MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

I’m in.

Gentle was really enthusiastic and determined for his future as a hero, but a question came up in his mind

"What are we going to do as hero now?"-Gentle

"Didn't you said hero saves people, then you are going to save people."-Shido

"So, We (him and La Brava) are going to roam around the neighborhood and save people in dangerous situations?"-Gentle

"Yes, you can do that."-Shido

"Hah (Sigh), I thought hero work will be interesting but it is not that much I expected"-Gentle

"So, How about saving a little girl from the hands of a notorious yakuza as a first mission sounds to you?"-Shido

Gentle was shocked but then this mission is definitely a hero would accept.

"Is this the your team's mission?"-Gentle


"Then I'm in"-Gentle

Shido nodded, then looked at the baffled La Brava who is trying to digest whatever happened in the short period of time.

"My offer also extends to you, Manami Aiba"-Shido

La Brava was again shocked as the Vigilante knows her name, but she concluded that the vigilante has a good information network to find her and Gentle's real identity.

"I will go wherever Gentle goes, but I still don't know how I am useful to your team, my quirk only works on Gentle."-La Brava

Shido nodded listening to her question. La Brava's Quirk allows her to bestow a power boost to the person whom she loves most by telling the recipient how much she loves them. The amount of power her loved one receives increases with the intensity of her love. La Brava can only activate her Quirk once per day and the power boost will only last for a limited time.

"Strengthening my team members is also considered useful, Ms. Aiba, even if you are strengthening one of my team member, it is good. But the reason of my offer to you is not because of your quirk."-Shido

"Then what it is it?"-La Brava

"It is your hacking skills, Ms. Aiba. Your skills are quite incredible, considering the fact you are self-taught, which also backs your intelligence. Every team needs some intelligent members with skills, which is you Ms. Aiba."-Shido

La Brava cannot be surprised anymore as the vigilante knows about her hacking skills and the fact that she self-taught her.

"So, what will be your answer Ms. Aiba?"-Shido

"I will join your team, as I said I will follow wherever Gentle goes."-La Brava replied without any second thought.

"Then congratulations to both of you to become the first two members of the team."-Shido

This surprised Gentle and La Brava.

"I thought you had a well-established team considering how much information you gathered about us."-La Brava

"Well, you can do that if you have enough resources."-Shido

"So... about our first mission?"-Gentle

Shido was satisfied with Gentle's seriousness towards the mission. He started explaining what they will need to do. he kept the information of Eri and Quirk-Destroying Drugs a secret from them. They don't need to know the full information on things. He just told them that the yakuza is making a drug which will do a very big damage to the society and heroes will not be able to cope up with the situation, if the drug is mass-produced and released in the underworld.

This made Gentle and La Brava understand the seriousness of the situation. They will need to prepare for the mission.

"So, what are we supposed to do until the mission starts?"-Gentle

Shido pondered for a bit and answered

"Ms. Aiba, you should start practicing hacking multiple devices at the same time and make a program which should be able to destroy the data storages of the yakuza to destroy the research results."-Shido

"Ok, I will do it."-La Brava

"Gentle, you should do more practice on your quirk, thus increasing our escaping methods. Your handling of quirk is excellent, but the escape methods are monotonous, it can be intercepted by the enemy if used more than once in front them."-Shido


Shido nodded "Then I should take my leave."-Shido

"Where to?"-La Brava

"To recruit our next member."-Shido


Naruhata City,

In a dark alley, sounds of fighting can be heard. Two people are fighting with their bare fist. One person is in bad shape but still fighting while the other person with black mask is taking fun in beating his opponent. The man in black mask throws a heavy punch on the head of his opponent knocking him out. The black masked man spat some blood and dusted his clothes and was about to move out from the alley, then a person in black costume landed in front of him.

"Nice fight, KnuckleDuster"-Shido

KnuckleDuster didn't said anything, he was just looking at the newcomer. After recognizing the newcomer.

"So.. what did I do to garner the attention of the Night Slash"-KnuckleDuster

"I was just looking for you, a fellow vigilante."-Shido

KnuckleDuster was just trying to find the purpose of the vigilante in front of him, but couldn't think of any as this is their first time meeting each other.

"Don't beat around the bush can you, just say what is your purpose?"-KnuckleDuster

Shido shook his head

"Ok.. I will go the point, I want you to join my team."-Shido

"What is the purpose of your team and why do you want me join?"-KnuckleDuster  asked warily

Shido knows this man may look old and bruised by constant fighting but his experience in dealing things cannot be neglected. Knuckleduster is an individual with a strong sense of justice and drives to do the right thing. He has no government-issued hero license, but this does not stop him from putting on his costume and going out every night to fight street-level criminals and local gangs to keep his neighborhood safe from crimes most heroes will not bother with. Knuckleduster used to be a pro-hero but his quirk was stolen by All for One, rendering him Quirkless.

But even without his quirk, this middle-aged man with his strong will and body managed to deal with various villains and gangs that even heroes failed to deal with.

"My team's purpose to deal with a drug, this drug if somehow mass produced and released with make the whole equilibrium of heroes and villains go haywire. The drug currently is in development phase but they are expected to make a breakthrough in the coming few days and I don't want to let that happen."-Shido

Knuckleduster took time to understand the various details given to him in a short time.

"Where do I fit in this?"-Knuckleduster

"I know about your contribution in dealing with the whole Trigger and Instant Villains case 4 years ago, your experience and strength will be useful for the team."-Shido

These words may sound praising Knuckleduster but he didn't falter. The words are having a persuasive effect but nothing seems to work on Knuckleduster as he has a very strong will, which makes him able to defeat villains stronger than him.

"Can I know the effects of the drug?"- Knuckleduster

"It erases the quirk of the target permanently."-Shido

Knuckleduster may not have a weakness like Danjuro (Gentle) but he has a spot which can be exploited, even a little bit that is losing quirks. Knuckleduster himself has gone through what it feels like to lose your quirk. His career as a pro-hero ended. His daughter went missing which led to his wife ending up in a catatonic state. The incidents about his family is not connected to his quirk being stolen but the pain is subconsciously connected to the loss of quirk.

Shido didn't find any need to reveal this information(about the drug) to Gentle and La Brava, as he didn't find it important to do so. But Knuckleduster cannot be influenced by his words (cheat effects) so he had to reveal this information to get Knuckleduster in his team.

Knuckleduster having keen intellect knows what will happen if this drug was mass-produced and released. He looked at Shido

"When are you going to take action?"-Knuckleduster

"Two days later, Hosu City"-Shido

Knuckleduster nodded and didn't said anything. He was excited to fight various villains. in fact, he seems to love fighting against particularly strong people who have powerful Quirks, enjoying the challenge and becoming very upset or frustrated whenever there are no particularly strong Villains to fight.

"So you in the team?"-Shido

Knuckleduster showed a toothy grin,

"You son of a bitch, I'm in"-Knuckleduster said excitedly.

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