MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Shido Vs. Genesis (1).

"Ready?" Genesis asked Shido - who was looking up at him from the ground.

"Then here I come!" Genesis said and slowly raised his hand with some difficulty. While raising his hand, it was slightly shaking, and it looked like he was having some difficulty doing so.

Well, the reason being was... A skyscraper came flying behind Genesis. He then rotated his hand, and the skyscraper following his wish started tilting.

"Here is your congratulatory gift... for defeating the Phantom 5!" Genesis said and swung his hand towards Shido, and the skyscraper shot towards Shido.

It was the start of their fight, and Genesis showed what he could do from the beginning. The world was shocked to see the power of the self-proclaimed Quirkless Villain.

Shido was about to be crushed by the giant building; he stretched his hands and closed his eyes. He focused on [Law of Matter] in his hands while breathing calmly. Soon, his left palm started glowing purple while the second palm remained the same.

» » ⁅Overdrive Disassemble⁆ + [Law of Matter] = {Disintegrate} (Left Hand)
» » ⁅Overdrive Reassemble⁆ (Right Hand)

Just as his hands touched the building, the opposing commands on Matter started flowing through the course of the entire building, and soon the whole mass of the building destabilized, and it fell apart and crumbled to dust in a span of a few brief moments.

Genesis' eyebrows shot up as his eyes widened when he saw the spectacle Shido just did, but a pleasant smile broke out on his lips.

"It seems you have gained quite a mastery over the [Matter] under constant pressure and consistently fighting..." Genesis said and raised both of his hands in the air, and this time, five skyscrapers flew behind him.

"But it's too late!" He said and directed those buildings to go towards Shido simultaneously.

Shido knew he couldn't disassemble all of them, so he again closed his eyes, but this time he focused on himself. He breathed calmly and stood there while doing nothing.

The first building crashed down on where Shido was standing and then second, third... Soon all five of them crashed down and the surroundings around the fight were already in ruins. Huge dust clouds surrounded the whole area, clouding the scene for the News Helicopter.

Genesis descended down and started looking for Shido. He knew there was no way Shido would die so easily and his hunch was proven right when he saw Shido still standing where he was earlier. He was unscathed.

"I knew you would be able to come out of that alive, but I want to ask... How?"

"It doesn't matter..."
» » [Law of Matter] — {Permeation}

"True. It doesn't matter... because you're going to die," Genesis said and flew up in the sky.


Seeing the fight between the two 'Quirkless' Individuals, the world was in a stir right now. The preconceived notions about the Quirkless were breaking down one by one as the fight progressed. Night Slash's and Genesis' prowess was even more than someone with a very powerful quirk.

'If this is the true power of the Quirkless, then the world is doomed' was the thought of many people. And this thought scared the powerful people all around the world. Quirk, Authority, Weapons, It didn't matter what was the source of their power, they all felt fear when they saw something unknown, being more powerful than them.

Every being feels fear, especially the scary ones.

Thus, this fight may have taken place in Los Angeles, but the waves traveled to the whole world and the entire attention of all the major powers on the planet was on this fight.

While the fight was happening, Various top leaders rushed to the Pentagon this early in the morning to discuss this issue they had at LA.


"Old Man, I need your help to evacuate people around the beach. It was unexpected but I had to come to the beach to kill NRG." Shido said to the

Knuckleduster - :: I know, I know. We were dealing with the Mutants with the Antidote Danjuro brought. I am coming there but I cannot guarantee I would be able to save them all::

"Save as much as you can... We don't have any obligation to do so."

Knuckleduster - :: ...Even if don't have any obligation to do so. It is a fight that we and Genesis are involved in. So their deaths would be on us::

"I know..." Shido said and then looked towards the sky.

"I am going to take the fight in the skies and buy you time as much as possible. You do the evacuation." Shido said and flew up in the sky.

Soon, he found Genesis up in the skies with his hands folded. It was as if he was standing on air and waiting for Shido.

"You wanna talk before we continue? You know... typical conversation while fighting. You want something like that?" Genesis asked Shido.
"Yeah, Why do you want to do this?" Shido asked Genesis, as he really needed to know why Genesis is so obsessed to make Shido play such useless games.

"Well, Caos told me that you asked her this question. Your question exactly was, 'Why he is playing all these games? He could've just passed the Law inside me and gone invisible for 3 days. Just like that, He would've gotten what he wanted without much trouble. Then why take this troublesome route?' Am I right? Then here is your answer...

You pulled that living two-lives simultaneously crap pretty well. You excelled in both lives. I admire you for that. But I hate you... a lot and that's for sure," Genesis said in a low tone.

"If you are that much jealous of me having a family and being a vigilante, then why don't you do something similar as well. Take over a normal person's body and live life however you want. Take everything you want to take. Why the fuck are you behind me? I didn't kill your family, I didn't do anything to you, then why?"

"And that's where you are wrong! I don't hate you for having everything... I hate you for having everything and not suffering enough. I hate you for having even a dime while you don't suffer for it!" Genesis shouted.

"Why do I have to suffer?"
"Don't act ignorant all of a sudden, Shido... You know what I am talking about, right?"

But to Genesis' question, Shido's only response was silence.
"You really don't know... Do you?"

"Before meeting you, I didn't even know that there are other Law Holders out there," Shido said.

"You really don't know that line? Every Law Holder knows that line... We are told that line the moment we start carrying a Law. You have two Laws, it is impossible that you haven't heard of it," Genesis said in a shocked tone.

"I really have no idea what you are talking about?"

"Those who are blessed by the Laws, are destined to be cursed by the World.
That's the line that we are told the moment we become capable of bearing a law. We are given a choice to gain the ultimate power and the divinity of a god but pay the price by being tormented throughout our life. I accepted the Laws without my will but still had to pay the price. What is the price you paid for carrying two Laws, Shido? Did you lose something? Did you ever fail while doing something that you always wanted to do? What is your answer?

It is a no, right? That's why... That's why I hate you and want to make you pay the price of having Laws and the price for that... is your everything. But that's not all. After making you pay the price, I will take your body and the Laws that you paid for. You may say it's unfair but I am only here to balance the scale that you disturbed," Genesis said to Shido while an ominous aura started surrounding Genesis.

"You are only justifying your jealousy, Reid. Nothing more."

"Yeah, I am justifying my jealousy, Shido. So what? You want to ask anything else, or we can start now?"

Shido didn't say anything and just levitated there. Genesis took his silence as the cue to get started and Genesis cracked his neck and his fingers. After doing a small warm-up, Genesis took a position as he was about to dash, and then he disappeared as a blue streak of lightning.

Before Shido could react in any way possible, the blue streak suddenly appeared right in front of Shido's face and it turned into the humanoid shape of Genesis with a clenched fist stretched out.

"Electric Dash!"

Genesis said the name of the attack with a smile on his face when the punch landed straight on Shido's face. Being punched in the head, Shido was blown away like a ragdoll by the sheer strength the punch contained. But the power of the punch didn't come from Genesis' physical prowess, instead, what Genesis did was the transfer of enormous momentum that he gained as an electric current. All that momentum when sent to Shido in such a short span of time, created a huge force.

After traveling a few miles, Shido tried to stabilize himself in the air but before he could put any effort, Genesis again appeared as the blue electric current and tried to punch him to oblivion but Shido dodged the attack by the nick of time.

Shido then proceeded to start his offense and prepared his fist for the attack. He swung the punch but the clenched fist stopped right in front of Genesis' face.

This surprised both Genesis and Shido. But it only took them a brief moment to understand what was happening and the realization brought completely opposite expressions on their faces. Shido had a grim expression on his face while Genesis had a bright smile on his. The same Event brought contradictory expressions to Genesis and Shido but it was not visible to the world as their helmets hid it all.

"Ohoho! It started earlier than I expected. You have started to lose control over your body, Shido. My fragment of consciousness has already started his siege over yours. So~ How are you feeling right now? Wait, wait, wait... Let me guess... Is it pain?" Genesis asked Shido but he got no reply as Shido tried to push his clenched fist forward.

"Not pain? But very well... then I would have to make you feel pain other than anything else!" Genesis said and punched Shido again.

Like this, Genesis started playing with Shido as his toy in the skies. He repeatedly traveled at blinding speed and then materialize to attack and Shido dodged some of them, blocked some of them, and ate some of them.

For the people watching the broadcast, the whole scene was a shining dark blue streak that continues to move randomly and Night Slash is just being thrashed by the streak.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Night Raid was busy evacuating people in the vicinity of the fight. The teammates sometimes took glances up in the sky and looked at the terrible state Shido was in but they had to complete the task they have been assigned and evacuate people out as soon as possible. Shido has proven multiple times that he can come out of predicaments that are out of imagination for a normal person. So they put their trust in him and completely focused on the evacuation.

"Surprised that I would go for close combat? You thought I would be a Long-Range Fighter because I control [Law of Electromagnetism]? Haha... That's what I like to do, Breaking people's preconceived notions," Genesis said and moved towards Shido as an electric current, again going for an Electric Dash.

Shido was falling down under gravity with his front facing the ground, as the Jet Boots were now a complete wreck and were not in a working condition. Genesis materialized himself and punched Shido in the abdomen, launching him up back into the sky.

The last attack contained so much force that it made Shido touch the stratosphere and still continue to rise in altitude. But in the stratosphere, someone was already present to welcome Shido. Genesis joined both of his hands and clenched his fingers to make a big double-handed fist and then he smashed the fist on Shido's back, sending him down with double the speed he was moving up.

It didn't take long before Shido crashed onto the ground and the impact made a huge circular crater while destroying buildings around them. Seeing Shido fall made all the hell break loose; People who were evacuating orderly started running, spreading chaos everywhere.

Kaina and Danjuro were busy dealing with the PX-41 Mutants as they were shooting antidote-laced jelly on the Mutants but after an initial boost in reducing their numbers, the guns were getting ineffective against the Mutants.

Manami (La Brava) was busy finding and entering the communication servers the Insurgents were using but the moment she found and tried to join the server, an AI would locate her and block her entrance into the server. Knuckleduster alone was tasked with the evacuation. It was already arduous for Knuckleduster alone to handle the people when they were in order but now it was an impossible task for him to handle this situation.

The current situation for Night Raid could be described in one word: Grim.

Genesis slowly landed inside the crater and Shido who struggling to get up. Initially, it was his right hand that was not listening to his command but slowly, he was losing control over his entire body. Genesis came near Shido and crouched down.

"You would become a lifeless mannequin from the outside and then your consciousness will fight my fragment. The victor of the fight takes over the body. Why fight it?" Genesis said and lifted Shido's head to make him look straight at him.

"You and I are not so different, Shido. That's why I am taking over your body, instead of making you my ally and then backstabbing you. We are nearly the same... or more specifically, the past me was the same as you. You and I were the exceptions to the established norms. Both of us want to live a normal life with people we love while being cursed with this so-called ultimate power.

I tried, I failed... Then shouldn't you too fail as well?" Genesis asked in a low tone.

"Tell me, Shido... since we are so similar, shouldn't our endings be the same as well?" He asked again but Shido didn't answer.

Genesis stood up and stretched his arm forward. Soon, the air around his palm started glowing in a myriad of colors in complete chaos. If focused enough, it could be seen that a black light glowing just above Genesis' palm was responsible for the chaos of colors.

"Here is the other half of [Law of Chaos], Shido... You lost," Genesis said and placed his hand on Shido's chest.

"I will give you this half to make myself complete," He said and started the transfer of [Law of Chaos]. Within a brief moment, the transfer was successful and Genesis finally felt there was no [Chaos] within him anymore.

"AAA!!!" Shido who was struggling to stand up fell onto his knees and shouted in pain. Three colors started emanating from him. Purple, Green, and Black.

"Purple signifying [Matter], Green signifying [Time], and Black signifying [Chaos]. For the very first time in history, Three Laws under One Individual... Something even the Creator of the world was not able to do... I made it possible," Genesis said as he was proud of himself. He then looked at Shido who was still shouting in pain as the Laws revolted against each other, trying to dominate each other.

"This is what happens when you cross your limit... The Laws start fighting each other, trying to throw the others out while you try to hold them in. You are fighting three fights, Shido.

You are physically fighting me, Mentally fighting my fragment, spiritually fighting to stop the Laws... When the odds are so against you... Is there any possibility of you winning this?" Genesis said and kicked Shido which made him fall flat facing the ground.

Genesis then kicked him again, which made Shido roll over and look at the sky. The matter of his body was getting irregular and the suit was going through some changes as well, as the [Law of Matter] went haywire. Shido's shout of pain stopped and his breath was erratic as the Laws battled.

But something out of this world happened when the green light of [Law of Time] came from his chest to his head. The green light covered Shido's head and his eyes shot open. His eyes were turned completely green.



"What I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are, Shido! Tell Me! TELL ME!" A girl with white hair, seemingly in her 20s was swinging punch after another at a middle-aged man with white hair. But the most notable feature was the horn on her forehead.

"I rotted in that dimension for 10 years because of your weakness!" the girl shouted at the middle-aged man.

"Doing what was right is not weakness!" The man retorted back.

"You knew I was your true successor. You always knew..." The girl growled at the man.

"You were not meant to be my successor! That was not my fault!" The man shouted back.

Hearing this, the woman stopped for a second. She then pointed her finger at the man, "Not. Your. Fault?" She then punched the man, "Who filled my head with dreams?" She swung another punch,  "Who said I was meant for greatness?"

"WHO DENIED ME MY DESTINY?!" The woman shouted and punched the man straight through the wall.

The girl had only anger dawning on her face and the man she punched to the wall had only regret on his face.

"I am- I am sorry, Eri..."
The anger on her face died down but when she looked down, She saw Shido's hand stabbing through her chest.


"You know Mr. Kanzaki, It takes to be a special kind of monster to make a plan to kill a little girl and you are that monster," A man who wore the attire of a judge sat on a high chair, while a man strapped to a chair sat in front of him.

"I tried to save her! You are the ones who killed her! All Might killed Eri! I am innocent!" The man shouted like a madman.

"I have heard enough of your ramblings, Mr. Kanzaki. Now for the judgment. This court has found Kanzaki Shido to be guilty of the following felonies... Murder of Pro-Hero Sir Nighteye, Damage of public property, Death of Civilians, and illegal use of Quirk to harm others.

His punishment would be a sentence of 60 years in Tartarus Prison and 10 Million Yen in fine," The judge struck the gavel and ended the trial of Shido on the case, 'Murder of Hero'.


"Surrender, Shido. The Heroes are for your help... If you surrender now, I will raise that girl you are trying to save. You are only making it hard for both of us by resisting. If you surrender now, the authorities won't take away that girl," A feminine voice said to Shido.

"Since when did the Lover of Peace & Justice, Fuyumi Todoroki, start to care about her Ex-Boyfriend and the little girl he 'picked from the road'? You are only trying to make me surrender because it will shine your image and increase your Hero ranking... Just like your dad. Someone truly said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Reporter - :: As you can see... Ice Hero Blizzard is currently in a stalemate with Shido Kanzaki also known as the Vigilante Night Slash but the reinforcements from the Pro-Hero Association are on their way. The arrest of Night Slash is not far away and we might be able to know the true story behind the 'Two-Explosion Incident of Hosu'::

Fuyumi - "Shido... I really care about you and It is for your own good. You are astray right now and don't know what is right or wrong. We can talk this through!"

Shido -"If you really cared about me, then you wouldn't have told your father about Eri. You wouldn't have sold me out to your dad and to the world and become a hero right after that. If you are truly a person who wanted Justice, then you would be chasing Kai Chisaki, not me.
Fuyumi, You just want fame and power. It's clear."

Fuyumi - " I don't want power... I don't want any fame. It was a Quest from the Secret System. I am bound to do this... The system has chosen me for a purpose and I am going to fulfill it!" She said as she slashed her Ice Sword but Shido blocked it with his katana.

Shido - "If that quest was more important to you than me... then good luck in your future 'endeavors'."

Shido said and a large explosion happened. When the dust settled down, Shido was nowhere to be seen. Fuyumi looked at the sky and saw Shido flying away with his jetpack.


Two girls who were in their teens were standing in front of two headstones in a graveyard with flowers in their hands. The headstones were covered with dust and vegetation.

They crouched down and placed the flowers. The teen with the blonde hair picked up a cloth and started cleaning the headstone and the other teen with white hair started cleaning the other headstone. When the cloth cleaned up the headstones, it revealed the name on the headstones.

"Treasured by all who knew her" - Fuyumi Kanzaki.
"A man too loved to ever be forgotten" - Shido Kanzaki.


A man wearing a black suit and red tie sat on a pile of corpses. But the corpses were not pf simple goons or criminals. Instead, their appearance was familiar to Shido. All Might, Endeavor, All for One, Izuku, Bakugo, Shoto, and many other characters that Shido knew.

"Things just got out of hand..." The man said to the only person standing in front of him.

"I would've accepted you with open hands, son. But it seems you've chosen [Chaos] over [Order]." said the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Sorry, Shido... I now have only one choice... That is to kill you," said the middle-aged man, and then a white light shot out of his back and attacked Shido.


The green light died down and Shido found himself in a space completely devoid of any color and it seemed like everything was painted white. He looked around and found himself completely alone. There was no ground, no walls. Only endless color of white was that he could see. After watching those sporadic scenarios and not knowing what they meant, he tried to focus on his current situation.

When he was trying to look around, something strange happened. The space around him started to change colors and then different videos started playing. But these were not some simple videos. The videos which were playing around him were the numerous memories and life experiences of his past.

Shido who was not able to understand a thing that was happening started to watch the memories from the videos that were being played.

When he was too engrossed in watching the memories, a voice came from his side.
"Enjoying watching your past? Don't you want to fight to save your consciousness?"

Shido turned around and found a completely black shadow which had a shape somewhat resembling a humanoid, standing beside him.

"Who are you?" Shido asked in a calm tone. When he was here, he didn't feel panic or any other emotion. Everything felt too serene to him in this endless space.

"I am the fragment of Genesis that was passed into you," The shadow replied. He sounded calm as well. There was no hostility in his voice.
"So, are you enjoying watching your past? Don't you want to fight?" He asked the same question again.

"... I don't know if I am enjoying it or not but I know that I don't want to fight."

"What memories are you watching?" Shadow asked and diverted the topic. He didn't ask why Shido didn't want to fight.

"Those ones," Shido pointed his finger at a cluster of memories that were separate from the others. In that cluster, Memories of Shido when he was a child and a girl with blue-purple hair, were playing. Undoubtedly, these were the memories of his childhood that he spent with Kaina. Before three days, he didn't even knew that these memories ever existed but now... it was his reality.

Shadow looked at those memories as well. He then pointed to a particular memory from the cluster, "What do you think about that one?"

Shido traced where Shadow was pointing at and found the memory that he was talking about. In that video, Shido around the age of 13 was being thrashed by three kids. The three kids were using their quirks to beat the hell out of Shido who was only capable of covering his head with hands.

When he focused more on that particular memory, the sound of three kids became audible to him.

Kid 1 - "Quite lucky you are, Quirkless Shit. That weirdo Kaina somehow is always there to protect you... But today we are the lucky ones."
Kid 2 - "Yeah... What were you saying last week? You want to become a hero... You want to enroll in UA Heh?" Kid 2 asked and yanked Shido's hands off his face.
Kid 2 - "Look at you. There is nothing redeemable about you. Looks, Quirks, Talent... Nothing. Yet you say you want to become a hero." He said and punched Shido straight to his face.
Kid 3 - "Let's teach him a lesson. So that he won't spout nonsense in future."

Saying this, they started the thrashing session that they had planned for Shido.
Soon that memory ended as Shido passed out from the beating.

[Outside the Mindspace]

"How does it feel to lose, Shido?! Hahahaha!" Genesis maniacally laughed as he threw the motionless body of Shido up in the air and then punched it straight through two buildings. The building's upper half got destroyed when Shido blasted through it.

Genesis' started acting like a maniac the moment Shido receeded into the Mindspace. Genesis was so sure of his victory that he was celebrating it by beating Shido's motionless body.

"For 260 years, I religiously absorbed Electric Energy for every single day to make myself this strong. I am able to destroy buildings with a single punch but I am unable to beat you to death. What really are you, Shido? Huh, what? You cannot speak? Hahaha!! Then I would find it myself. Till then, enjoying our small play!" Genesis said in a maniac-like tone and kicked Shido mid-air, sending him to the skies.

In the skies, he kicked and punched him more and then axe-kicked Shido to the ground again. Soon, Genesis came down near Shido. He then raised his hand and attracted metal around him. The metal scraps from broken cars, steel beams from destroyed buildings and shrapnels, all made a huge dome with Genesis and Shido at its center.

He then just casually waved his hand, and all the metal accumulated in the dome rushed towards Shido as he laid there without any signs of living except breathing.

"Night Slash the Undefeatable. The one who never lost a fight... Really? Then taste this defeat. BASK IN ITS FLAVOR! HAHAHA!!" Genesis started laughing as the metals constantly rushed at Shido.

This act of lunacy and brutality of Genesis was directly shown to the world. His brutal acts, His lunatic laughter... everything was captured through the lenses of the reporters.

Roxanne Ritchi - "It's hard to believe what's happening... The Brutality of it. I-I d-don't know how he can take anymore..." She said as the camera focused on Shido.

On News Channels, the News Anchors broadcasted the footage,
News Anchor - "This could be a tragic day... for the people of Los Angeles and could be the end of Night Slash."

This showed the world what Genesis' monstrous strength was as he manhandled such a powerhouse like Night Slash. If Shido was an unstoppable force, then Genesis was the immovable object. What terrified people more was the psychopathic nature of Genesis.

Such power in the hands of a madman was not a good thing but who was going to stand up against him. Shido's and Genesis' show of power made people question Heroes' capabilities as they've never seen a fight on this scale. They were aghast by the destruction these two individuals have caused to the city within such a short frame of time and the natural question for the people was,

'Can two Quirks really reach the level of power showed by Night Slash and Genesis?'
And the answer was no. So all of their hope was on one person to defeat Genesis but currently, he is getting thrashed by Genesis like a ragdoll.

In Japan, Fuyumi in the guestroom was watching the fight between Genesis and Shido. Currently, Shido was being beaten to a pulp by Genesis, who was attacking Shido and laughing constantly as he felt amusement in beating Shido. She didn't think much about it and kept her entire focus on the fight with a neutral expression on her face.

Fuyumi may have a neutral expression on her face, but it didn't reflect the inner chaos of emotions she was going through. To divert her mind, She engrossed herself in the sensation she was feeling in her hand. She had her hand inside a jar full of olive-brown hair. She took a handful of them out of the jar and then sniffed them. But it seems it was not enough, She then picked up a shirt of unknown origins and sniffed it hard with the hair, and finally, her mind eased a bit.

Meanwhile, Kanzaki Sisters in the bedroom were watching the fight very intently. Himiko was on the verge of crying and had her head buried in Eri's shoulder as she hugged her sideways. Eri was watching the fight with a serious expression on her face.

She knew her father won't be defeated by some jumpstart like Genesis. Her Papa was Night Slash, the person who has come out of various predicaments unscathed. How could someone like Genesis defeat him? She believed in Shido and believed he would come out victorious again.

'Papa is like Popeye... He just needs to stand up and eat spinach... then with one punch, he is going to knock out Genesis and show him stars in bright daylight.' Eri said to herself and brought her hand over Himiko's head to console her.


Back in the Mindspace, Shido and Shadow were watching his memories one by one.

"And that one?" Shadow pointed to another memory where Shido at the age of 15 was sitting with a pensive look on his in a hospital hallway. After came near him and put his hand on Shido's shoulder. Shido raised his head and looked at the old man with hope on his face but that hope shattered when the old man slowly shook his head. This made the teen Shido break into tears while the old man was holding back his tears.

This memory belonged to the day of his mother's death.

"And that one?" Shadow again pointed to another memory where 21-year-old Shido was at the funeral of his father. On that day, he lost the last person he could call family. He was sad but not devastated, He already had experienced the loss of his mother. But beside him stood his then-girlfriend, Fuyumi who was for his support. Then the memory cuts to the point where Shido and Fuyumi mutually agreed to break things off to focus on their own lives.

Shido had a pensive look on his face and Shadow clearly caught it.

"Not so good memories, I presume..." Shadow said.

"I didn't get the meaning behind you pointing to especially bad memories..." Shido stated but then he felt something. Shido looked around and saw a black liquid start to come out of nowhere and paint the white space into black. The encroachment of black liquid on the white space was very rapid and it didn't take it to reach Shido's legs.

"What I am trying to say is, Your life has been normal since its inception and you have been trying to keep it normal after you became Night Slash and in this normal life, you have only lost. Is there no higher aim in your life? By carrying the Laws, you have decided to curse yourself and those around you... Why fight for a life that only takes away from you?

I have a higher purpose of liberating people from 'his' clutches and letting people be the masters of their own life. I may have my reasons for revenge alongside this, but the bigger picture is the liberation of people. Then why not assist me in achieving this higher purpose? Why not voluntarily give up your body and your Laws to me and I promise to take care of your family and raise your kids as you would do." Shadow's words continued and the black liquid started climbing Shido. The black liquid slowly climbed his legs and reached his waist.

"Don't you think it is worthwhile to sacrifice yourself? You would be able to achieve something that you could never even dream about. You would become the gateway to the liberation of humankind from the gods. Have you realized this earlier and this is the reason you don't want to fight anymore? Or have you found solace in watching your past before your end?" Shadow asked.

"None..." Shido answered casually as if he didn't care about the black slimy liquid covering him slowly.

The answer confused Shadow, he then looked up and down and saw the black liquid had reached Shido's neck but there was no panic on Shido's face.

"You know when the liquid completely engulfs you, you'd be gone forever. Why are you not panicking or fighting to save yourself?" Shadow asked but it was late as the black liquid completely engulfed what was left of Shido.

"Well, whatever..." Shadow said and waited for Shido's consciousness to be merged with the black liquid, indicating the end of the process. But after waiting for a long time, Shido didn't merge with the surrounding liquid, he was just covered by the liquid.

Confused by the situation, Shadow tried to touch the figure of Shido but before he could, he heard a loud mechanical voice in the mind space. He then saw the entire mind space turning black to blinking red as if some alarm went off in the mindspace.

» » [External Consciousness trying to invade the User.]
» » [Defense Protocol Initiated.]

» » [Trying to Isolate the Hostile Consciousness from the User.]
» » [Attempt to Isolate Failed.]

» » [Hostile Consciousness to be destroyed in 5...]
» » [4...]
» » [3...]
» » [2...]

"What is happening?!" Shadow shouted as he saw the unexpected changes taking place around him.

"I cheated...again," Shido's voice resounded throughout the mindspace.

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