Meghanology – book 1 of girldragongizzard

My story is continued with How to be Megnificent!

I have re-titled this book Meghanology and will be continuing my story with its sequel How to be Megnificent, which starts ASAP!

Keep an eye on the Inmara's profile for its immanent release (pending approval of the cover and first chapter). Like this one, each new chapter will be released at 6:30 am, Pacific Time, until the story is complete. Think of it as like my morning song to the world.

My excellent title of girldragongizzard is now the name of the trilogy! Yes, there will be a third book, I contain Megnitudes.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.