Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 31

As the lantern festival's vibrant energy seeped away, whispers of laughter and shared stories painted the fading night. Li Miao and Xu Yue's clasped hands lingered as they neared the school's grand entrance, the air between them crackling with unspoken questions.


A charged silence descended between them, heavy with the unspoken echoes of the night's bewildering turn.


Li Miao's heart fluttered against her ribs, her cheeks flushed.


What… was that? 


The weight of that kiss – with Xu Yue, of all people – hung heavy, a surreal fog blurring the edges of reality. The warmth of Xu Yue's lips clung to her own, a stark, tender contrast against Xu Yue's usual coolness.


What… now? Li Miao's mind raced, caught between confusion and a flicker of thrilling anticipation.


Across the silent gulf between them, Xu Yue mirrored her unspoken questions.


I kissed her… 


Her normally ironclad composure trembled beneath the impulsive act. The fleeting touch, unexpectedly soft, left a tremor of exhilaration coursing through her. It… it felt right.


Her lips were so soft. 


A strange joy unfurled within Xu Yue, foreign yet thrilling.


I should ask Tang Jia about this. 


Their steps slowed near the entrance, and Li Miao's driver waited, a silent figure against the night. The car ride echoed with unspoken truths. Worlds away yet linked by an invisible thread,  their minds pulsed with a newfound, undeniable connection.


Xu Yue stepped from the car near the Ming Yue Teahouse. Eyes locking across the dimly lit street,  the night's revelations thrummed between them. A tremor of need for true closure sent Li Miao out of the car.


Under the streetlights, they paused, two hesitant silhouettes drawn sharply against the city's fading hum.


“Well… I’ll see you,” Li Miao finally broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper.


“Mm. See you,” Xu Yue's echo carried the weight of unspoken promises.


For just a heartbeat, their hands brushed in a farewell. Xu Yue turned towards the teahouse, its warmth a stark contrast to the chill settling in Li Miao's heart.


Li Miao's heart throbbed... the lingering scent of Xu Yue was a bittersweet echo in the empty air. In that absence, the realization took root: Xu Yue had become her anchor, a steadfast harbor in an uncertain world. The unwavering reliability of Xu Yue's presence was a comfort unlike any she'd ever known. But…


I’m not worthy of her love. 


Her head pressed against the cool window. With each jolt of the car, the world blurred outside, leaving only the rhythm of her troubled thoughts.



[Xu Yue]: “I need your help.”


[Tang Jia]: “The studious Xu Yue needs my help? With what, writing an essay on thermodynamics?"


[Xu Yue]: “I think I love Li Miao”


Tang Jia almost launched her phone off the bed. Xu Yue, her emotionally constipated best friend, had suddenly made this much progress in one day?




[Xu Yue]: “While releasing lanterns.” 


[Tang Jia]: “Spill. Every. Detail.”


[Xu Yue]: “We kissed.” 


Tang Jia's eyes nearly bugged out of her head.


Hello? Miss Xu, why are you even asking me?! Mission accomplished!


[Tang Jia]: “Finally! Someone got a clue!”


[Tang Jia]: “So, are you two dating?” 


[Xu Yue]: “I don’t know.” 




[Xu Yue]: “What do you do after kissing? She was silent the rest of the night.” 


Tang Jia wanted to scream. Aren’t you skipping a few steps, bestie?!


[Tang Jia]: “Did you maybe...tell her you liked her?”


[Xu Yue]: “No.”


Tang Jia was ready to tear her hair out.


What the fuck?!


[Tang Jia]: “You… have a lot to learn.” 



Li Miao dragged herself to school, dark circles smudged beneath her eyes. The kiss with Xu Yue had kept her awake all night, a wildfire of confused joy threatening to ignite her cheeks at any moment.


Ying Lian caught sight of her and immediately zeroed in, concern painting her face. "Li Miao! You look terrible! That’s no good… You need your beauty sleep!''


Li Miao fidgeted. Could she confide in Ying Lian? "Ying Lian... can you keep a secret?"


“Mhm! Of course!” 


Li Miao leaned in, whispering the words that burned on her tongue: "Yesterday...Xu Yue kissed me."


Ying Lian's squeal could have shattered glass. "OH MY GOD, IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!" she choked out, squeezing Li Miao so tightly she squeaked in panic.


"W-why aren't you more surprised?" Li Miao whimpered, cheeks rivaling a ripe tomato.


Ying Lian giggled. “Please, you two were so in love. Have you like, seen the way Xu Yue looks at anyone else?” 


The revelation hit Li Miao like a sack of bricks. This whole time, she'd been convinced Zhang Wei was Xu Yue's inevitable boyfriend. Blindsided, she could only stammer, "B-but..."


Her flustered train of thought crashed to a halt as Xu Yue sauntered into the classroom. Li Miao turned into a bashful turtle, burying her flaming face in her arms.


"Does she really like me?" she mumbled into her sleeve.


“Yeah? I mean come on, it’s like totally obvious!” Ying Lian exclaimed. 


Just then, a soft laugh reached Li Miao's ears. Xu Yue stood beside them, a playful smile warming her usually aloof features.  


"Good morning, Li Miao."


"G-good morning..." Li Miao sputtered, voice barely a squeak.


Xu Yue laughed at the sight; it reminded her of when she caught Li Miao reaching into her schoolbag just a few months ago.


"My auntie really misses you. She was sad she couldn’t make it to the festival," Xu Yue said, her voice softer and less formal than usual. “Would you like to visit our home again?”


“Mmm…” Li Miao muttered, not knowing if it was okay to partake in Xu Yue’s open affection towards her. 


“Please?” Xu Yue added, a hint of eagerness coloring her normally steady voice.


Her heart squeezed. There was no resisting Xu Yue when she looked at her like that. 


Yep, today I learned that I’m a wife-pleaser.



Kitty Li Miao: “Wuwuwu, you’re not fair!” 


Xu Yue, hugging her Maomao: “All’s fair in the game of love.” 

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