MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 028(1:10000000000)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


Walking into his homeroom ten minutes before lunch ends Horizon notices that he's the last to arrive, at a glance he sees everyone excitedly waiting, itching for their first Hero Basic Training class.

He doesn't give any reaction, simply keeping his hands in his pockets and moving to his seat, walking past Toru, seeing her playing with her hair, Bakugo with his feet up on his desk behind her, and Deku writing something in his battered notebook, quietly mumbling to himself.

Quiet conversations were happening among some students, including Tokoyami who sat to his right talking to Sero, who sits in front of Tokoyami.

Horizon takes his seat and leans back in his chair, quietly yawning as he just wakes up. And behind him, Momo is reading over her notes from English class while Todoroki is just staring out the window at nothing beside her.

As he's about to nod off into sleep again Tokoyami interrupts, "Horizon, are you awake?"

"Hmm," Horizon sits up and looks over at Tokoyami, seeing both he and Sero looking at him nervously. "Yeah, need something?"

"Sorry man," Sero says, "we honestly could tell because well, you know..."

"I get that a lot," Horizon replies. The entire class gets quiet to listen in, not expecting him to be this hospitable to anyone after his first impression yesterday.

"Right, we were just wondering... did you get kicked out of English class earlier?" Sero asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"No, I asked Mic if I could go for lunch early since I'm fluent in English, and he let me go," Horizon shrugs.

"You can speak English!" Kirishima yells in surprise, sitting three seats away.

"Among other languages yes, so I used the time to get ahead of the lunch lines..."

"Very wise," Tokoyami adds. "We were caught in the lunch crowd, even with the size of the cafeteria, it can still get quite crowded, but Lunch Rush's food is worth it."

"Yeah, I don't really like the cafeteria noise so I went up to the roof, by the time you guys were packing your things I was already on the top floor..."

"The roof is off limits to students," Momo says, putting down her book to join the conversation.

"Supposedly yeah, that's why it was locked. Nothing my Quirk couldn't get past, plus it was nice and quiet, and I got to take and post some nice pics too," he shrugs.

"Really! Can we see?" Sero asks.

"I can show you my profile if you want, I've got lots of cool pictures on it from the places I go."

"Sure, what's the profile name?" Sero and a few other curious people take out their phones.


"Just Horizon?" Tokoyami asks, phone in hand and typing it in.

"It cost me a small fortune to get the original name, but having a trademark helps."

"Your profile picture is the thing on your back..." Sero notices as he begins scrolling, eyes widening as he sees more and more pictures of Horizon all across the world in the past year. "Holy crap."

"Indeed," was all Tokoyami could say as he was also staring at his screen.

"The symbol is my logo, and yeah the last year has been exciting, figured I'd live it up a little before I'm spending six days a week in UA."

"You call yourself a miracle? Seriously?" Jirou spins around in her chair, beside Bakugo, phone in hand on his profile, and casts a disappointed look at Horizon.

"I am a miracle, one in ten billion."

"The world only has nine billion people," she says.

"Exactly, but I'm sure all the people I healed would agree I'm a miracle..."

"I don't think he has to worry about getting into trouble," Tokoyami says, still scrolling through the profile. "The first comment on his roof picture is 'This view never gets old,'....and it's from Principal Nezu..."

Everyone just gives Horizon a confused look and he shrugs in response.

"Oh right," Sero snaps his fingers, causing all the people who were looking at Horizon's profile on their phones to look up. "You mentioned your healing Quirk before right...when you said you're the only person that could heal Midoriya."

"True," Tokoyami adds, "but you also said it allowed you access to the roof. I hope you didn't break the locks then heal yourself after, destruction of school property is a serious offense."

Horizon chuckles, "technically I didn't use the doors, they're still locked. And my Quirk isn't just for healing...but it is the most powerful healing in the an immensely large margin."

"I thought Recovery Girl was the strongest," Tokoyami says.

"The Pope is said to have the most potent healing Quirk," Momo corrects him.

"Both good answers," Horizon says, leaning back in his chair with his back to the window so he can speak to everyone, almost all the eyes in class now focused on him. "Recovery Girl and the Pope have the same Quirk, they force cell activation, the difference is Recovery Girl uses the patients' stamina while the Pope uses his own. This means if someone is seriously hurt the Pope can heal them while she may not be able to heal them entirely at one because the stamina drain would kill them."

"Her Quirk can kill you like that?" Sato asks, utter disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah, and the Pope can accidentally kill himself the same way. They're the same but he is better for big injuries on a single person, while hers is better for lots of smaller injuries...the kind of injuries students at UA always have," he nods toward Deku.

"Oh, I get it," Sero says. "So one is a big health potion and the other is like a hundred smaller ones."

"Basically," Horizon says. "But the issue is almost all healing Quirks are just variations of this same Quirk, forced cell activation. It causes your cells to divide by adding or directing energy in your body, but like I explained yesterday, this can't heal things like nerve damage so all it does is accelerate the rate at which you would have naturally healed, and since cells can only divide so many times within a lifetime..."

"It's like chipping away your life," Tokoyami says. "A noticeable amount?"

"Unlikely," Horizon says. "But pennies add up to dollars eventually."

"How is your Quirk any different, mister miracle?" Jiro asks mockingly.

"Because, my Quirk is the only one that heals without using cell activation," he says. Raising his hand for them to see his palm, a faint blue glow swirls in the middle of his palm on the white body glove. "I convert my own stamina into energy and use it to heal people, but unlike other Quirks, mine is true healing. I don't activate cells, I give your body temporary cell regeneration...assuming your cells are normal," he adds. Understanding that for someone like Yagi adding brand new cells to join his power stockpiling Quirk would go poorly.

Seeing them looking a bit confused he elaborates," basically if you lose an eye or limb Recovery Girl can't fix that, but with me, I can help you grow it back, good as new, that also means no scars," he turns to look at Jiro and she sinks into her chair a bit.

"Does that mean---"

"No you don't have a class medic," he cuts off Sero's train of thought.

"Awe... but at least now we have a better idea of why you're acting like that," Sero says.

"Indeed," Tokoyami closes his eyes, trying and failing to look mysterious as he speaks. "Healing Quirks are rare in themselves, the rarest in fact, the most versatile and outright powerful healing Quirk in the world should be nurtured at a place like UA, not enrolling you would be a disservice to mankind as a whole."

"True," Horizon says, "but healing Quirks aren't technically the rarest, just second place, the number one spot is usually ignored because a lot of people think they don't even exist."

"What?" Tokoyami asks.

"Warping!" Deku can't help but blurt out, overcome with excitement that overpowers his anxiety and fears, turning to face Tokoyami. "Only around five warping Quirks have ever been discovered but none have ever gone pro, they all either get hired for private work or get recruited by their government, so naturally most people don't think they exist simply because of how rare it is to even see one in action."

Deku freezes after his rambling, now noticing all the eyes in the room on him, slowly and stiffly he turns back to face his desk and returns to his hero notes.

"Right," Horizon gestures to Deku, "what he said. But as I said earlier, my Quirk isn't a healing Quirk, it just happens that one of the things I can do is heal...honestly it's like the third thing I discovered," he shrugs.

"Your Quirk has multiple abilities!" Kirishima jumps out of his seat and yells. "No fair! I only have Hardening," he makes a fist and hardens it, causing it to look like a jagged rock.

"Life isn't fair, don't be a pussy about it," Horizon shakes his head while most of the class looks disgusted by his words.

"Uh, right, sorry I was just surprised," Kirishima chuckles and sits down. Returning his full focus to the conversation, just as everyone else in the room was doing the same thing.

"My abilities put together can perform miracles, that's what I've been doing all my life, and all those places you see me at on my profile are places I went to perform those miracles...for the right price obviously," he chuckles.

"And what do you consider to be a 'miracle' exactly?" Shoji asks from the front of the class.

"Oh, the usual incurable problems," Horizon casually waves his hand in the air as he speaks. "Cancer in the brain, spine, or wherever else it is, shattered spine, blindness, deafness, heart disease, I cured diabetes once but that was a real pain in the ass, took me like twelve hours," he groans at the memory. "And I needed a lot of new tissue to graft onto the Pancreas, but yeah that kind of stuff."

Everyone looks both impressed and horrified at how casually he's speaking of these real miracles.

"So you're like a doctor?" Todoroki asks. "But what else can your Quirk do, if healing isn't your only ability? I find it hard to believe a healing Quirk as capable as yours exists, much less having more abilities."

All eyes shift to Todoroki, for most of the class this is the first time they've heard his voice.

"Oh, I could show you if you want," Horizon takes out his stack of metal throwing cards and raises one between his fingers. "C'mon, it'll be fun, I'm just gonna---"

"I AM HERE!!!!!!!!" All Might bursts into the room through the front door, causing everyone to begin murmuring in excitement, wearing an older version of his costume with red as the main color and a long flowing cape.

'Wow...he's bigger than he looks on TV,' was Horizon's only real thought, not viewing All Might through the same hero-worshiping lens as most of the world. But the hulking 220cm -7ft3- figure was certainly imposing, especially considering All Might had the power and speed that would make him a threat to Horizon.

'I wonder if he's faster than my reaction time...' he ponders as All Might gives a basic breakdown of the class.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High, think of it as heroing 1-0-1, this is where you'll learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good," All Might says while flexing for the class.

'Fight for the government yeah,' Horizon rolls his eyes at the over-the-top speech, while everyone just eats it up.

"Now let's get into it, today's lesson is...BATTLE TRAINING!" All Might announces proudly, causing a small commotion in the class.

'Skipping the ethics and regulations and going in for hands-on training, can't say I'm surprised...' Horizon nods and leans back in his chair. 'Well, I'll get to see if anyone here is any fun to slap around at least.'

"But one of the keys to being a hero is, LOOKING GOOD!" All Might opens the shelves in the wall to reveal all the cases. Labeled number 1-20, with the number 19 white instead of silver, Horizon's blue logo pained on the face of it.

A loud commotion starts but some eyes glance over to Horizon, finally realizing what was in that case he had on the very first day.

'So he had access to his costume early,' they thought, curious about exactly what it could be.

"Alright, go by your seat numbers and come get your costume, then head to the 1A locker room and get changed, I'll be waiting at training ground beta!" All Might gives them a thumbs up and dazzling smile.

Being number nineteen Horizon is almost the last person to collect his costume, but he doesn't like waiting.

"Time to get dressed I suppose," he grumbles and stands up, before Aoyama -seat 1- could ever get to the shelves. With both hands at his side.

Iida immediately stands up to reprimand him, but All Might beats him to it, "young Horizon, you must wait your turn, patience is essential to being a hero, and you must be courteous to others," he says politely as Horizon is only two steps from his desk.



Horizon's clothes are swapped out for his hero costume, his uniform stored safely and neatly in the metal case as the pristine three-piece white suit appears on him. White jacket and pants, matching the dress shoes he wears to school. His white Rolex stays on his wrist, a black vest above his blue shirt with a long dark-blue tie. His logo in blue at the back of the white jacket, draped on his shoulder without his arms in the sleeves, kept in place by subtle and clever buttons.

Everyone freezes at the sight.

"WARPING!" Half the room, including All Might, yell in surprise, eyes wide in shock.

"Warping is one of my other abilities," he stops at Jiro's desk and raises his hand.


His Katana appears in his hand, from end to end 145cm -4ft9- almost as tall as Jiro and Asui, but aside from the odd size, his logo along the scabbard and the white colour caught their eyes.

Holding the sword at his side he looks down at Jiro, and she could just feel the smug grin behind his black visor.

"See, one in ten billion," he begins walking out of the room, not looking back as he says, "I'll be waiting at training ground beta..."


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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