Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 03

Li Miao’s awakening was a harsh return to consciousness, greeted by the blinding glare of fluorescent lights overhead and the stark whiteness of a hospital room. She blinked against the brightness, her surroundings slowly coming into focus as a dull ache throbbed at the base of her skull.


Where… am I?


The question barely had time to form in her mind before the memory of her fall came crashing back—the slip on the banana peel, the flush of embarrassment heating her cheeks, and the eyes of Qingfeng High's students on her. But it wasn’t just the fall that flooded her thoughts; another wave of memories, deeper and more vivid, surged through her, intertwining with her current reality. She remembered her past life and, with it, the realization that she was now part of the world within “Blossoming Fate,” a story she knew all too well.


In the novel, Xu Yue emerges as a symbol of resilience and ingenuity, an impoverished girl whose brilliance and talent allowed her to climb out of her circumstances. Her journey was inspirational, ultimately capturing the heart of Zhang Wei, the male protagonist, whose affection for her blossomed into a love that led them to a proverbial "happily ever after."


The irony of her situation was not lost on Li Miao. To be reincarnated into one of her favorite novels should have been a dream come true, an opportunity to witness the unfolding of a cherished story up close. Yet, realizing that she was cast as the antagonist, the foil to Xu Yue’s protagonist, filled her with a sense of dread and disbelief.


Why am I the villainess?!


Shortly after Li Miao's moment of realization, the tranquility of the room was interrupted as a nurse entered, her presence a quiet reassurance. Upon noticing Li Miao's open eyes, a flicker of relief crossed the nurse's face before she excused herself, presumably to inform the doctor. Within moments, the once serene room buzzed with activity, medical professionals moving with purposeful efficiency as they conducted a series of check-ups to assess her condition.


Amidst the flurry of activity, a distinct voice pierced through the hallway's murmur, laced with urgency and concern. “Where is my Maomao?!” The words barely had time to echo before a beautiful woman, her worry etched in the lines of her elegant face, burst into the room, closely followed by a man whose demeanor radiated a calm strength.


The woman, clearly Li Miao's mother, rushed to her side, showering her with a blend of scolding and cooing that only a mother's love could combine. Li Miao found herself enveloped in a fuss of attention, her mother's hands fluttering over her with a tenderness that contrasted sharply with the clinical atmosphere of the hospital. She remained seated, a soft presence amidst the commotion, touched by the concern but overwhelmed by the sudden shift from solitude to the center of attention.


“Mom, I’m okay,” Li Miao murmured, gently pushing away her mother’s fussing hands with a soft but firm touch. She eased herself back onto the pillows, a wave of exhaustion washing over her as the adrenaline of the morning’s revelations faded.


Chen Yuehua’s brow furrowed in concern, her voice tinged with a protective edge. “Who did this to my poor baby? Someone has crossed the line today.”


The question sent Li Miao’s thoughts spiraling back to the embarrassing incident, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson. The absurdity of her predicament — defeated by something as mundane as a banana peel — was too mortifying to admit. How could she possibly explain to her mother, Chen Yuehua, that the formidable opponent that had laid her low was nothing more than a piece of fruit discarded carelessly on the floor?


I’d rather die than admit that!


For a fleeting moment, the idea of shifting the blame onto Xu Yue crossed her mind. Yet, as quickly as it appeared, a wave of conflict washed over her. The influx of new memories and the softening influence of her past life's persona had dulled the sharp edges of her love for Zhang Wei and her animosity towards Xu Yue. In fact, a begrudging admiration for Xu Yue began to take root within her, acknowledging the protagonist's resilience in the face of adversities—many of which Li Miao herself had orchestrated.


AHHHHHHHH, how could I have been so cruel to the protagonist? LI MIAO YOU’RE TOO MUCH!


The weight of her past actions crashed down on her like a tidal wave of guilt, compelling her to curl up beneath the hospital blankets, seeking refuge in their soft folds. Her legs moved restlessly, kicking out in a physical manifestation of her inner turmoil and frustration.


Unbeknownst to Li Miao, her emotional outburst had not gone unnoticed, stirring a wave of concern. Chen Yuehua, observing from the bedside, caught the subtle shift in her daughter's demeanor. Her hand flew to her mouth, a gasp escaping her lips as she watched Li Miao's futile attempts to find peace in the cocoon of hospital linen.


Turning towards Li Hongwei with eyes wide and glistening with the onset of tears, Chen Yuehua’s voice was a faint whisper, laden with fear. 


“Darling,” she murmured, the word barely a breath, “Our baby hit her head so hard, I fear Maomao... Maomao is not herself anymore.” Her voice faltered, choked by the growing fear that the daughter they knew, the spirited Li Miao, might be lost to them. 


Her fingers trembled as they sought Li Hongwei’s, intertwining with a desperation that spoke volumes of her need for his anchor in the tumult of her worries.


Li Hongwei met his wife's gaze, concerned about etching his features not just for his daughter but also for Chen Yuehua's alarmist conclusion. She's overreacting, he thought, even as he struggled to present a facade of calm, attempting to reassure her without feeding into her fears.


To Chen Yuehua's insistence and much to Li Miao's chagrin, another round of exhaustive examinations followed until the sun had set. 

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