MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

The Crew, and the Plan.

After that, I told Knuckleduster to come on the designated location tomorrow by evening in Hosu city.

I left the place and went to another location for finding the next potential teammate. But when I searched around the mentioned area in the information by Giran, I couldn't find anyone.

Stendhal is low-laying vigilante, he doesn't stay at one place and the location mentioned is the most recent location Stendhal was seen. Stendhal is a powerful vigilante, he could be a good addition to the team. But I cannot go on a wild goose chase to only find him to join my team, I don't have that much time.

'The current team is fine, enough to handle the mission.'

I left the place and went to my home.


Next day.

Currently I am getting ready to leave for Hosu city. I got a call from Fuyumi.

:: Hello.. Shido can we go to this newly opened Amusement Park, it... ::-Fuyumi

:: Sorry Fuyumi, I will not be in the city for a few days :: -Shido

:: Oh.. that's sad, but where are you going. ::-Fuyumi

:: ..Can't tell.. ::-Shido

:: ...Is it related to the thing you are hiding...? ::-Fuyumi

:: ...Yes, Just a few more days and I will.... ::-Shido

:: I know, I know, I trust you, you will tell me about it right? ::-Fuyumi

:: Yes :: -Shido

After a pause,

:: ..All the Best Shido.. ::-Fuyumi

:: For what? ::-Shido was surprised a bit

:: I thought you needed it ::-Fuyumi

:: Thank You Fuyumi ::-Shido

:: No problem, Love you:: -Fuyumi

:: Love you too ::-Shido

I hung up the call. I took a train to Hosu city. When I reached the city, I didn't went to any hotel to open a room, I just put the luggage in the inventory and called La Brava,

"Are you on the location?"-Shido

"Yes Chief, Gentle and I have reached the location and opened a room, when will you and the new member will come?"-La Brava

"I will come at around 7 PM and expect him to come at around the same time."-Shido

"Okay Chief."-La Brava

"La Brava..... what is this with the 'Chief' you are saying continuously?"-Shido

"This,.. Chief.. you know, I am doing this type of Team mission .. for the first time, so I thought I will take this seriously and ... do it like the professionals."-La Brava

Listening to the explanation, Shido couldn't say anything to her, he was satisfied with the determination and seriousness of the girl, a little fun can be accepted.

"Okay do whatever you want but just don't let it compromise with the mission."-Shido

"Don't worry Chief, everything is under control and I will do the mission seriously."-La Brava said in full determination

Shido, listening to this, shook his head, La Brava is 20 years old but acts like a child sometimes. her actions and her height can be deceiving to someone who doesn't know her. Shido hung up the call and started roaming around the city, it is 5 PM now.


After roaming the city for around 2 hours, I went to an alley and changed to my 'Night Slash' outfit. I quickly started running on the roofs to reach the location I fixed for the meeting which is an abandoned warehouse. Gentle and La Brava were already there, talking about something.

"La Brava, I have to think of a fitting alias for my hero personality, I can't use Gentle Criminal anymore as I am not a villain anymore."-Gentle

"Gentle.. but .. Gentle is already a good alias, it shows your gentle personality."-La Brava

"No it can't be done like that.... I need a new alias... How about Gentle Man?"-Gentle

"No, it is not good as Gentle Criminal..."-La Brava

They were pondering over this, then a voice interrupted them.

"How about Mr. Fantastic?"-Shido

"Yes.. yes.. La Brava this is it.."-Gentle was in his own world where people are cheering him as Mr. Fantastic while he is fighting a villain.

"Nice suggestion.. Chief.. It is good, it suits Gentle really well."-La Brava

"Hahaha, From now on, I shall be known as Mr. Fantastic. I will show the world.... History will.."-Gentle now, Mr. Fantastic (MF) started doing his monologue, La Brava was squeeling with joy and was listening to the monologue with great interest.

Shido sighed and took a seat while ignoring the two, waiting for the new member to come.

After some time, Someone entered the warehouse. Shido looked up to see the newcomer, after sometime the figure of Knuckleduster can be recognized. Shido stood up from his seat and went to the other two, who are already done 'seeing their future of fame'. Shido , La Brava, Mr. Fantastic (Gentle) and Knuckleduster sat on their seats to make a circle.

They introduced each other briefly, while Mr. Fantastic (Gentle) taking this to great extents and saying his future goals and ambitions. Shido had to intervene to stop him from talking.

"Let's talk about the mission."-Shido

Just as he said this, everyone became serious, except Knuckleduster as he was already serious. Mr. Fantastic (Gentle) may be goofy at times, but he knows when things are serious.

"I will brief about the mission first, This is a rescue mission, we have to rescue a little girl from the base of Shie Hassaikai, She is locked in a room under their base. There is a underground base under the building which they call the base of their Yakuza. The underground labyrinth is massive, containing several passageways that stretch on for miles. It was purposely created with the intent of moving people in and out of the hideout in secret. We have two objectives:

1.) Rescue the little girl out of the base and take her to a safe place.

2.) Destroy the research data of their new drug."-Shido

"So.. you have a map or any design of their base, mentioning the location of the girl and the room where their data is stored."-Knuckleduster.


Knuckleduster's face had a frown now.

"Then How are supposed to execute the mission in the base if we don't have the map/design of the base? Are you serious about this or just doing for the sake being a vigilante."-Knuckleduster

The last part what Knuckleduster said was like a jab to Shido. Shido couldn't refute what Knuckleduster said as he was on the way to execute his previous plan which was proved disaster by the 'dream'.

"You don't have to worry, as soon as we enter their base, we will get the design of the entire base."-Shido

"Are you going to obtain it through your quirk?"-Knuckleduster

"You can say that."-Shido

Knuckleduster was still had some problems in believing Shido.

"La Brava, is the program I asked for is ready?"-Shido

"Yes Chief, the program is ready, you will just have to connect this USB to their main computer connected to their data storages, it will start destroying the data."-La Brava

"Okay, that's good, now let's talk about the labor division."-Shido

"Knuckleduster, Mr. Fantastic (Gentle) and I will be going to enter the base, I will direct you two to the data storage room through the walkie-talkie while I will go to save the girl. Once you are inside the room, Start uploading the program in the USB to the computer. Once you are done uploading the program, just escape, no need to fight anymore. You two and I will meet at the rendezvous point. La Brava, you will guide them through the process of the uploading the program and see the situation outside the base. If there is a movement from the police or the heroes just inform us."-Shido

"Understood"-Mr. Fantastic (Gentle)

"Understood Chief"-La Brava

Knuckleduster pointed at La Brava and said to Shido

"You don't expect me to say that right?"-Knuckleduster

Shido just shook his head.

"If there is a movement from police and heroes or the situation is not favorable for you two then just abandon the second objective and go to the rendezvous point. The first objective has the most priority."-Shido

They all nodded their heads except Knuckleduster

"Why does rescuing the girl is more important than deleting the research details of a potential society harming drug?"-Knuckleduster

"The girl is a very important part of the Yakuza's Plan and besides..."

Shido grinned but that was hidden behind his mask.

"Because I have a backup for the second objective."-Shido

Shido took out his phone and called someone

"Hello Mr. Erebus, What can I do for you?"

"Giran, I want you to spread a very important news in the Underworld."-Shido

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