MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.


"I..."-Gentle didn't expected this, he thought an admirer of his is here to meet him, but the purpose of the man was different from the start. He didn't like this.

La Brava was now a bit relieved but was perplexed now. The Vigilante is asking the villains to join his team. This was completely out of her expectation as well. But she started thinking about what will the Vigilante do when Gentle will reject his proposal, which he will most likely do.

"I.. have to refuse your offer."-Gentle

"May I know the reason for your refusal."-Shido

Gentle was looking for the right words to form his answer.

"It is not in line with the goal I set."-Gentle

"I think you should tell about your goals, maybe they are in line with you joining my team."-Shido

Gentle suddenly became more energetic and straightened his back

"I, Gentle Criminal will leave my name in the annals of history and inspire others through my videos. I am not afraid of trampling on others' dream as long as it furthers my own dreams. "-Gentle

"Then, How is it going till now? With the amount of time and hard work you have placed on this dream of yours, you should have achieved something right?"-Shido

This made Gentle frown as he didn't achieved much even he is persisting, but his condition when he started and now are very similar, but the only thing he has achieved is his admirer and accomplice, La Brava. He looked at her, she looked at him and smiled. This smile made him more determined.

"Even though we haven't achieved much, but we will do it continuously, to make our dreams real."-Gentle

"You are doing things wrong."-Shido

This time La Brava couldn't stop as he was continuously questioning Gentle's decision.

"I know you are a vigilante, you want us to submit before you right?"-La Brava

Listening to this, Shido shook his head

"What I'm saying is your dream is right but way to achieve is wrong."-Shido

Gentle and La Brava were shocked to see a vigilante approving of the goals of a villain

"Your dream is to be remembered and inspire others right? then how are you going to inspire them? attacking a shop because they hid the expiry dates of 'about to expire puddings'. This will just going to put you against the public and you will be ostracized and condemned. Who in their right mind will see you as their inspiration when you are just doing things like a child having a power more than they can control. What separates you from the other villains who are trying to hurt civilians? Tell me about your thinking behind the actions you have done till now."-Shido

"I... I wanted... Inspire...everyone.. to..."-Gentle

Gentle was stuttering, he cannot give Shido a complete answer. La Brava was stunned to see this. She never seen this side of Gentle, as he was always smiling even when they failed to gain attention on the internet. He was always beacon of light for her, his shining personality and charms are the factors that attracted her to Gentle, but now Gentle was stuttering to complete a sentence, was in self-doubt.

Shido knew the weakness of Gentle, his lack of insight behind his actions and decisions. He cannot give a sound argument behind his intentions. Shido knew if he directly asked Gentle to join him, he will directly refuse him. But if Shido showed the flaws in the actions done by Gentle, his will to do villainous acts will waver. Shido continued

"You wanted to be a Hero, right Danjuro? What happened which led you to do these acts?"-Shido

This puts Gentle in more self-doubt, as Shido was asking Danjuro Tobita not Gentle Criminal, The same Danjuro who wanted to be a hero even his grades were low, even his school was considered low-level Hero School. The same Danjuro who wanted to be a hero even after kicked out of his house. Gentle was not feeling well now, as the past memories of him trying to save a falling worker which led to hindering the work of a pro-hero also trying to save the worker, which led to serious injuries to the worker.

La Brava cannot see Gentle in pain anymore.

"Why are you doing this? Just arrest us or whatever you want. Why are making my Gentle go through pain?"-La Brava shouted

Shido didn't responded to her. He was just looking at Gentle.

"You didn't get a chance to be hero at that time right? What will you do when you get a chance now?"-Shido

Gentle was now thinking how he was not able to become a hero because of his past conditions, low grades, low-level hero school etc. but what if he gets the chance again? The words of Shido are going through his head again and again.

Shido's words are only capable of doing this because of Gentle's deep wish to be a hero, even he is a villain now. Gentle wanted to be a hero for a long time in his young days, how can he just leave the wish he held dear for years. The words under the recruit cheat's effect are more persuasive and the impact is more than normal words.

"Can I... become a Hero..?"-Gentle

Listening to this, Shido had a smile under his helmet.

"Yes, you can."-Shido

"Will.. the society accept us .. as heroes?"-Gentle

This question was very sensitive to Gentle as he was shunned by the society, even his high school friend refused to recognize him. This was the turning point which led to Danjuro Tobita to become Gentle Criminal. He was also asking for La Brava as he is using 'us' in his question.

"What is a hero to you Danjuro?"-Shido

Gentle thought for a bit

"Heroes are people who save civilians without thinking of the consequences."-Gentle said, as this was the thought in his mind when he tried to save the falling worker, as he knew using quirks in public without permission or License from authorities is illegal still he tried to save the falling worker, he failed , but still tried.

"Then save people as the hero you want to become, don't worry about the society, they will have to recognize the person who enacts justice and save people without considering their approval, as a hero."-Shido

Gentle was silent for a bit, then

"Then, I will become the hero I wanted to be."-Gentle said in full determination

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