Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 30

“Xu Yue! We did it!” Li Miao's joyous exclamation was punctuated by a dazzling smile, its warmth seeming to melt Xu Yue's heart. In a rare display of emotion, Xu Yue returned the adoring smile. For a fleeting moment, their eyes locked, conveying an unspoken intimacy.


Then, Ying Lian disrupted the quiet moment, tackling Li Miao in a playful hug. With her mouth drooling, she nuzzled Li Miao's cheek. "Li Miao, you're so beautiful! I can't hold myself back!"


With a subtly protective shift, Xu Yue interposed herself between the girls, a playful scowl creasing her features. Ying Lian retreated, hands raised in surrender.


The workshop buzzed with energy as Xu Yue and Li Miao mingled with the guests. Reborn as a captivating star, Li Miao drew admirers like moths to a flame. "Fairy Liu'er, will you help me?"  Each plea drew her a little further away, while Xu Yue's watchful gaze never wavered.


This little cat… who knew she had these acting skills? 


Though their friendship deepened with each passing day, Li Miao never ceased to surprise Xu Yue. Unknowingly, a fierce and tender protectiveness had blossomed within Xu Yue.


Soon, the festival neared its end, with the promise of lantern boats shimmering in the river. Li Miao longed to savor every moment, but classmates gently guided her away.


“Li Miao, you can’t overwork yourself, remember?” 


“It would be a pity for Zhu Ni and Liu’er to be separated on this day!” 


"You two enjoy the night!"


Xu Yue and Li Miao were forced to leave the warmth of the workshop, leaving them alone once again. However, this solitude had become a precious part of their day. Li Miao would wave at every familiar face with playful exuberance, while Xu Yue would offer gentle support, always remaining a quiet shadow by her side.


"You don’t have to acknowledge them all," Xu Yue teased, a quiet laugh bubbling up at the sight of Li Miao's antics.


Li Miao puffed out her chest, feigning regal offense. "How could I, Liu’er, deny my adoring fans?" She looped her arm through Xu Yue's, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Won't you accompany me, my dearest Zhu Ni?"


Xu Yue's cheeks were filled with a gentle warmth that replaced her earlier feeling of amusement. "Of course."


Their smiles tangled with the vibrant hum of the festival as Li Miao continued to guide Xu Yue arm in arm. 


A flicker of mischief crossed her eyes. "My dearest Zhu Ni," she purred, a teasing smile curving her lips, "do you tire of your adoring Liu'er already?"


With a flourish, she indicated a pair of shaded stools near a vendor selling tangyuan1Glutinous rice balls filled with usually a sweet filling.. "Perhaps a delicious treat will restore your flagging spirits?"


As they settled, Li Miao's contented gurgles while indulging in her tangyuan became a delightful soundtrack for Xu Yue.


“Xu Yue, try some!" Li Miao extended a spoonful, her smile radiating warmth.


Just a few weeks ago, she would have blushed from something like this. When did this become normal for us? Xu Yue thought.


A hint of fondness softened her expression as she brushed a stray lock of hair away and gratefully accepted the spoon.


For a moment, they relished the serene stillness of mutual comfort. The faint aroma of the tangyuan and the warmth of Li Miao's smile were their entire universe.


Then, a disembodied voice pierced the intimacy. "Attention all guests! The lantern release ceremony will commence shortly by the riverside. Please gather immediately!"


Hand in hand, they strolled towards the riverbank, their steps unhurried. The usual boisterous paths had given way to a gentle lull as the crowd dispersed. A comforting stillness settled upon them, the smells of the festival mingling with the crisp night air.


When they reached the riverside, their classmates greeted them warmly. Accepting a pair of lanterns, they sought out a secluded spot alongside the water. 


They were far enough to savor a touch of privacy, yet could clearly see the river, now shimmering with the gentle glow of countless lantern boats.


Xu Yue’s gaze lingered on Li Miao. The lanterns danced in her eyes, each reflection marking a subtle flicker of emotion. With a touch of reverence, they released their lanterns onto the water.


Li Miao settled into a crouch, elbow propped on knee, chin resting in her hand. A wistful yearning mirrored the drift of their lanterns.


"Xu Yue… thank you," she murmured, her voice laced with heartfelt gratitude.


Xu Yue offered a silent nod, her gaze steady and comforting.


"Usually, these lanterns would carry my wishes alone...but this year..." Li Miao paused, a touch of vulnerability flickering in her eyes. "Something feels different."


"...It was a lot of work," she continued with a soft laugh laced with weariness. "Watching our class create something so beautiful together... it made all the struggle worthwhile."  


She turned to Xu Yue, her smile radiant. "We did it. Thanks to you… Thank you. For everything."


A barely audible whisper followed. "Do you think there's a chance I could be forgiven? For all the pain I caused..." Her gaze sought the glimmering path of their lanterns.


A wave of terror crashed over Xu Yue. Just like those frantic moments in the nurse's office, it seemed as if Li Miao might vanish in the blink of an eye. Panic bloomed in her chest, her brow furrowing tight.


Why does my heart ache for her like this?


Though she didn't grasp the depths of Li Miao's pain, her sincerity was undeniable. 


"I think you did your best."


Li Miao seemed startled by the unexpected affirmation, her eyes widening in surprise before a bittersweet smile graced her lips.  


"Yeah… I really did, didn't I?"


Turning towards Xu Yue, her expression softened. Gratitude shimmered in her eyes, the warm lantern light dancing across her delicate features. 


A strange warmth flooded Xu Yue's chest, chasing away the last shadows of fear. A frantic fluttering filled her, each heartbeat a relentless drumbeat.


She couldn't tear her gaze from Li Miao's face. There was wonder there, a gentle glow that seemed to answer her unasked questions. Tang Jia's teasing accusation echoed louder than ever: 


"That you like her! Like, like-like her!"


How could it be? Could two girls...?


Tang Jia's knowing reply flickered in her thoughts. "Duh, by being in love?"


“Trust me, you'll figure it out.”


It clicked like a missing puzzle piece. Clarity washed over her, sharp and sweet.


Ah...so that's what this feeling is. 


I love her. 


Boom, boom, boom!


A burst of fireworks startled the night, but their brilliance paled in comparison to the radiant drumming of Xu Yue's heart.


Bump, bump, bump… 


With a tremor in her fingers, her hand drifted towards Li Miao's cheek, a hesitant caress born of unspoken desire.


A flicker of surprise crossed Li Miao's features, quickly replaced by a warmth that mirrored Xu Yue's own. She placed her hand over Xu Yue's, an unspoken invitation.


As another cascade of fireworks painted the sky, Xu Yue leaned closer. Each burst of color sparked a corresponding thrill deep within her, a dizzying mix of fear and anticipation. 


Their breaths intertwined, warm and fragile against the crisp night air. Eyes closed, their heartbeats harmonized, their world narrowing to this perfect moment.


Hesitation melted away as Xu Yue's lips found Li Miao's. 


Tender and uncertain at first, then deepening, mirroring the cascade of fireworks overhead. 


As they sat there, time appeared to extend and shatter into pieces. Every sense was heightened with the marvel of it all: the comforting warmth of Li Miao beside her, the faint fragrance of lotus in her hair, and the gentle rain of fireworks cascading over them in waves of dazzling color.



That's the end of the second arc! Thank you so much for all the support, I hope you've enjoyed! Releases will slow down probably to MWF's so I have time to write and work on other stuff. If you like the series so far, feel free to leave a review, it really helps out. I'll leave you all with a sketch of Li Miao.

Li Miao eepy

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