Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 35

"Li Miao! Good morning!" A classmate's bright chirping pierced the fog of Li Miao's worries.


"Ah… yeah, morning..." Li Miao slumped into her seat, barely returning the greeting. Just above her head, the old Li Miao materialized, floating cross-legged with an exaggerated yawn.


Li Miao glared at the floating apparition. Why here? Why now? Her unspoken question bounced harmlessly off the old Li Miao, who blinked back with wide-eyed innocence.


Why are you here?! The question exploded in Li Miao's mind. Thankfully, after an awkward incident with the driver, she'd realized the old Li Miao could hear her inner screams.


“Mmmm… I don’t know either," the old Li Miao drawled. It was not like she knew what had happened in the first place anyway, so why bother thinking about it? 


The old Li Miao's lackadaisical tone only irritated her further.


Ugh… I don’t think I can handle this right now… 


First, Xu Yue's confession… now this. She tugged at her hair in mounting frustration. Meanwhile, Xu Yue entered the room and paused, seeing Li Miao's bedraggled state.


Pfft… she looks like a feral cat right now.  


Xu Yue approached, unaware of the chaos swirling inside Li Miao's head. Then, it happened.


"Good morning… Maomao." Xu Yue's voice held a seductive warmth that Li Miao had never heard before.


Time itself seemed to freeze. Whispers erupted like a wave crashing over Li Miao:  




“Oh my god, what kind of progress is this?!” 


“Mercy… please, my stomach isn’t ready for dog food in the morning…” 


Her face a blazing bonfire, Li Miao wilted into her seat under the onslaught of knowing smiles.


Xu Yue blinked in confusion. "Maomao? Is something wrong?"


"G-good morning," Li Miao choked out.  


Xu Yue, are you trying to send me to an early grave?! How am I supposed to withstand something like that in the morning?!


Just then, the old Li Miao appeared, a twinkle in her sleepy eyes. “Ahh… so you two are like that~ hehhh,” she murmured, finger tapping her chin.  The knowing grin was the final blow.


Not you too… Li Miao slumped over, burying her face in her arms. 


The class giggled, their amused gazes adding to Li Miao's misery.



The day Li Miao feared arrived – and vanished even faster, swallowed by her distraction. It turns out that ghosts make surprisingly quiet classmates, and the moment lessons began, the old Li Miao yawned, muttered "Sleep time...", and melted into her body. 


So she can do that? Well, that’s one thing off my mind right now…


At lunch, problem number two materialized with a smile.


“Um… classmate Xu… can you stop staring at me?” Li Miao mumbled, cheeks blazing beneath the other girl's intense gaze. 


Xu Yue blinked. "But I like looking at you," she replied with perfect sincerity.


“I’m not comfortable with this.” Li Miao mumbled, wriggling free of Xu Yue's intense gaze.


Too late. Ying Lian materialized at their table like a shark that smelled blood. “Say… When did you two get so close anyway?”


“A-ahaha…” Li Miao ignored the question with an awkward laugh. 


“When she came over last night.” Xu Yue said nonchalantly. 


Eyes popping, Ying Lian snatched Li Miao's hands. "Sleeping over? Spill the details!"


Before Li Miao could squeak a protest, Xu Yue casually brushed Ying Lian's hand away, pulling Li Miao possessively closer.


“I-it wasn’t like that! Don’t say something that misleading!” Li Miao shouted in exasperation. 


Someone, please save me… 


Finally, Ying Lian relented, slipping away, leaving behind the faint aftertaste of her syrupy gossip. Silence stretched across the room, more oppressive than the usual whispers. Li Miao glanced at the clock – where was the teacher? An uneasy hush had replaced the familiar classroom din.


The door slamming open was like thunder shattering the brittle quiet.


"Student Xu Yue," gasped their teacher, "Your aunt...she's in the hospital..."


Xu Yue's world shattered. Face crumbling, she gripped the edge of her desk so hard her knuckles turned white. Her mind became a cyclone of one desperate scream: 


What do I do? 


Then, through the chaos, a familiar scent – lotus and summer days. Li Miao was there, arms wrapping around her in a fierce embrace.


"Xu Yue, breathe!" Li Miao's voice cut through the panic.


Tears blurred her vision as Xu Yue turned to Li Miao. "Aunt… she..."


"Yes… She’ll be okay," Li Miao said, her hands rhythmically stroking Xu Yue's back, her words a lifeline, not empty platitudes.


"Maomao… come with me?" Xu Yue pleaded, her usual composure gone, replaced by a raw vulnerability that broke Li Miao's heart.


"Mhm. Of course," Li Miao squeezed Xu Yue’s hands. No more words were needed. They moved in unspoken sync, escaping the classroom, steps pounding as they raced towards the hospital.



Xu Yue's heart hammered as she burst into the hospital room.  Her aunt sat among the stark white sheets, a flicker of a smile attempting to hide her exhaustion. "Yue Yue..."


"Auntie!" She rushed to the bedside, clasping her aunt's frail hand. A lump swelled in her throat, choking back the overwhelming questions.


Liu Fang's soft greeting brought Li Miao forward.  "Little Li Miao… thank you for coming."


"Auntie, please rest," Li Miao urged, her gaze flitting between their hands. The doctor's words still felt surreal: Overwork, a busted pipe. Then, the worst: Early-stage thyroid cancer. It was treatable, but that didn't erase the chilling word.


Liu Fang chuckled, the sound laced with weariness. "Guess this old body finally gave out..."  Her hand stroked Xu Yue's cheek, worry dimming her tired eyes. "Yue Yue, will you manage?"


Xu Yue fought back tears. "Don't worry about me, Auntie. Just get well." But inside, panic surged. Surgery meant lost income and impossible medical bills. What would they do?


As if sensing her despair, Liu Fang sighed. "Your studies, Yue Yue… there's enough saved for you to find a place. The restaurant… don't let it hold you back..."


"But–" The room seemed to close in. Their livelihood, their home, depended on them reopening. How could her aunt ask this?


Li Miao stepped forward, her voice a clear note amidst the swirling worry. "You can stay with me."


Hope sparked in Liu Fang's eyes. "Oh, Little Li Miao… to burden you and Yue Yue so..."


"It’s not a burden, Auntie," Li Miao's smile held genuine warmth. "Friends care for each other, right?"


Xu Yue stared, shock melting into an anxious frown. "That's too much  – imposing on your family – "


Li Miao raised a playful eyebrow. "You hate me so much, you'd rather be alone?"


Xu Yue adamantly denied it, “How could that be? I - ” 


Li Miao clapped, cutting her off. "Great, it's settled! Now, let's go home."



Cohabition arc incoming

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