Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 04

Dawn's first light crept through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Xu Yue as she shifted uneasily in her bed. The remnants of yesterday's turmoil lingered, blurring the lines between reality and her restless dreams.


She rose with a sense of disorientation, methodically going through her morning routine. Splashing cold water on her face helped dispel the last vestiges of sleep, and she combed her hair into a neat ponytail before descending to the kitchen. There, amidst the familiar clatter of pots and the warm scent of cooking, her aunt was already busy preparing for the day ahead.


“Good morning, Yue Yue. There’s some porridge in the fridge for you,” her aunt called out over the sound of her knife, briskly chopping scallions into fine pieces.


“Thanks, Auntie,” Xu Yue replied, her voice carrying a warmth that echoed around the cozy kitchen. She reached for a peeler and joined the rhythm of the morning’s preparations, her movements automatic as she stripped the vegetables of their skins.


A quiet hope fluttered in Xu Yue's chest as she pondered the possibility of another day without Li Miao's torment. Maybe today will be like yesterday. With her pride wounded, Li Miao might seize the chance to avoid school a bit longer.


This bit of hope kept Xu Yue going as she got ready and walked to school, thinking she might have another quiet day. But as soon as she arrived at her classroom, her heart sank. Li Miao was there, looking just fine and surrounded by her followers as usual. Xu Yue's hope for a break from Li Miao quickly vanished, and she prepared herself for the day ahead.


Yet, before entering, a glance through the classroom window painted a different picture than what she had expected. Unlike her usual commanding presence, Li Miao sat quietly at her desk, her gaze distant and contemplative. The absence of her usual entourage's laughter or her directing sharp commands was the first sign that something was amiss.


As Xu Yue entered the classroom, she overheard snippets of hushed conversations among her classmates.


"Have you noticed? Li Miao hasn't said a word to anyone today," one whispered, a note of disbelief in their voice. 


Another responded, "Yeah, it's like she's a completely different person."


Xu Yue navigated her way through the classroom with practiced stealth, aiming to blend into the early morning shuffle of students settling in. Her steps, light and deliberate, carried her to her desk—a space that had too often been the target of Li Miao’s malice. To her surprise, the surface was clean, devoid of the usual litter of trash Li Miao’s entourage took delight in decorating it with.


Could she have forgotten today? Xu Yue pondered, skepticism painting her thoughts as she glared at Li Miao. It was then she caught Li Miao stealing a quick look in her direction, an action so uncharacteristic it deepened Xu Yue’s sense of unease.


What’s happening? The question echoed in her mind, a silent alarm that something was amiss. Li Miao’s absence of malice was disconcerting—it felt too much like the ominous quiet that heralds a storm.


As the day unfolded, the shadow of anticipation grew. The classroom's atmosphere tensed under the teacher's entry, his clipboard’s tap on the podium demanding silence. He launched into the day’s lecture, but Xu Yue’s attention was fragmented, caught between his words and the watchful observation of Li Miao’s every move.


The ticking clock heralded the approach of lunchtime, heightening Xu Yue’s anxiety. This time, traditionally Li Miao’s chosen hour for harassment, seemed charged with impending conflict.




Then, without warning, a loud noise shattered the tense atmosphere. Xu Yue’s head whipped around, heart racing, to find the source of the commotion. Li Miao’s chair lay overturned on the floor, its sudden descent having caught even her closest followers off guard. The room fell into a stunned silence, all eyes fixating on the unfolding drama.


Li Miao, her expression a mix of indignation and challenge, locked eyes with Xu Yue. The glare she directed at Xu Yue was filled with unspoken accusations as if blaming her for the embarrassment. With deliberate, measured steps, Li Miao began to advance towards Xu Yue. Every muscle in Xu Yue’s body tensed, her mind racing through possible defenses. She braced herself, preparing for whatever form Li Miao’s retaliation might take.


Li Miao stepped closer, closing the distance between them with a tension-filled silence. Xu Yue instinctively moved back, only to be stopped by the wall behind her. Li Miao's presence, once undeniably threatening, now seemed oddly restrained.


“Please... try to forget what happened yesterday,” Li Miao said, her voice aiming for its usual command but landing somewhere softer, less certain. The expected venom wasn't there; instead, her words hung awkwardly in the air.


Leaning in, Li Miao stood on her toes, trying to loom over Xu Yue—an effort that seemed more comical than intimidating. The warmth of Li Miao’s breath brushed against Xu Yue’s neck, a sensation that once might have sparked fear but now only stirred confusion.


As Li Miao leaned in, Xu Yue's heart pounded, her mind racing with memories of past confrontations. She clenched her fists, bracing for the familiar sting of Li Miao's scorn. But instead of harsh words, a pause filled the air, a silence so profound it seemed to hold its breath.


“In exchange... I’ll, uh, ease up a bit. And... I’m sorry,” she whispered, the sincerity in her voice sounding so genuine it left Xu Yue momentarily disarmed.


Xu Yue's brows knitted together in surprise.


Li Miao, saying sorry? She must've hit her head harder than I thought yesterday. 

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