MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Shido Vs. NRG.

After killing 40 PX-41 Mutants in a single attack, Blood Raining, Flesh blasting away, and his suit covered in blood, Shido came out of the heap of Mutants extravagantly. But it was seen not only by the spectators present at the scene but also by the whole world as the entire fight was broadcast.

And the response from netizens to the fight was something mixed. Negative and Positive... Equally balanced. Some people liked the decisiveness of Night Slash by killing the associates of Genesis without any mercy, but others were not on the same page as them. They thought it was the use of excessive strength to outright kill people, and Night Slash could've just apprehended the villains.

The former argued that it was impossible to apprehend 1000 people, but the latter contended that Night Slash should only kill when necessary. They argued, swore, and threatened each other, but their arguments didn't make it to the battlefield-turned city of LA, and the battle took its course without listening to what the world was saying.

Similarly, In Musutafu, Japan, The Kanzaki Sisters watched the fight with their mother, Fuyumi. They all enjoyed the fight as Shido was in a fistfight with NRG, then he revealed another power when he was in peril.

Eri - "Mama, Did you see when did he wear that cool metal suit? Where did he get something like that?"

Fuyumi - "No, I couldn't see it, and I don't know if he had some suit like that..."

Himiko - "Mama, What powers does Papa have? Even the Internet person cannot tell that... I thought the Internet person knew everything, but it said no search results."

Eri - '*Scoffs* It's not an Internet person, Dimwit... It's the Internet and Search Engine. Papa really adopted a dimwit. Well, he would understand that when I will show who is the best,' She mentally scoffed at Himiko while praising herself.

Fuyumi - "Sorry Himiko, Even I don't know that..." She said with a self-deprecating smile on her face. The thing is, Fuyumi is the closest to him and still knew nothing about his powers. This may have nagged Fuyumi before, but now, she is more clear-minded after her talk with Rei. She told herself that if Shido was okay with it, he would tell her one day about it. That's it. There is no need to rush things.

Himiko - "Oh~ Mystery~... Oh, look, Papa equipped another suit but this time with weapons..." Himiko said while pointing her finger at the laptop screen. It was when Shido changed from NRG-Buster Mode to Warmachine Mode.

But the family enjoyment came to a stop when 40 Mutants jumped on Shido. Fuyumi started looking at the screen intently, and then the unexpected happened... The 40 Mutants exploded simultaneously, and Shido came out, completely drenched in blood, standing there like a badass.

Himiko & Eri - "Cool!" Shouted the sisters with their hands up in the air, but someone did not share the same joy as them.

Fuyumi - "Not Cool! It's bedtime!" Fuyumi quickly closed the laptop as soon as the gore appeared on the screen and proceeded to pick the kids up.

Himiko & Eri - "But we would miss Papa fighting Genesis..." Both whined, but the Super Soldier Mother had a firm determination.

Fuyumi - "No ifs and No buts. It's on the Internet; you can watch it later. Now come on, You two need to sleep," With a strong front, She refuted the kids' pleas. The fight was too gory for their age and inappropriate for them to watch, so she used their bedtime against them and silenced them.

Himiko - "Aaoo~," let out a slight whine while Eri had a sad look on her face that didn't look real for some reason.

After putting Eri and Himiko on the bed and covering them with the comforter, Fuyumi left the room with her laptop to watch the fight in another room.

Eri checked if Fuyumi was really out of the room, and once she was sure that Fuyumi had left, She sneakily took out her tablet and opened the fight broadcast.

Eri - "You okay with gore?" She asked Himiko.
Himiko - "Yeah, In fact, I like it..."
Eri & Himiko - "What?" Eri was dumbfounded, and Himiko acted as if she didn't say anything, asked at the same time.
Eri - "Nothing..." She turned to the screen, thinking it was her, who heard it wrong.

She then resumed the broadcast. Himiko moved closer to Eri and hugged her sideways with a smile on her face. Eri didn't do anything to stop this because she kept her hard feelings for Himiko within herself. And besides, Himiko would be able to see the fight properly if she is closer to Eri.

'The Dimwit is moving closer... but if I tell her to stay away from me, then she won't be able to see the fight properly and might even snitch to Mama that I was watching the fight on my tablet. I cannot push her away now, or Mama would snatch my tablet away. She put me in checkmate here.

She always has this dumb look on her face, so how can she play such elaborate mind games? She is more powerful than I thought. I need to let her do whatever she is doing now. It is a necessary sacrifice; I cannot put Mr. Tablet in more trouble now... Another Day, Another Defeat. But I won't be stopping here, because one day...
Victory shall be and must be mine,' Eri thought to herself, dreading over how Himiko put her in such a situation. Still, her fighting spirit didn't waver even after facing another defeat from her rival Himiko, who watched the fight on the tablet with the same dumb look on her face.

Like this, the Kanzaki Sisters watched the fight of Night Raid Vs. Insurgents.


Shido turned to the other PX-41 Mutants. He just killed 40 mutants which were just one-fifth of the total mutants. 100 Mutants were sent to rampage in the city by NRG. So the remaining Mutants to kill is,

200 - 40 (Killed by Shido) -100 (Sent to Rampage) = 60.

He was about to rush to kill the remaining Mutants, but he received a message from La Brava, which stopped him in his tracks.

La Brava - :: Chief, Dr. Nefario said he had prepared a new batch of PX-41 antidote as per your Order, and he is coming here to deliver it::

"Stop him from coming here. If he came here, he would only become prey for Genesis. Select a location far from here and send Danjuro to retrieve the antidote from Dr. Nefario at the rendezvous point."

La Brava - :: Got it Chief::

While he was giving orders, he felt something odd. He thought that it didn't feel hot anymore. After the explosions, the temperature of the battle area was relatively high. Still, Shido felt that the temperature was dropping quickly, and he didn't need to look for the perpetrator as he was flying high with his hands stretched.

"Hahaha!" NRG laughed in excitement as the thermal energy from the surrounding entered his body. And with the rapidly increasing thermal energy in his body, his size again started to grow. From 20 ft., his height was now 45 ft. and still growing.


"NRG is the perfect enemy for Shido, who defeats his opponents with the brute force of his punches and weird tricks like summoning things out of nowhere. NRG can release and absorb energy, and he can regenerate endlessly until every bit of energy inside him is exhausted. Still, he can absorb energy from his surroundings to replenish his inner stock. I want to see how Shido defeats NRG with his shitty control over the Laws..." Genesis said to Caos while looking down at the scene of the fight.

Caos listened to Genesis' words but didn't say a word to reply. She just looked at the fight without any emotion on her face.


A news helicopter was flying above the battlefield since the start of the fight. From the footage broadcasted by the Helicopter, the colossal difference in size between Shido and NRG could be seen. People worldwide who were watching the broadcast were now in suspense to see what Night Slash would do to defeat someone this big but the suspense came with skepticism as they were unsure whether Night Slash will win or not.

Under the gazes of millions of viewers, Shido took a deep breath as he stood in front of 50ft. tall NRG, but after that, he started walking towards NRG.

» » {AMOMHRER} - Spawn Tanker
» » [Cheat Activated]

Just as he activated the cheat, a large tanker truck spawned in front of him. Shido touched the Tanker while walking towards NRG.

» » ⁅ Overdrive Fusion ⁆

Again the bright light and dust started swirling around Shido, and it covered him all around, but then a giant thud was heard by everyone, and their eyes went wide when they saw the one responsible for it.

From the cloud of light and dust came out a giant humanoid mecha. It was black and had the same helmet as Night Slash, so there was no doubt that it was none other than the said Hero. Now Shido's height was around 40 ft. which was now comparable to NRG.

"Mode: Optimus Prime"

Shido continued to walk towards NRG, and NRG started to come down from the air after absorbing the thermal energy. NRG raised his hand, and Shido prepared his fist for the attack. Since Shido didn't have enough Anti-NRG Metal to cover his new mode entirely, he redirected the metal to his fist to damage NRG with his punches.

As the two closed the distance, the world prepared itself to see the battle between the two towering titans.

Shido - who was walking - suddenly accelerated and started running with his fist prepared. Energy collected on NRG's palms and then shot out towards Shido in the form of a beam.

Shido redirected all of the Anti-NRG Metal on his left hand, and when the Energy beam was about to hit him, Shido swatted the beam away like a fly and continued his rush towards NRG.

Even after Shido deflected his attack, NRG didn't stop and continued his barrage of energy blasts. On his run, Shido had to constantly redirect the metal to various parts of his Mecha body to either offset the beam's effect or block the beam.

And when the two were way too close, the fight turned into a fistfight. Shido completely covered his fist with Anti-NRG Metal and swung his fist one after another. At the same time, NRG swung his fist full of accumulated energy.

When the fists clashed, the accumulated energy exploded, and the impact on Shido was minimal, but the same couldn't be said about the surrounding. The explosion blasted away two buildings, and it was just the start of their fistfight.

Swing after swing, Shido constantly punched NRG and NRG and tried to keep up with the punches, but his colossal size came with a trade-off with his agility, and thus, he got smacked a few times, but he quickly recovered from that and continued.

This made them stay in a stalemate for an appreciable amount of time. Shido - who wanted to defeat NRG and fight Genesis quickly - knew this way he was not going to beat NRG. NRG quickly healed the damage Shido was doing to NRG. So to change his tactics, he jumped back and made some distance from NRG.

» » {JUMPJET} - Spawn Hydra.
» » [Cheat Activated]

» » ⁅ Overdrive Fusion ⁆

Shido came out of the cloud of dust and light, and this time, he had jet black wings and Propulsion Jets on his back.

"Mode: Jetwing Optimus Prime"

Shido again ran towards NRG, but he was not going for a punch, but he was going for a straight quarterback tackle this time. NRG didn't see anything new in this attack, so instead of being cautious, he just readied a punch to attack the Shido.

The moment Shido got close to him, NRG swung an uppercut to Shido's head, but the attack could not do much damage as again the Anti-NRG Metal offset the power behind the attack.

NRG was now getting frustrated because he knew Shido won't be able to cover his entire body with that metal as there was not enough to cover his new size. However, Shido could still redirect the metal wherever the next attack would land.

Shido tackled NRG, but instead of pushing him onto the ground, he wrapped his hands around his waist and activated the propulsion thrusts on his back. With this, Shido was able to pick up NRG off the ground and move forward.

NRG pressed his fists together and started bashing Shido's back, and it was working. To save his head which was in contact with NRG's body, he directed the Anti-NRG Metal to spread across his head. Due to this, his back was entirely vulnerable to NRG's attacks. The energy coming off NRG's punches started melting Shido's mechanical back.

Seeing his attacks were being effective now, NRG started bashing his hands like a madman on Shido's back.

Shido couldn't activate cheats as he was wholly occupied, so he just gritted his teeth and continued to fly while pushing NRG.


"As you can see, after transforming into something akin to a Transformer from the comics and movies, Night Slash is taking NRG to somewhere. I am making a guess here, but I think Night Slash is trying to take NRG to Manhattan Beach. I don't know what he is up to, but Night Slash has crossed his own limits of power that he had shown while fighting the attackers on LA Sports Arena and he has shown the world what he is truly capable of doing.

From taking on 4 SuperVillains single-handedly to now going solo against 1000 people... Night Slash has only tasted victory in both the confrontations, but his current opponent NRG is not a jumpstart either. The villain has now become a 50ft. tall Walking Thermal Reactor. The sheer heat emitting from his body can burn a person to a crisp, but Night Slash is somehow coping with it and supposedly pushing NRG to Manhattan Beach...

It would be interesting to see what Night Slash would do next. Will he reveal a power that we've never seen before, or would he be able to defeat NRG? We'll be seeing that, but I want to say that President Valdis was right... Night Slash is a Hero who came out of the comics. Even in a pinch, Night Slash and his unknown accomplices have taken defending the reporters and soldiers of National Guard as their top priority--," The reporter on the Helicopter following Shido said to the camera but had to stop mid-way.

"What happened, Hal?" The reporter asked the cameraman as he had his mouth wide open, and he was trembling in fear.

To answer her, he pointed his finger somewhere. The reporter traced the direction he was pointing to, and her mouth opened wide as well when she saw Genesis flying very near their Helicopter. When Genesis saw the reporter and cameraman looking at him, he waved at them and then flew towards their Helicopter.

The door of the Helicopter opened up on its own when Genesis reached the Helicopter.

"Miss Roxanne Ritchi and... Whoever you are, red-headed dude. I am a big fan, especially of your reporting on Metro Man. Oh~ wait... That's the only thing you report on. Hahahaha!" Genesis laughed and sat in front of Roxanne and Hal, and the door closed on its own again.

"Just Kidding... But seriously though, Your work is really monotonous. You just report on Metro Man this, Metro Man that, and nothing else. I am surprised to see you outside Metro City," Genesis was talking to Roxanne. Still, he stopped when he saw fear evident in her eyes, but aside from that fear was confusion, and Genesis knew what the reason behind it was.

"You must be thinking why I, the supercool villain, know about you, a local reporter of Metro City? Am I right? So here is your answer... I saw your report on how Metro Man could swat me away like a fly, and I am nothing more than an attention-seeking jumpstart. I was displeased by that report Ms. Ritchi. Would you consider retracting that claim? Please?"

Even if Genesis said please, there was no way it was a request. It was clear from his tone that he was demanding to do it.

"I won't... The report was about how Villains are doing whatever for whimsical things. Like you, a jumpstart who attacked the president, just to gain attention," Roxanne replied while putting up a strong front.

Genesis tilted his head while looking at Roxanne, "Well, Your opinions, your choice. Who am I to tell you what to say, What to think? But I want to tell you something, Ms. Ritchi... whatever I am doing now may look like a madmen's circus to you, but everything is connected to a much bigger cause. For me, fighting Night Slash is as necessary as the necessity to breathe. When the victor is decided, He is going to decide the fate of the world... or more precisely, the fate of your perception of the world." He said in a low tone and then opened the door to leave.

"What I just said may have sounded like I am overestimating the importance of this fight, but today is the day we find out who will become the enemy of this world's order. I hope you remember what I said, Ms. Ritchi..." Genesis said and flew out of the Helicopter.


NRG was slamming his hands on Shido's back while he was busy taking him to Manhattan Beach as the reporter predicted. Shido had a plan on how to kill NRG as fast as possible. 

NRG changed his tactics and instead of slamming his hands on his back, NRG placed his hands on Shido's back and started emitting energy from there. The thrusters were on Shido's back and since they were vulnerable to NRG's attack, the thrusters melted off Shido's back and the two crashed down which made a huge dust cloud rise.

The Helicopter following them finally caught up with them and Roxanne Ritchi continued her reporting. It was hard to see what was happening as the dust cloud clouded the visuals.

"AA!!" The dust cloud was blown away by the impact force of Shido's punch on NRG. Shido hardened his mecha fist with Anti-NRG Metal and then swung it again on him, making NRG back up a few steps.

NRG tried to fly off and make some distance to attack by using long-range attacks but Shido grabbed his leg and pulled him down, which made him crash onto the ground again.

The beach was now a few meters away and that was the final destination. Shido grabbed NRG's leg by using his Anti-NRG Metal reinforced hand, and started dragging him towards the beach. NRG who was in a dire situation started emitting energy like crazy to melt Shido off and reduce his size and increase his maneuverability simultaneously.

He attacked Shido's back with Energy bursts but Shido just slowly walked while dragging NRG. Bit by bit, part by part, Shido's mecha body was falling under NRG's constant attack but his steps didn't stop. It felt like Shido was dragging NRG to the ocean of death while NRG flailed to save his life. And it was correct, Shido intended to kill NRG by making him drown in the ocean.

When Shido reached the beach, he stopped walking and used both of his hands to grab NRG, and started rotating where he was standing. After a few rotations, Shido released NRG and due to the sudden loss of centrifugal force binding him to the rotational motion, NRG was sent flying in a direction tangential to the point on the circle where Shido left him and he crashed into the ocean. Steam started coming off the moment NRG crashed onto the water surface.  The heat emitted by his body evaporated the water.

NRG tried to fly away from the water but Shido jumped onto him and started punching him down.

Under Shido's enormous weight in his Optimus Prime Mode, He acted like a rock that pushed NRG down. Shido continued to punch NRG and NRG could only scream as the energy left his body rapidly and the water started becoming hot.

Shido continued his barrage of punches as they descended the sea level.


"Night Slash has taken NRG deep into the ocean... This strategy is like a double-edged sword. If not executed properly, Night Slash wouldn't be able to come up because of his huge size and might even die--" Before Roxanne could even complete what she was about to say, a jetstream of water came out of the ocean and crashed onto the beach.

The water spread out on the beach and revealed the figure of Night Slash in his normal humanoid form, crouching on the ground. His suit was wet but out of nowhere, steam started coming off his suit and soon his suit became dry.

» » [You have acquired the ability 'Thermokinesis' by defeating Boss: Adam Rogers (NRG)]
» » [Thermokinesis: User can create, shape, and manipulate extremely thermal (hot) energy capable of burning anything it comes in contact with.]

He then stood up with his head raised up, looking at his next and final opponent, Genesis, who already started descending down from the skies in his regal attire.

"Ready?" Genesis asked as his heart started beating faster and faster as the moments passed by. Shido didn't say anything and readied himself for his next fight. Genesis took the silence as his cue and raised his hand for the attack.

"Then here I come!"

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