Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 02

Xu Yue walked into the classroom, and her footsteps echoed silently amidst the buzz of whispers. The news of Li Miao's accident had spread throughout the school, creating rumors and speculation on the school's online forums. Xu Yue felt a heavy, invisible weight on her shoulders, not because of guilt, as she had no part in the incident, but because she dreaded being blamed for Li Miao's accident, as had happened in the past.


Xu Yue's eyes scanned the room and landed on her desk. She expected to see it covered in trash and graffiti, but it was untouched as if time had stood still since Li Miao's absence. The sudden reprieve from the relentless bullying left a void almost louder than the taunts themselves.


Despite the temporary peace, Xu Yue couldn't help but feel uneasy. 


Who knows when they’ll start again. I should try to enjoy this while I can.


As Xu Yue sat through the lectures, her mind wandered away from the topic. The silence in the classroom made her more anxious than at ease. She felt a strong sense of discomfort directly from Li Miao's influence. Her classmates' sideways glances and hushed whispers followed her every move, making her feel like an outsider. Each look and word felt like a needle prick, a constant reminder of her isolated position.


Following the ringing bell, hurried footsteps announced a girl entering the room, her hair tied in a ponytail and her jacket hanging loosely from her shoulders. The girl, Tang Jia, approached Xu Yue with urgency and concern, checking her for signs of distress.


"Xu Yue, are you okay?" she asked, lifting Xu Yue’s clothing slightly to scan her body for any wounds.


In that moment of concern, Xu Yue's thoughts drifted back to a distant and vivid memory. Tang Jia had stood, defiant and protective, beneath the shadow of a towering oak tree, her stance firm against the bullies that had cornered Xu Yue. 


They had found refuge in the nurse's office, the air filled with the sting of antiseptic as Xu Yue tended to Tang Jia's hands, marked by the battle they had just faced. The scratches, a testament to Tang Jia's fierce defense, were stark against her skin as Xu Yue applied gauze with careful hands.


“You know they'll start targeting you, too,” Xu Yue said, her voice tinged with worry. But Tang Jia dismissed her concern with a chuckle.


“Pfft, who cares? They have no backbone, anyway. It wouldn’t sit right with me to watch them pick on someone without doing something,” Tang Jia replied, her gaze fixed on the ceiling.


“Anyway, they're definitely worse for wear compared to me,” she added, her smirk reflecting the mischief and defiance that defined her.


That moment under the oak tree, and many others like it, had slowly peeled away the layers of Xu Yue's guarded heart, allowing Tang Jia's unwavering loyalty and sense of justice to seep through the cracks. Their relationship had evolved, an alliance formed in the shadow of adversity and a bond strengthened by moments of understanding and quiet solidarity.


Tang Jia's voice pulled Xu Yue back to the present, and she found herself again in the classroom's reality.


“I’m fine,” she responded, her voice calm and steady, betraying none of the tumult of memories that had just surged through her mind.


“I heard that Li Miao girl hit her head, serves her right! Maybe she’ll hit her head so hard she’ll forget who she is!” 


A brief smile lit Xu Yue's face, a fleeting glimpse of warmth in her calm demeanor. 


Wouldn't that be something? She pondered, the thought a wistful whisper in her mind.


The boys around her blushed at the sight. With her academic excellence and outstanding athletic abilities, combined with an almost ethereal appearance, the unobtainable "ice beauty" unwittingly thawed their hearts with a rare smile.


"Don’t say that about others,” Xu Yue gently chastised, tapping Tang Jia on the head as a reminder to speak kindly.


“Hmph, you’re too soft. That’s why they target you,” Tang Jia grumbled, her eye roll laden with affection and exasperation.


Their lunch passed under Tang Jia's protective gaze, a silent challenge to anyone who dared approach with ill intent. The day meandered on, the usual din of school life a distant backdrop to Xu Yue's introspection.


As she endured her classmates' curious stares, Xu Yue drifted through the teacher's lectures, the words fading into the background hum of a typical school day winding down. Time seemed to stretch and bend, the sun tracing its slow arc toward the horizon, signaling the end of the day. The usual cacophony of student activities filled the air as she made her way home, a solitary figure against the backdrop of a school alive with the buzz of youth and energy.


The quiet that had enveloped her day, a stark contrast to the turmoil that typically marked her interactions with Li Miao, left Xu Yue in a contemplative mood. 


Perhaps every day will be as peaceful as this one now. 


A cautious thread of hope began to weave through her thoughts. The idea of a future free from Li Miao's shadow, even for a brief respite, brought relief and a glimmer of optimism for what the next day might bring.



Xu Yue arrived at a small restaurant located in the heart of the neighborhood. The front of the building, aged over time, told stories of years gone by. However, as soon as she pushed the door open, a warm and homely atmosphere greeted her. 


In contrast to the modest exterior, the interior was brightly lit and welcoming. The mouth-watering aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, the smell of roasted garlic and peppers promising a delightful meal. Laughter could be heard from every corner, creating a cheerful atmosphere. A lively group at the restaurant's center added to the joyful ambiance.


"Yue Yue, welcome back!" The voice, filled with affection, cut through the noise. Liu Fang, the head of this culinary haven, stood at the kitchen's helm.


Her hands, marked by years of culinary battles and seasoned with tales of countless meals prepared, danced with expertise over a sizzling wok. The sight of beef and green bell peppers tumbling through the air under her skillful guidance was a testament to her unwavering dedication to her craft.


“I’m back, Auntie.” 


“I left a snack for you," Liu Fang continued, her eyes twinkling. "One of those guys ordered too much and told me to just give it to you. Don’t worry, I made sure they didn’t touch it with their chopsticks.” 


A playful protest emerged from the crowd, fueled by alcohol. "Ah, old Liu, she wouldn't mind at all. You're too overprotective," one of them teased. Instead of being offensive, the remark sparked a moment of communal laughter.


Liu Fang responded quickly and wittily, "I'm just making sure she doesn't catch your stupidity." Her response sent waves of amusement through the restaurant.


"That's right! Little Xu is going places, unlike you, old man!" one of the older gentlemen chimed in.


The exchange was a playful back-and-forth between old friends. Even as their laughter echoed throughout the room, Liu Fang and the drunken man shed their characters and joined in the delight their words sparked.


It’s comfortable here.


Amidst the warmth and laughter, Xu Yue found her place. With a smile that could light up the entire room, she made her way to her bedroom, only to return shortly after, putting on an apron and beginning to destring snow peas in a basket while listening to the restaurant-goers’ cheerful banter.

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