MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 027(Student Life)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene



"Hngh?" Horizon wakes up groggily after feeling someone tapping on his visor, lifting his head from the desk and looking around, seeing Present Mic standing over him and everyone in the room staring at him.

Leaning back into his chair he stretches his arms out and cracks his neck before looking to Present Mic, "yeah?"

Mic just looks annoyed at him, arms folded and tapping his foot, "it's the second day of school, you didn't bring your textbook, and you fell asleep in my class. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Horizon looks around his homeroom to see everyone else looking at him, each with their English textbook open and writing something from it.

He glances at the board and sees the instructions, page number, and the paragraph they were expected to translate into English.

'Page 73 line 5'

"Right," he speaks in perfect English. " So, 'Roses are the most beautiful flower, but simultaneously are the most dangerous to hold'," he perfectly translates the specific line from the book.

Mic freezes, not expecting him to do that at all. "How did---"

"I read the book once in the tub, and English is one of the languages I'm perfectly fluent in," he says, still speaking perfect English. Looking down at his left hand he checks the time and turns to Mic, "lunch is in ten minutes, can I go early to beat the line...I really don't need to be here..."

At this point, everyone is paying attention to the English-speaking duo.

"Uh, sure, just don't get into trouble," Mic says and begins walking back to the board.

"Thanks," Horizon gets up without sparing a glance at his classmates, placing his blank book back inside his desk before leaving the room.

'I wonder what Lunch Rush is serving today, everyone always talks about how awesome his food is...' he thinks to himself while walking through the hallways.

Making it to the stairs he casually walks down to the first floor from the third where his class is located, enjoying how empty the halls are.

Arriving at the large cafeteria doors they open automatically, leading into a full-sized food court, no smaller than what would be found in a mall. Tables seating ten people each are set up all about the room with potted plants to break up the monotony of the room.

The wall to his right is one massive line of food with servers manning the stations. In the middle of it all is Lunch Rush himself, dressed in a white chef's hat and outfit, where his head should be is a strange hose leading over his shoulder and into his back.

Horizon decides not to try and peek with his Quirk, simply walking through the cafeteria, noticing some glances thrown his way as the few people there are undoubtedly curious about his visor, but nobody really bats an eye at it. Such things aren't uncommon, and he didn't look that different from his math teacher, Ectoplasm. Although Horizon didn't have the scary teeth or demonic voice.

Walking about he takes a look at all the available food and reads some of the menus, deciding to get a simple burger and fries combo, with a mango smoothie. With the paper bag in one hand and smoothie in the other he begins walking briskly back up the stairs.


His room encompasses the entire building, focusing on his classroom for a moment he feels everyone packing their things as Mic dismisses the class, as he climbs up to the second floor he makes his way to the elevator and sets it to take him to floor 15, the top floor.

As the doors open and he steps onto the top floor, and the bell rings for lunch to begin.

"Just in time," he mutters and follows the 3D map in his had, courtesy of his Quirk. The top floor of their tower only had Nezu's office and a few other things, but what he needed was the far stairwell.

Making it to the door he presses down on the handle.

"Locked... of course, students aren't allowed on the roof..." He looks left and right before performing a scan of the floor with his Quirk, sensing Nezu and Yagi in his office but the floor is otherwise empty.


He lets go of his smoothie and food, leaving them to float in place. Holding his hand out, palm up, he uses SHAMBLES to summon what looks like metallic throwing cards, sharp edges, white with his blue logo on them.

Something he requested along with his hero costume, and thankfully he got his costume a few weeks early, getting himself familiar with every component so he didn't have to substitute them to use SHAMBLES, he could freely summon them to him at will.

Taking one of the ten cards he crouches down and slides it below the door, and into the stairwell.


He suddenly finds himself in a dark stairwell, thankful his SCAN made the map for him to follow.

Taking out two more of the cards he holds them out for a moment.


They swap with his food and smoothie which he grabs as TAKT deactivated. Holding all his food in one hand he reaches out.


All the metallic throwing cards are summoned back to him, he keeps them in his hand until he reaches the top of the stairs, expecting another locked door.

Sliding another card beneath the door he repeats the steps, and a moment later he's standing under the mid-day sun, protected from the heat and glare by his visor and body glove.

"Wow," he can't help but mutter, seeing thousands of meters of lush forest, with the occasional massive building scattered about, all owned by UA.

Mapping it with his Quirk was always black and white, closer to echolocation than really seeing things, unless he was standing in the same room he couldn't get a proper visual image of certain things, like Hagakure, even through her invisibility, but even that takes focus.

Walking to the edge of the building he places his food down on the wall, hopping up to sit on the wall, his feet hanging over the edge of the fifteen-story building.

He leans forward slightly, seeing students walking about below him entering and exiting the building.

Taking out his burger he begins eating, playing music directly into his visor with his phone.

Eventually, he finishes his burger and moves on to the fries...and that's when he gets some surprising company.

Less than two meters away a small blue bird lands, slowly creeping closer and closer to his fries.

"Hmm, hungry?" he asks, mostly himself.


One of his fries suddenly floats out of the box and gently rolls toward the bird, which happily begins pecking at it.

'That's cute...' he takes out his phone and holds it over the edge, taking a picture directly down, his feet appearing as if he were standing on air, the fifteen-story drop plain as day.


He sets a timer on his phone and carefully floats it behind him, snapping an image of his back. feet still hanging over the edge, all of UA's land in front of him, and a single bird sharing lunch with him.


His phone appears in his hand and he looks at the picture, 'yeah the public will like this,' he says, taking in the picture, and his logo on the back of his uniform.

He immediately posts it to Horizon's social media account, with his location.

By the time he finishes his meal he checks his phone and can't help but chuckle.

"So Horizon the world traveler had barely a thousand followers, but I post one picture in the UA hero course uniform and I'm already at fifty thousand... this entire world really does worship heroes, fucking pathetic, but I can use it at least," he sighs and lays down.

Raising one foot up and leaving the other hanging off the edge, "I wonder what the first Hero Class will be like..." he muses.

---Nezu's Office...

"I don't know Nezu, it's supposed to be random," Yagi says, sitting on a couch with Nezu directly opposite him on another couch, a cup of tea in his hand.

"It will still mostly be random, I just need you to make sure those two are last, that's all. And it's not like it matters who people are matched with at this point since none of them really know each other that well," Nezu says.

"I just rather not lie to students, even a small lie like that."

"I will be there to explain, and I'll take full responsibility for it, you have my word All Might."

"I guess," Yagi takes a sip of his tea. "Hey, could you have a talk with Horizon about the way he speaks to his classmates?"

"Oh, what about?"

"Well Midoriya almost had...well not almost, he definitely had a small panic attack when I went to talk to him yesterday, Horizon said some really hurtful things. And he basically called the entire class pathetic trash, or something like that...pretty sure they all hate him and it's only the second day."

"I rather not get involved in the personal affairs of my students," Nezu says. "But I'm sure it will all be cleared up by the end of your class, I'll explain all I can when I arrive."

"Right, well I guess that's something---"

"And I'll have a talk with Horizon later."

"Thank you, I know we usually let students sort out interpersonal issues, but Midoriya needs a bit of extra help right now."

"Mhm," Nezu smiles coyly, "remember that promise you made about not playing favorites, more difficult than expected right?"

"I'm not the only one," Yagi says.

"I don't know what---"


Nezu immediately checks his phone, causing Yagi to raise a brow. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, Horizon just posted some pictures...apparently he's having lunch on the roof, with a bird, he named it Pell," Nezu excitedly shows Yagi the picture, causing the man to chuckle.

"Remind me again who is playing favorites, Principal Nezu..."

"Hmph, this proves nothing," Nezu says while saving the picture. "He's simply trying to build a brand before his big debut at the sports festival, he even has a packet ready to send out to media offices, he expects to do well, and will use the sudden flood of people searching for him online to boost his popularity."

"That's pretty genius actually," Yagi admits. "Heroes live and die based on popularity these days, getting a head start is smart. And since most people won't have much to their name it'll basically be him and Todoroki that the public can't get enough of."

"True, the son of the number two hero naturally will get a lot of attention, almost impossible to compete with."

"I'm sure Horizon will manage, you should be more concerned about your successor, he'll struggle in the sports festival if he can't control his Quirk you know, and Horizon won't budge to help."

Yagi sighs, "I know... I just don't know what to do...everything always came naturally to me so teaching is difficult."

"The curse of having natural heroic talent...well, somewhat natural. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"I will," Yagi says. "But right now, I need to go alter the script to fit your request, then---" his body releases steam as he bulks up, expanding to his full All Might size, 220cm -7ft2- and 263kg -580lbs- of pure muscle. Immediately filling out his usually oversized clothes. "---All Might will have his first class!" he loudly declares.

Nezu frantically waves his arms around, "what are you doing! Horizon is on the roof above us!"

Yagi's eyes widen as he immediately deflates, a cloud of smoke forming around him for a moment. "Do you think he could sense that?"

"I don't know, but you need to be extra careful until we better understand him, and just like Midoriya you need to be sure not to touch him."

"I already know that, I just hope Midoriya can avoid contact, or somehow tell a convincing story when it eventually happens..."

Luckily for both men, Horizon was already asleep on the roof, taking an after-lunch nap...


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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