I’m actually looking for a party.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Won’t you let me join yours?”

Just for a good fu- ahem…. “No.”

She sighed, stared down.

Seriously, what the fuck was happening. Had I walked right into an eroge plot after the whole genocide phase? This was a new world, sure. But surely people weren’t that depraved, right?


Past me would have loved this but I couldn’t really find this appealing. I mean she is kind of hot.

Vibrant braided golden hair, maroon body armor and a bowtie on her neck for some reason. She was a squire, so not yet a knight. Is this what you call a muscle mommy?

“I’m not looking for a party member,” I said. “And I was just trying out my new skill.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get it? I would truly love a skill like that.”

I sighed. “I wish I knew.”

“I’ve looked all over the craft stores. I haven’t found a single skill like that!”

Craft stores? Hmm… So you could get skills from stores. Seemed like a video game. No, this world was already like a video game from the start. Probably an erotic one though.

While I was waiting, Sen came back. She joined us, staring at my confusedly. “Who’s that?”

“Josie,” I said. “This is Sen.”

They started chatting amongst themselves and eventually Sen stared at me. “Having her would be a boon.”

“I could take the whole dungeon, if I wanted to,” I said. Based on what? Nothing.

“I know,” she said. “But I can’t carry everything on my own. Besides,” she leaned closer. “She’s probably from a good family. And if she’s into you, you have a good chance of leeching of her family,” she whispered.

Okay, first of all, I already knew how to make as much money as I wanted. I didn’t need to leech of of anything. However, if she was a noble… “What can you offer me in exchange?” I spoke to the girl in question. She wasn’t paying attention actually.

“Oh, uh, urmm… money?”

“I have enough of it,” I said.

“I mean, I could give you… my services.”


“My position then?” How fucking casual.

“Not interested.”

“I don’t have much else to offer….” She fidgeted. She looked… troubled.

Just taking Sen with me to places was a drag. Taking more people meant I had to deal with-



My head hurt. And I started becoming pissed all of a sudden. I got an urge, an urge to randomly go around destroying this place and… ah, that skill.

“To the dungeon,” I said.

“Now?” Sen said.


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