Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 06

Li Miao woke up in a room that felt both familiar and strange. The luxurious bed, a stark contrast to the small one she used to have, made her feel lost in a sea of blankets. She lingered between sleep and wakefulness, where her past and present seemed to blend together, leaving her anchored to neither. The cold morning air brushed against her skin, reminding her of the gap between her two worlds.


Unwanted memories flooded Li Miao's mind, and she could almost hear the whispers, feel the tension in her leg before her slip, and see the flame in Xu Yue's eyes. However, the details of her memories that occurred before the plot of the novel began remained vague, just beyond the reach of her consciousness.


The conflict within her was agonizing. Li Miao admitted the pain she had caused and felt every act of cruelty as a physical pain in her heart. Yet, she struggled to comprehend why she had been so harsh, feeling disconnected from the person who committed those acts. Each memory of Xu Yue's suffering intensified her guilt and sparked a desperate desire to make things right, to heal the divide her actions had caused.


As she lay in silence, a single question reverberated in the vast expanse of her room and her mind: "What should I do now?" The query weighed heavily on her, devoid of any direction, unsure of what her purpose was and why she was even here. 


Her hands clutched the silk sheets tightly, turning her knuckles white. Although lavish luxury filled the room around her, it felt strange and overly grand.


Even though she recognized the objects around her, such as a vanity table adorned with exotic perfumes and jewelry and wardrobes filled with silk and satin dresses, nothing sparked any feeling of familiarity within her. She tried to delve deeper into her mind, hoping to recollect any memories. Still, everything remained just out of reach, shrouded in a mist.


Everything felt wrong, unsettlingly strange to her. Was she Li Miao, the villainess whose fate was sealed by the author's pen? Or was she still herself, the person she knew before waking up in this unknown world? Questions like vultures circled in her mind, preying on her growing sense of dread. A vice seemed to catch her heart. Each beat reminded her of her uncertain identity.


And then, a thought more chilling than the rest surfaced—where had the novel's Li Miao gone? Was there a displacement, a vanishing act that had allowed her to take the place of this character? 


The idea sent a shiver down her spine, and the implications were far-reaching and terrifying. Was it possible that she had overwritten the existence of the novel's original character? Or was the original Li Miao trapped somewhere, screaming into the void, unheard and unseen?


Li Miao lay back down, fixing her gaze on the ceiling that loomed above her like a silent witness to her turmoil. The weight of her situation became unbearable. She found herself a stranger in a body supposed to be hers, in a world where she was written to be the antagonist. Fear, confusion, and a profound sense of isolation wrapped around her as tangibly as the silk sheets she gripped in her hands.


The gentle rapping at her door jolted Li Miao awake, pulling her from the depths of her thoughts. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she bolted upright, sheets tangled around her in the dim morning light.


Aunt Mei gently nudged the door open, her eyes softening at the sight of Li Miao's wide-eyed surprise. With a chuckle that carried all the sun's warmth, she smoothed the creases in Li Miao's blanket, her touch as light as a feather. "Madam, Maomao is awake!" Aunt Mei announced her voice, a melody of relief and joy that echoed down the halls. 


“Maomao, I’ve packed up your breakfast. You can eat it in the car after you get ready.” 


Her smile lingered as she retreated, a silent promise of her ever-watchful care wrapping the room in an invisible embrace.


Li Miao's first challenge was putting on her school uniform. As she struggled into the unfamiliar uniform, each fumbled button and twisted fabric battled her physical comfort and mirrored her internal disarray. The opulence of her room, reflected in the mirror as she adjusted her askew uniform, seemed to mock her confusion.


The journey to school was another ordeal. Li Miao slid into the car, her body moving mechanically, starkly contrasting the turmoil brewing within her. Unaware of the storm of emotions churning inside her, the driver greeted her with a nod and a polite "Good morning." Li Miao responded with a nod, her mind elsewhere.


As the car merged into the morning traffic, she unwrapped the breakfast prepared for her—a selection of her favorite foods, the original Li Miao's favorites. She took a small bite of the egg sandwich, expecting the familiar comfort of flavors she used to love.


Instead, the blandness she encountered made her stomach turn. Like the rest of her, her taste buds seemed to adapt to the preferences of her previous life. The food tasted foreign in her mouth, and she quietly set the sandwich aside after a few polite nibbles, her appetite gone.



As the school's silhouette loomed larger, an imposing structure against the morning sky, a jolt of realization struck Li Miao like a physical blow.


AH! What do I do about Xu Yue?!


How is she supposed to get the forgiveness of the female protagonist after her body has tormented the girl for the past few months? 


The car stopped smoothly at the school entrance. She hardly noticed it, lost in apprehension about facing Xu Yue and wishing to change the hero-villain narrative.


If you’re going to transmigrate me, do it earlier! M-maybe she'll forgive me if I crawl on the ground and beg? 


Li Miao exited the car and cursed whatever had led her to this situation. As she walked towards the school building, her determination grew larger. She knew it was a difficult task, but she was willing to try to fix the damage she had caused in Xu Yue's life.


Her heart rate increased as she left the noisy schoolyard and entered the quiet corridors. She was getting closer to the classroom, and the weight of her situation became heavier. Outside the door, she stopped to gather her courage before stepping inside.


A sudden hush fell as if anticipation charged the air when Li Miao stepped through the classroom door. Around her, the faces of her once-loyal followers lit up, their smiles a mix of devotion and excitement, oblivious to the storm raging in their leader's heart.


"Li Miao, you're here!" The words, tinged with a zeal that now seemed foreign, cut through her like a knife.


On the surface, Li Miao was the epitome of composure, her expression unreadable. Yet, beneath that icy facade, her thoughts were a whirlwind of panic and resolve.


"Should we still trash Xu Yue's desk?" one of the followers whispered, a hint of mischief in their eyes.


The question hit her like a bolt of lightning. 


If they go through with it, Xu Yue will never forgive me…


Li Miao's reaction was visceral, a shudder rippling through her body. To the onlookers, it appeared as a tremble of anger, a prelude to retribution against Xu Yue. 


In reality, she was definitely just freaking out. 




Her panic, misread as fury, spurred her followers into action. Their steps toward the trashcan were halted only by Li Miao's outstretched arm. Her hand trembled, not with rage but with an urgent, silent plea for restraint. Tears brimmed in her eyes misinterpreted as the glint of wrath.


The classroom buzzed with whispers and speculations of a crueler plot brewing. 


"Oh my God, she's going to do something even worse, isn't she?"


“Suddenly I feel bad for that girl, Xu Yue.”


Li Miao's heart screamed in protest. What the hell are you guys talking about? I'm not going to do anything!


Suddenly, she heard shuffling at a desk. Xu Yue had arrived. As the tension in the room spiked, all eyes, including Li Miao's, were involuntarily drawn to Xu Yue. At that moment, Xu Yue seemed ethereal, her beauty magnified in a way that left Li Miao breathless. 


W-why is she so pretty? I don't remember her having sparkles… Is this the power of the female protagonist?! 


No, it was the fan-girl filter Li Miao obtained from her devotion in her previous life. 


Their eyes met, and Li Miao snapped her head back in panic. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest.


As the teacher began class, she felt a presence staring a hole into her. The rest of the class blurred into the background as she struggled to focus.


I knew it! You went too far yesterday, Li Miao. She's definitely pissed!


Memories of Xu Yue's formidable resolve in the story echoed in Li Miao's mind, intensifying her dread.


I need to apologize before it’s too late. I can't take this much more… Mom, Dad, your daughter might be leaving you yet again… 


The time passed to lunch. Li Miao took a deep breath and resolved herself. Standing abruptly, she stumbled, her knee crashing against the desk. In recoil, her leg jerked back, and kicked her chair down with a slam. 


The room fell eerily silent, all eyes on her.


“Shit! Li Miao's going to kill Xu Yue!”


“Someone call a teacher!”


“Stop recording and do something!” 


She could hear the screams in the classroom, her ears increasingly red. 


Ahhhh… If God really existed, he wouldn't have put me through this. 


She looked at Xu Yue, whose face was pale from shock. This was Li Miao’s chance to apologize. Flushed with embarrassment, she limped toward Xu Yue. But fate, it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor. Tripping again, Li Miao found herself unintentionally pushing Xu Yue against the wall.


What am I doing?! 


Xu Yue's wide eyes were pools of shock, reflecting Li Miao's panic.


Words failed her as she stood, cornering Xu Yue. The proximity to the girl she had wronged left her tongue-tied, her planned apology dissolving into a mess of half-formed sentences.


"Um, please... try to forget what happened yesterday..." Li Miao's words stumbled out. 


No! That’s not what I meant! QAQ


Her mind raced as she leaned against the wall, avoiding eye contact with Xu Yue. She leaned closer to Xu Yue's ear, her voice softening to a whisper. "In exchange... I'll, uh, ease up a bit. And... I’m sorry."


As she pulled away, a sense of accomplishment mingled with her turmoil. 


Good job, me! Now she’ll believe I’m doing this out of embarrassment from yesterday. Hehe, Li Miao, you are so smart!


Li Miao retreated while patting herself on the back. Her steps were light as she headed for the cafeteria, leaving a classroom full of stunned faces. 


The change in her demeanor was so drastic it left her classmates questioning reality.


Is this a prank? Where are the cameras?

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