Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 05

Li Miao, seemingly content with her performance, left the classroom with her followers quickly scurrying after her. The room buzzed with disbelief, the air thick with whispers and speculation.


Xu Yue sat frozen, the world around her slowing down. The shock of the apology gripped her, cold and sharp, like a winter breeze suddenly blowing through an open window. Did that just happen? She questioned internally, her heart racing with a mixture of confusion, skepticism, and an unexpected flicker of hope.


The idea of Li Miao showing genuine remorse seemed as likely as snowfall in summer—utterly improbable. Could Li Miao truly change? She pondered, skepticism shadowing her thoughts.


Around her, the classroom was alive with murmurs, everyone echoing Xu Yue's astonishment over Li Miao's sudden change of heart. This collective disbelief only added layers to Xu Yue's confusion.


Lunchtime found her poking listlessly at her food, the echo of Li Miao's "Ease up a bit?" replaying like a broken record in her mind. The words were a puzzle, each piece more confounding than the last. Perhaps Li Miao’s attitude was beginning to change. 


Yet, the cynic in her scoffed at the idea of any lasting change. To her, this sudden act of kindness felt like the whim of a spoiled princess, liable to reverse at the slightest provocation. No, Xu Yue concluded, the respite, if any, would be fleeting. The notion of enduring Li Miao's "wrath" once her mood soured again loomed over her, a dark cloud threatening the fragile peace of the moment.


Xu Yue stepped out of the classroom for some fresh air. Leaning against the window sill, she gazed down at the track below, lost in thought, until an unexpected tap on her shoulder startled her.


Turning around, she found herself face-to-face with Zhang Wei. Unlike most, he wasn't deterred by Li Miao's presence and had no qualms about talking to Xu Yue. His concerned expression softened the atmosphere around them, drawing giggles and whispers from nearby girls who couldn't help but blush at the sight.


"Hey, are you okay? Li Miao didn’t do anything strange to you, did she?" Zhang Wei asked, his eyes quickly scanning Xu Yue for any signs of distress or harm. He had heard about the previous day’s events and looked for Xu Yue on his first break, fearing what Li Miao might have done as revenge. 


Xu Yue offered a faint smile, "No, I’m fine… just a bit surprised, is all."


"If she bothers you again, just tell me, alright?" He offered, his voice carrying an earnest protective note.


"I’m alright, really. She hasn’t done anything today, not even the usual stuff." As always, Xu Yue declined his offer of help, aware that accepting Zhang Wei’s protection could worsen her situation with Li Miao. The thought of Li Miao's reaction to seeing her crush stand up for Xu Yue was the last thing she wanted.


Though well-intentioned, Zhang Wei's protective gesture only reminded Xu Yue of the delicate balance she tried to maintain. She believed in facing her challenges head-on, fearing that reliance on others might diminish her own strength in the eyes of her peers.


Zhang Wei raised one of his eyebrows. 


“That girl, Li Miao, really didn’t do anything? I find that hard to believe, even from you.”


He wasn’t dense enough not to know the whole situation, including his unintended role in their conflict. He gripped her shoulders with both hands in concern. 


"Seriously, she didn’t," Xu Yue insisted, reaching up to gently remove his hands. But the moment their skin touched, a girlish squeal pierced the air, drawing their attention.


Following her classmates’ gazes, Xu Yue's heart sank. There was Li Miao, hand over her mouth, eyes wide with what could only be shock—or worse, a prelude to outrage.


Oh no, this isn’t going to end well.  

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